I want a boyfriend who is talented at cooking.
I want a boyfriend who is talented at cooking
>want a boyfriend who is talented at cooking.
I want a girlfriend who offers more to the relationship than just a wet hole
I cook professionally but I'm not a fag.
I am also gay and I can cook.
Sorry op most chefs are str8 in my experience
I am, but I'm depressed broke and not close to you so gg.
>I want a boyfriend who is talented at cooking.
thats your job tho
Does it really matter what anyone says in this thread since no relationship will come of it
I'm a girl (female)
I also know how to cook. I would love a boyfriend who could teach me to be better at it.
>tfw no gf to cook steaks for then refuse to make it well done
Please be in NJ
>I also know how to cook.
cereal doesnt count sweetheart ;)
Are you in Europe even?
>I'm a girl (female)
>I'm a girl (female)
Lies. Send proof of womanhood to [email protected] and i will hook you up with a chad who is a cheff and lives in a comfy as fuck paradise.
No need to insult me. I'm not the very best quite yet, I usually do homestyle cooking but I desire to go beyond my comfort zone.
dead inside but still horny#6939 on discord.
Jesus Christ man you're desperate, always going after every self proclaimed girl
I am a young man in the same situation as you, I am new to cooking and would also like a gf that could teach me stuff.
I just need to be less of a social creep and things should improve
Lies. Brits don't know how to cook. Or are you a pajeeta?
Lets learn cooking together instead
i am a decent cook, but you might not enjoy the things i make. honestly, i consider myself a better cook than my brother, a professional chef
i taught myself, but i'm really into nutrition
i make really good home-made tendies, deep-fried in coconut oil so they're not even unhealthy...
i can bread them (which makes them taste way better) or not, which makes them healthier
That's why you'll never touch a pussy, retard.
I touched one last weekend you bitter whore haha
Thanks for confirming your only value is the pussy between your legs :)
Who said I was a girl?
>tfw you'll never cum on the food you just prepared for your gf