People aren't having as much sex as you think

>have sex with a girl from tinder last night
>8/10 , in a soriety, a bunch of Stacy friends, like 1000 followers on IG
>She is still obviously nervous to fuck me

No way this girl is getting chad's dick every weekend. I was nervous too and if anything this made me more endearing to her. Obviously she wasn't a virgin or anything (neither was I) and this isn't saying no one is ever getting laid, but if you think every girl you know is out getting fucked every weekend you are mistaken

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my perception is so screwed up I don't know what to believe anymore


Try getting out of your room and stop listening to the incels on Jow Forums

>Try getting out of your room

and then what? then i only have 1 perspective (my own)

How tight was her puss puss?
What position did you do her in?
Did she have a boyfriend?

Okay lmao. The worst normies have like 60 encounters a year

She was probably nervous because you look like a psychopath and she thought you were going to kill her
Anyway get off my board normalfag

shes probably used to having drunk sex

This. lmao
She probably gives her pussy up every night

This. She is just unsure because she wants to keep selling her body to chad. You'd probably kill her with your degenerate fetishes

Best way to think about the world is that there are NO set rules to anything. People on here will have you believe that things are always going to go a certain way but that's far from the truth.

This. Modern women are cagey about relationships or getting emotionally close to you but will fuck around on tinder

Cope. She was nervous with you because you are a fragile beta bitch. Modern women feel super comfortable about having one night stands with BBC chads.

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Then why does she text me afterwards saying she wished I stayed longer to cuddle with her (lol) and that she wanted to hang out again?

Batty boys have a lot of sex mang

they're just bitter virgins, I wouldn't get too thrown off by it

>has had sex
>goes on date with girl who has had sex
>has sex with said girl after first date
>People aren't having as much sex as you think

Just because she was nervous doesn't mean she isn't a fucking slut. I refuse to partner with anyone who is not a virgin.

Because she is feeling down right now and needs attention to feel better about herself. Once chad comes she will keep you orbiting around her.

Well that's why your here mate. Anyway this was the 2nd time I met her.

Maybe, but let's be honest I am only using her because I like the attention from a female.

>Second time I met her
This is disgusting. Your part of the problem. I feel sorry for the next generation.

a girl made this thread

I love how many robots think they are the only ones who have feelings and self doubt and self awareness and that the reason they aren't successful is because they're sooo burdened by existence and 'normies' are just on autopilot.

It's a real convenient cope to think that other people don't have to try and you shouldn't have to put in the effort because other people don't have anxieties and concerns. Almost everyone does, its just a matter of momentum and continuing to do things that make you feeling trepidation because you want the outcome. Why do you think alcohol is so popular? Primarily because it reduces social anxiety and self consciousnesses. Everyone is using whatever tools they can to mitigate those feelings.

If you don't have a good understanding of people its way too easy to think their confident social media profile means they are confident but that's total garbage, people are just projecting their desired personality, and everyone wants to seem confident and cool. It's funny actually, some people I know who have the most outwardly high value social media presence are actually awkward as fuck irl. This goes with the idea that most people are super confident in bed and just with the process of getting some but they aren't. They might want to be that way, and especially girls now its trendy to imply powerful sexual ownership. But they're still insecure as fuck about their bodies most of the time.

Because she didnt lol. Nice cope fantasy

Nice projection. You are coping real hard with this post.

>just projecting their desired personality
Gonna need a source other than your ass, NPC

>in a soriety
nice larp faggot

Sorry you bitter fags can't imagine the idea that most people have sex, but it's not always an often occurance.

Crazy I know

Lel what am I coping with? I went from no friends and no pussy to having both, I'm pretty satisfied honestly. It was eye opening getting to know people I thought were really put together and collected only to realize they were fucked up too. The social game is hiding your fuckupness because that makes people think you're further up on the hierarchy.

What do you want, a clinical trial ya autist? We're on a discussion board, I'm giving my opinion. Dry your tears mate

I feel I should go deeper into this so you shut your faggot face up.

Although normies may feel anxiety they do not know what true anxiety is. We say they don't have to try hard because they don't. They've always had friends. They've never had any REAL trouble making new friends in a new environment. Its like comparing the anxiety you might get when you are 5 minutes late for an appointment vs the anxiety you get when you fall off a boat in the middle of the ocean and nobody can hear you scream.
>Why do you think alcohol is so popular?
>lol stop looking at peoples social media profiles
Nobody here does that. Nobody here has social media at all. No robot has a facebook account and if they do its a fake one with a fake name with zero friends.
>blah blah blah i'm a degenerate that fucks insecure women to boost my low self esteem
>blah blah blah sex is the most important thing in the world
>blah blah blah just getting laid will solve all your problems bra

You are coping and projecting really fucking hard right now. Nobody here even wants your degenerate life style. Its not about getting laid. Its real bonding, not one night stands with some whore you had two dates with.

You are the one who is coping and projecting my friend.

>be normie
>make friends
>start getting pussy
>thinks this makes puts him above others
You are coping because you are living a sad degenerate life style. I doubt your friends are real friends. More like acquaintances you see every month. I doubt the pussy you get is worth it.
How old were you when you had no friends? 14? 15? Now you're 18 and you think you were a Robot.
So lets just go over this. You think that you were a robot and thus you are projecting your old perspective onto everyone here. Second you are living a life you know deep in your heart is disgusting and but to cope with the shallow life you are living you make these boisterous claims about getting used pussy ect ect.

>Its real bonding, not one night stands with some whore you had two dates with.
Dude, this applies for you and me and all true robots here, but I fear that most posters are actually just failed normies who indeed only want one night stands - and yet failed even at that, which is pathetic as fuck considering how easy it is to be degenerate in the modern world...

Going to have to go ahead and disagree.

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>I'm giving my opinion
Wrong, you are making a claim that you need to substantiate with evidence. Your failure to do so means youre conceding that you dont actually know what youre talking about.

OP here, I hardly ever come to Jow Forums I was just thinking about what I posted and I thought I would share it with y'all.

Holy fuck the salt in this thread is hilarious. No wonder no one likes you guys lmao

Hahaaa man I'm coping? You don't know anything about me, I don't even live a degenerate lifestyle and I prefer monogamous bonding. This is problem- you think it's not possible for someone to be suicidal depressed, so anxious they can barely breathe, and at other times in their life be well connected with people and having good friendships. You only have to look to various famous people who have everything but are still miserable fucks who end up killing themselves, even though there's thousands of people who would drop everything to hang out with them. People can have contradictions. I'm just saying don't get sucked into believing the external facade.

>blah blah blah i'm a degenerate that fucks insecure women to boost my low self esteem
>blah blah blah sex is the most important thing in the world
>blah blah blah just getting laid will solve all your problems bra

>projecting I never said any of these things

>normies can't feel anxiety
>alcohol is only used for degeneration
>no one here has social media or looks at it(I do)
>no one here wants the normie lifestyle (you seen pretty jealous it them tbqh)

Sure I kind if agree with your last statement, sex without intamacy is pretty pointless, but how do you think you gain that intamacy?

Anything that makes them think they might actually have to put in effort to improve themselves is an auto trigger, it's a bit sad. Kinda like life is an MMO, and yeah some people have a lot easier time leveling up and start with good gear or whatever, but they don't even want to leave the starting zone which they could easily manage. Better to just look at the high level players and cry about how it's unfair, meanwhile there are people with much shittier lives who turned themselves around.

Famous hollywood people kill themselves because they live superficial degenerate lives. They don't have real friends. They don't have real lovers. You are just repeating the same exact thing I said.
>This is problem
I specifically stated that its very possible most of the people in the world don't feel the same level of anxiety as others. Normalfaggots like yourself don't know what social anxiety actually feels like. You might get jitters before meeting someone but you don't go into full fight or flight mode. Most people don't get so tense at the idea of meeting another person that their adrenaline starts pumping so much their hearbeats increase to the point they start shaking. They don't get to the point where every movement you make has to be deliberate because otherwise they are too scared to move.

You faggots always come here and project yourselves onto everyone here. I'm positive many here suffer from things ranging from anti social disorder to depression. Not normie depression that lasts 2 weeks but major depression disorder.

I never said normies can't feel anxiety, i said they don't feel it to the extreme as many Robots do.
>having social media
That makes you are normalfag. Normalfags love social media. They love having an identity. You are a normalfag. One thing normalfags love about having an identity is trying to make their identity unique. So I understand why you might want label yourself a robot but you aren't.
>sex without intimacy is pointless
The way you said this still bothers me. You say it as if you can have sex with multiple people in your life time and still remain intimate.

>applying a shitty freshmen level sociology blogpost by a sjw to robots.

How the fuck do you know?

Prove it.

Everything in this post could be applied with at least as much justification to poorfags and yet normans rage if anyone tries to tell them to work harder

Again, you think that serious trauma and tragedy are your special privilege and that people who go out and do things in spite of it can't possibly experience those things.

You wanna know a bit about my life? When I was a kid I had malaria. My parents moved around, I had one friend in primary school and in high school I hung around with a bunch of autist gamers. The malaria started a chain of poor health that lead to me at one point when I was 21, weighing 94 lbs. I've been to over 25 medical specialists in my life. I've been on anti depressants, anti psychotics, fed through a tube in my nose in hospital for weeks because I couldn't hold down any food. Throughout this time I had no active friendships and had to deal with panic attacks with nobody I could rely on. I've felt a general desire not to be alive for most of my life, suicidal feeling at times but more generally just a ceiling of how good I could feel. I made the effort to get (partially) better, because I knew what rock bottom felt like, I knew what it felt like to be a worthless nauseous pain-wracked NEET. Now I have good friendships and some traction in my life. I finally lost my virginity at 24. I still feel a bit anxious every time I leave the house, and still have my pissjug days because I don't want to leave my room and make eye contact with my housemates.

There's so many people here who are a low hum of misery, where they still have their creature comforts of the internet dopamine drip. Sometimes it's got to get so bad that you just can't live that way anymore. I don't know your life but it sounds like you're looking for an excuse to keep living the way you are. That's fine if you want to do that- but it's pure delusion to put yourself in this position of being so hard done by any change isn't possible.

I generally don't like to apply labels to myself but if there was one it would not be "normalfag". I honestly don't love social media I hate it tbqh and don't often use it, but having things like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat is an easy way to keep in touch with people. The main reason I don't like it is because of the extreme narcism, you would probably agree with.

I have some friends, a decent job, I am moderately fit and good looking, but you know what? I struggle DEEPLY with forming genuine emotional connections with people, and over time this has made me feel lonely an isolated, much like you and alot of other people I imagine.

lets see a picture of this "stacy"

It varies. Some people have only had it a couple of times and some have been fucking non stop since 13. For the most part it's probably less than you think. Any amount of sex is okay, it's nobody else's business.

>"Hey girl, let me get some of that stank on my hang low!"
And OP wonders why the girl didn't respond to him.

Probably because you can make her say whatever you want in your imatination where this story takes place.

>You wanna know a bit about my life? When I was a kid I had malaria. My parents moved around, I had one friend in primary school and in high school I hung around with a bunch of autist gamers. The malaria started a chain of poor health that lead to me at one point when I was 21, weighing 94 lbs. I've been to over 25 medical specialists in my life. I've been on anti depressants, anti psychotics, fed through a tube in my nose in hospital for weeks because I couldn't hold down any food. Throughout this time I had no active friendships and had to deal with panic attacks with nobody I could rely on. I've felt a general desire not to be alive for most of my life, suicidal feeling at times but more generally just a ceiling of how good I could feel. I made the effort to get (partially) better, because I knew what rock bottom felt like, I knew what it felt like to be a worthless nauseous pain-wracked NEET. Now I have good friendships and some traction in my life. I finally lost my virginity at 24. I still feel a bit anxious every time I leave the house, and still have my pissjug days because I don't want to leave my room and make eye contact with my housemates.

is this pasta?

Normies are so braindead it's debatable if they can even be considered sapient. Any tiny bit of feeling they have is immediately overwhelmed by their monkey-like brain telling them to just unga buga talk party fuck.

You can use it as one if you'd like. You could try using google and your brain first though

Do you really believe this? Do you actually have any interaction with the outside world too justify your claims, or are you just parroting what your robot friends have told you?

that guy has no style, he looks so awkward.

also, OP, i think a lot of people are used to having drunken sex, but not normal sex. they're very different.

It wasn't even last night that made me think of this. Most or the single girls I know are not getting fucked that often. Sure some more than others, there undoubtedly sluts out there who are going out clubbing and coming home with a new man every Friday. I'm just saying it's not as if every one of your "normal" female classmates, co-workers ect. is like this. Maybe if you guys tried talking to them you too would realize this.

>Maybe if you guys tried talking to them you too would realize this.

no, that will not happen because it's so much easier to sit inside while telling yourself that everyone else who gets ahead doesn't deserve it because of all these special circumstances, and that they're not getting what they want in life because they're being robbed by life/society/normies etc. the reality is that most people here have a terrible victim complex and blame their situations on external factors to an unrealistic extent.

Why the fuck do you think they'd be telling you how often they get fucked, retard?

My normalfag friends and family.

>have sex with girl from tinder
Why are you here?

they're having even more sex than we think
you anecdote ain't shit

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