Why do robots hate the big city so much?
They're perfect territory for robots
>Lots of alleys to hide in
>Fast internet for cheap
Living in a city is objective superior to living in the sticks.
Why do robots hate the big city so much?
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I think living in the suburbs near the city is the best.
Im planning on moving into a big city next year for grad school and it seems comfy since I spend most of my time inside anyways, and most things are within walking distance which is nice. It sucks living in the suburbs since I dont drive and it takes a long time to commute to where I need to be.
>>Lots of alleys to hide in
I'm not a fucking homeless goblin you retard
If you live in a nice euro city it can be pretty comfy. For a Burger/Canuck/pretty much anywhere else cities are nothing but disgusting loud crowded nigger-filled anxiety-inducing trash-heaps of crime and disease.
Most American cities are just sprawling concrete masses polluted by Walmarts and little shopping plazas every mile. They were not designed for people but rather designed for vehicles. The limited public transportation is typically shitty and full of niggers. I've lived in cities and I've lived in small, isolated towns. I find places around 50k to be the best, they can offer almost all of the same amenities that a bigger city has while also being much more laid back and cheaper.
You think Bumfuck Ohio is going to compare to living in San Fransisco or New York City?
Have you ever even been outside your room LMAO
Here's your broom closet 'apartment'. That'll be $5000 a month, please.
>>Lots of alleys to hide in
all i need is my pc
they have that in small towns as well
yeah lots of different cultures..
>>Fast internet for cheap
thats a plus
also cities are rushed, full of degeneracy, full of noise etc.
I would love to buy a house a few miles outside a small town. you can do whatever you want without people bothering you. you dont have to reckon with anyone.
What city is that picture from?
>tfw moving from the UK to NYC next year
Will be able to afford 600-800 sq ft in Manhattan or Astoria, Queens
Don't need any more than that.
I have basically a national park in my back yard back home, never leaving again
It doesn't have enough cute pink houses! >_<
I'm also scared I might get mugged, assaulted, or even raped in one of those alleyways...
Fuck that I'm moving to the desert one day
You know what cities are full of? People. Why would I want to live somewhere where I can't go anywhere without seeing someone?
You've been fooled by media and entertainment into thinking that you need to move to the city to enjoy these things in order to have a happy and fulfilling life. In reality cities are shithole mental illness generators. But people are so lost that they think because it has "shows you can see" or "cultural experiences" that it improves your life. It doesn't.
>shaved my head yesterday because I was tired of long hair
>some drugged antifa punches me for being a "skinhead"
we don't even have skinheads in my country
>mass surveillance everywhere
>can't go outside without being asked where you're going and why
>some drugged antifa punches me for being a "skinhead"
I don't believe you
Big cities are generally much better for work though
don't believe me retard. It was mainly my fault because I also wore a bomber, but I didn't expect to get punched by some urban tribe trope from the 90s
>Colorado man, whose claim of being stabbed for looking like neo-Nazi went viral earlier this month, admits to faking police report after knife acciden
>Big cities are generally much better for work though
Depending on what you're doing, this can be true. But I bet you can find just as much demand in smaller cities that aren't the "cultural hubs" like NYC, because not as many people want to live there. Again, depends on what you're doing though.
>Lots of alleys to hide in
the fuck
these are all normie extrovert things
What kind of robot goes "Haha, I love living in the big city. Time to go out and enjoy the culture and maybe go out to eat or look for some entertainment :DDD"
i hope to have a comfy suburban home with a qt wife one day
>Lots of alleys to hide in
Why the fuck would I hide in an ally when I can hide in the comfort of my house without getting mugged
That requires you to go outside around a bunch of normies
Again, this would require human interaction
Again, this requires human interaction and friends
>Fast internet for cheap
Objectively not true.
The funny thing is that its not actually more cultural. A backwoods american town that still has grannies setting hot pies on window sills is more cultured than any city. If you want to experience real culture you don't go to cities anymore. It may have been the case 100 years ago but today all cities are exactly the same Cities are multicultural shit holes these days, with the same shops, same people and same culture. Real culture is in the country side.
European cities are exactly the same though.
I live in SF and I can assure you living in "bumfuck" 50k city Ohio is a much much better alternative to living in this dump.
I live downtown in a big city and there's homeless people that sleep outside my apartment and always ask me for change even when I walk by them 5 minutes later.
One guy even yelled at me
Obvious butthurt Jow Forumstard is obvious
>packed in like sardines with as many normalfags as possible
>literally everything I don't like is Jow Forums and/or fascist
Fuck off, retard
Yeah you're retarded cause what he said was true. I guess you're the butthurt multicultralist.
I've visited western yurop several times over the past few decades and while it is getting worse, the cities are still leagues better than anything that exists in the new world or asia. You don't know just how good you have it over there.