Just found out im trans AMA

I just find out im trans the other day i told my mom and she support me!! Im so excited she says were hoing to the dr tomorrow so i van start htr and become a girl she says she always seen me as dauvhter ama

She says we have to wait until i am full woman befire we tell dad. Im really nervous im scared she says he will love me and do not scare. Ama

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im sorry for all the abuse you'll receive on this thread.

love you. you have my support

>just found out im trans

you're not special, no one cares buddy

what's it like knowing you'll always be grotesque?

u post this everyday

hemp or nylon?

have a nice day trans daughter

So you're actively making the choice to end up a suicide statistic.

God speed user

fuck off propaganda poster

Kill yourself. People like you are the reason western civilization dies

seriously, give me any reasons you have to hate on people like this. your hate is unfounded,

fuck off you pathetic freak. You're abnormal and everyone apart from virtue signalling zoomers hates you. I wish I could stab every one of you

You're intentionally making yourself more ugly.
You're the antithesis of beauty and goodness.

Fucking kek that got me

make yourself a nice bleach and ammonia cocktail to celebrate faggot.

how they fuck do you just find out your trans im really fucking confused

>you're not special
Yes she is

There aren't many trans people in the world

Kys tranny nigger

being a mentally ill =/= being special

>being a mentally ill =/= being special

Yes it does

you invade our board, go to lgbt faggots and stop doxing kids to take hrt with your sick twisted degenerate mind

Im just signal boosting this and sending positive vibes, you are loved

Yes he* is


good for you user! hope you're one of the few who live past 30!

Your lonlieness and depression has led you to seek attention by any means possible.

You have tricked yourself into believing becoming trans is the only way to be happy.

Once you are disfigured and mutilated you will continue disfiguring and mutilating yourself until you are satisfied

You will never be satisfied and fall back into lonlieness and depression while being disfigured and mutilated. You will take the final step and end your life. All you will have achieved is draining your wallet and your families while destroying your families heritage.

keep telling yourself that faggio

Found out? What was it written inside a fortune cookie? Kys faggot.

>tranny enabler namefag
Just kill yourself

not all mental illnesses are the same. most people have attention whore syndrome which makes them do illogical and retarded shit for attention

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I feel like you're trying to be insulting but failing miserably

How many times can a person find out they're trans. Do you keep switching back and forth every time?

if ur older than 16 youll just look like a faggot in drag, which is why i dont do it

>Just found out im tran-



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If you found that remotely insulting you must be an insecure tranny faggot

fuck off to be quick though you might kill yourself. not saying thats a bad thing.