My dream is to become a subsistence farmer and live off the grid. I will spit in the face of capitalism and consumerism.
My dream is to become a subsistence farmer and live off the grid. I will spit in the face of capitalism and consumerism
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Lol cool fantasy bro. Have you ever even gone camping for more than a couple days? You wouldnt last a year
Your dream is to be a batty boy you batty boy
NO GOYIM, You live to serve us, leaving your cog spits in the face of Y*WH's order
I've looked into it and it's not only super-expensive and unstable, but also super tough on you. Remember that most "off-gridders" do not rely on their farm for the majority of their needs and have a side income to fund their lifestyle.
Good luck breaking into subsistence farming user. You will hang yourself in a few months.
This is me, inherited a little farm and live on my own now self sufficient. Super comfy and rewarding, even if it's hard work.
Even bush niggers have worked out subsistence farming doesn't play out long term user.
Do you really want to be the same as some dirtfarmer in Africa?
If it means freedom and not being controlled by corporations, then yeah.
Freedom will only come with the total destruction of industrialized society.
Good luck buying gas, potable water, cisterns, equipment, dry goods, livestock, 200+ tools, lumber, concrete, piping, steel, nails, screws, fertilizer, glass, excavators, pumps, quonsets, a way to heat your home, farm equipment, and LAND.
Without capitalism.
Or did you think you just walk out there and magically start building stuff?
Is the only way you can make it viable without a big wack of money. If you didn't have to invest a whole lot initially.
The only thing you need is land and know-how.
that's a smol house
any pics of the inside?
>Freedom will only come with the total destruction of industrialized society.
not worth it
btw you can be free if you save up and do off the grid right
Sure land is expensive, having that already helps.
But you still need money and good resources to back up that know-how. And you can't do it alone, you'll still need to hire people for stuff, like digging your well, and pouring concrete for your foundations for instance.
Your life will still not be in your own control. You will still have to deal with the effects of industrial society, such as damage on the enviroment, taxes, inflation, and so on.
Industrial society must be completely removed before you can have any real freedom.
>Industrial society must be completely removed before you can have any real freedom.
Man, just because you read a kaczynski manifesto doesn't mean you got it figured out. Sure, you will be free-- To spend all your waking hours doing chores-- and fighting off the elements and sickness, lol
>Industrial society must be completely removed before you can have any real freedom.
You're thinking theoretically. While you are right, this isn't feasibly attainable by one individual. But what someone can do within their lifetime is to achieve the self-sufficient off grid lifestyle. So realistically, it is freedom.
>You will still have to deal with the effects of industrial society, such as damage on the enviroment, taxes, inflation, and so on
Honestly, none of these things will have much effect on the off-grid individual. Not to say environmental damage isn't happening, but depending on where you live it won't have any tangible effects on your life. Taxes will, if you have to buy things. But there wouldn't be things to buy if there weren't taxes, so it's kind of a package deal. Inflation, again same thing. These feel like big influences to the connected individual because you're flooded with/seek out information on it, which isn't an issue off-grid.
It's not even a discussion. You are simply wrong.
You can't be free if you aren't in control of your own life. It goes without saying that you can never have an absolute control, so what matters is the degree to which you feel capable of overcoming the obstacles of your life with your own effort.
There are property taxes, rules and regulations that you must follow. You can't just set up a sovereign state on your property.
>Sure, you will be free-- To spend all your waking hours doing chores-- and fighting off the elements and sickness, lol
don't forget fighting off all the pycho survivers and gangs
And hunger. The constant companion.
>taxes, inflation, and so on.
completely off the grid so none of that i mean gone
t. 400 pounds amerifat.
Where are you going to live?
Incorrect guess, and my weight is irrelevant.
Just trying to give you a good idea of what you're in for.
70% of all my food comes from my own growing.
I grow in forest, guerilla style. Keep fantasizing about your farms, you are living memes.
PS: It's 100% organic, without machinery, you guys are memes
I see your capitalist quips, and raise you a qt SEA girl:
Your butt status: devastated.
Depending on where you live, your lifestyle and what your level of expertise is, you are not constantly hungry just because you are subsistence farmer/hunter-gatherer. Especially not in the past where modern agriculture and the population boom hadn't decimated the land.
Despite living in the first world, you are however constantly hungry to the point that you cannot stop stuffing your face with fried grease. As a result you have grown neutered and the very thought of anything dangerous sends you into fetal position.
Yeah, go live in the tropics. It will be alot easier if you dont have to worry about freezing to death.
Same but I want to live in a really hot desert like Sahara. I'm afraid of the woods for some reason