is it true that no matter how good a wife and mother you are, your husband will eventually cheat on you with another woman?
Is it true that no matter how good a wife and mother you are...
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i would have enough respect for you to make sure you never find out
No. If you wouldn't cheat then most men wouldn't cheat.
If he is smart enough you will never know.
I gueas marriage really isn't worth it
Just because women cheat does not mean men will. You are probably okay with your own infidelity, though.
Men cheat much more than women.
Pfft alright
My mom was a terrible mother and a shrew of a wife and my pop never cheated on her. He should have though.
Brosties always cheat, even when you work really hard to please them. Try not to let it get your down, sister!
Basically true mate. Just stay single.
my dad never cheated on my mom, but my mom cheated on my dad.
so I'd say the odds are decent. It's not about how good you are, it's about how good the man you choose is.
But you can't base your own experience on a percentage. Everyone is going to have a unique experience. As long as you choose someone you trust and you're good to them then chances are they aren't going to cheat on you
Only if you don't pleasure or stimulate him sexually.
>but but I don't want to do it with the lights on
>but but I don't want to dress provocatively at home
>but but blowjobs aren't fun
Well he is going to find a girl who thinks otherwise while you play "good mother and wife".
No, not every marriage results in cheating. But it is true that there's no guarantee it won't happen.
>Only if you don't pleasure or stimulate him sexually.
The natural aging process will ensure she doesn't stimulate him sexually after a while.
Yep. Men are pigs, the only thing to do is accept it. And maybe get off on it.
Chad does maybe. Normal men take what they can get and have to literally stop themselves from getting too attached to a single woman.
i personally would not cheat, im too anxious to talk to people and even if i push myself to talk i cant hold a conversation , pretty much the reason why Im tfw no gf
if he cheats then what's stopping you from doing the same lol
That's not true at all.
Loyalty and hard work mean everything to me.
>is it true that no matter how good a wife and mother you are, your husband will eventually cheat on you
No. As long as a girl was emotionally supportive and kind that would be enough to earn my loyalty and devotion. She would have to be intelligent though, to get my interest in the first place.
>your husband will eventually cheat on you with another woman?
I just celebrated my 19th wedding anniversary. I have never cheated on my wife, and there's no possibility that I ever will.
FYI, I was a virgin when I got married, due to the fact that I am totally non-promiscuous. So maybe look for that in a guy?
just make your bf too fat to leave op
i just want someone to chill with
to shut ourselves away from the world
to pretend the outside doesnt exist
to create our own worlds
to bad it wont happen
Yeah your daughter
It depends on your partner, but it's certainly not true for everyone. Yes some people cheat, but theres just as many that are still in love with the person they married however long ago.
Nah, men are pretty awful about it in marriages.
How do you know? Literally the only reason I found out(and, subsequently, my mom found out) is because my dad thought a 4-5 year old would be too retarded to figure what was going on.
Sure if you marry a guy above your value.
The women are definitely lying
There's more than 13%
I think women cheat more, but that's because in my family every husband is a faithful 'beta' archetype who are kind, conflict avoidant and generally nice, and every single one has been cheated on by their formerly loving wives. As such, I find it hard to believe that women can be anything but unfaithful. It seems like nothing is never enough to satisfy them. They always want more and more, or they get bored and want something different. I am very uncomfortable with the idea of getting in a relationship because I dont believe women are capable of loyalty and are ultimately selfish. I want a relationship of slightly imbalanced equality where I'm more the boss than she is, but we make decisions generally together and she has her independence. I fear though that this is a modern conception and can't fundamentally work with the way women are.
>These stats don't fit my narrative so they're fake
asking that question means you probably won't be a good wife and mother, you'll be a paranoid psycho-bitch who doesn't trust her husband, forcing him to seek a better partner, probably behind your back. your self worth tanks even harder and you turn to your kids for the emotional fulfillment you always hoped a husband would bring you but it's never enough and they grow to be dysfunctional adults that abandon you in a nursing home the first chance they get.
or i'm overreacting, and you're a relatively well adjusted internet troll.
That's why you should cheat first.
With me.
It's a pretty reasonable concern though, it's partly why a lot of people of both genders are entering committed relationships less. Both sexes cheat a whole lot.
i know they do, but if you're going to marry and breed with someone there should be no doubt about it right? they may be doing it less, but people commit to relationships under bad circumstances pretty often and that leads to issues.
i can't imagine it driving me to cheat but i think if i had a wife and she was questioning me like that it would drive me nutty.
I'll never cheat on you.
Please be my wife.
Only if you date an asshole
Good people don't cheat
Getting married in the current culture and current laws is fucking retarded. Women have the power to destroy a man and are encouraged to do so.
Marry me OP.
I'll take good care of you and never cheat.
I'll do everything I can to give you and our children a happy life.
Think about it logically
Most people are true neutral, not good or assholes. They /might/ cheat if it didn't cause too much trouble and they thought they could get away with it. You can't really say someone wouldn't cheat just because they don't seem like an asshole.
Stephen Hawking cheated and people thought he was a nice guy who brought a lot of good into the world with his science and charity.
I wouldn't. That's why Im single probably.
No, my father has been faithful to my mother.
No, that's just something you saw on TV like once. Meanwhile any retard can just look at twitter and facebook and determine based on the self-admitted attitudes from women that the opposite is likely true.
I'm still waiting for the day when A SINGLE FUCKING WOMAN demonstrates that she can perceive reality and doesn't just depend on TV personalities to dictate her opinion. It is so fucking disappointing and pathetic how rare/impossible this apparently is.
Men and women don't tend to cheat on average but men do it more than women, according to the statistics on this.
stop marrying chad
Yes, it's true. deal with it.
Do you already have a man you want to marry?
they took a frogwife from me?
and who is they
>and who is they
The kikes, user.
No it is not. There are decent people out there. Does it fell good though? To call men pigs when they cheat, but when women do it they were just not getting everything they needed from the relationship?
>To call men pigs when they cheat, but when women do it they were just not getting everything they needed from the relationship?
All cheaters get the rope.
I would never throw away a relationship with a woman who was dedicated to being a good wife, and was a good mother to our children.
I can't think of anything in the world more valuable and precious than that.
I'd never even think of doing anything that would result in me losing that, and I could never betray somebody who had given me so much.
Ahhhh, where are the good old days of intimacy and love. It may sound a bit gay but I would really love to have a gf whom I could just trust.
No, if you accept more wives to your family :)
>the good old days of intimacy and love
They never existed
Commie fag
That's the same thing that I wanted, but it turned out that she wanted it with... anyone but me. So yeah.
>tfw my grandma was the perfect 1950s housewise
>really pretty, thin
>won several of those local agricultural awards for cooking, sewing, etc.
>had five kids and the cost of the repeat pregnancy cost her her teeth and caused her vagina to prolapse
>husband cheats on her
>my uncles do absolutely nothing to care for my grandfather now that he's old
>my mother works full time and takes care of him 24/7 because he refuses to shell out money for a full time nurse and he wants to give it to his sons who do nothing for him
>my mother has sacrificed all of her social involvement and hobbies to do this for an old man that occasionally calls her by her dead mother's name because she cooks him meals
>mother couldn't even go to her best friend's funeral because my grandfather started bitching that he didn't want to order take out
>It is more common for men compared to women to engage in extradyadic relationships.
>The National Health and Social Life Survey found that 4% of married men, 16% of cohabiting men, and 37% of dating men engaged in acts of sexual infidelity compared to 1% of married women, 8% of cohabiting women, and 17% of women in dating relationships
Friendly reminder that men are terrible human beings. It's a shame, some of them are really cute. Too bad they all get thrown into the trash.
>literally "the jews are why I don't have a gf"
Shill spotted
>good of a wife and mother
Just fucking lmao
You think you're gonna be good moms
Your gramps must have been a prime chad, kudos to you
Too bad he didn't keep a mistress around full time, to give your grandma a break once in a while
maybe the guy that has lots of sex and uses drugs is not the best choice for a husband
Meanwhile in 2016, 2% of married men haven't had sex in the last year while 0% of married women have gone without.
If a man is going to cheat his partner doesn't cause it or can't do anything about it so don't blame yourself
date INTJ men we are the most loyal people. also it seems INTJ women are the same and are very loyal too.
>woman cheats
>"fucking whore"
>man cheats
>"muh chad"
>lots of sex and uses drugs
He didn't use drugs. He was a virgin when they married as teenagers. They both grew up in a very small, Canadian town adjacent to an Amish community.
But hey, I'm used to male narcissistic rage when their narrative is disrupted.
Gonna need a citation on that one bucko.
And even if I accept this as true:
1.) Does this include homosexual relationships
2.)What is "sex" in this situation?
3.) Even if you limit this to heterosexual couples engaging in penetrative sex, this only implies 2% of these women were cheating, which is still less than the numbers I have for male infidelity.
4.) Many men are perverts who enjoy cuckholding, maybe these creeps liked it.
I would never in my life cheat on my gf. I unironically think she's the most beautiful girl in the world, more attractive than any celebrities or models I've seen.
>man cheats
>"muh chad"
Sperm cheap, eggs precious. No man ever brought someone else's kid home in his belly.
And for the most part, men do not abandon their family for a mistress (unless they're emotionally unstable boomers). Women OTOH typically cheat in order to 'trade up', and may even abandon, neglect, or murder their children to do so.
>>woman cheats
>>"fucking whore"
>>man cheats
>>"muh chad"
I think you're missing the point here. Chads are inhumane sociopaths. So yeah, that's what he is, and that's what your grandma, like all other women, was attracted to. No one is saying he's a good person and no one is saying that this is an ideal state of things.
He isn't saying the stats are fucking fake.
Those stats are only the amount of people who have actually admitted to cheating.
>sperm cheap, eggs precious
>but hypergamy's bad
So let me get this straight....
>woman does what is best for her in evolutionary terms
>"fucking whore"
>man does what is best for him in evolutionary terms
>men do not abandon their family for a mistress
>apparently their family does not include any children produced by the mistress
>women abuse their children
>no mention of male child abuse cause that disrupts the narrative
>"he was Chad because I said so"
>"also your grandma deserved it"
Well here's a question - since you're so obviously devoid of empathy and a sociopath, why aren't you getting laid?
>Gonna need a citation on that one bucko.
It's also a survey, we know you don't doubt surveys
Can you post the source to these facts
>Well here's a question - since you're so obviously devoid of empathy and a sociopath, why aren't you getting laid?
I was every time I roleplayed one. Unfortunately I do have empathy and I can't keep the act up 24/7, and female demands have gotten absolutely ridiculous in the recent years (literal rape, abuse, humiliation, choking, pretending you're their father etc.) so I don't want to participate in that shit in the first place.
Now that you've heard it you'll probably call me a beta incel or a similar insult that women use for guys who don't want to play along with all that.
How was your grandpa not chad? You describe a chad as fuck dude.
Kek I had to choke the girl I lost my virginity to. Definitely doesn't seem like there is much to look forward to with women even if I do get my shit together.
not unless either him or you are extremely exceptional human beings
Most "male child abuse" is either
>fathers disciplining their children out of love, which the mammy state interferes with to destroy families
>stepfathers and mommy's boyfriend abusing children that aren't their own (a result of w*men being allowed to wreck their families)
And I never called anybody a whore. Women pursue their own biological imperatives. I simply posit that men have to be strong (like user's grandpa) in order to not wind up cucked and conquered in the nation their ancestors left them.
Women should not trouble themselves with this. Stop trying to mimic man culture, a woman cheating and a man cheating are completely different things. Sex can be just that meaningless sex for a man, for a woman it always has meaning. Women and men are not the same and some things benefit women and some things benefit men. You should worry about is he provides not if he has meaningless sex occasionally.
Even if men are cheating more the fact that all women get laid in marriage but not all men suggests there's more to the issue here. It actually plays nicely into the blackpill, chad fucks whoever and no woman goes without.
>>man does what is best for him in evolutionary terms
Can you stop with this already? No one likes these guys except WOMEN. Explaining something from an evolutionary perspective doesn't mean anyone likes them or idolizes them. All kinds of disgusting things are "good" from an evolutionary perspective but disgusting to actual civilized human beings.
Uhh actually boys are the overwhelming majority of child rape victims
Hypergamy isn't "bad" any more than life itself is bad. It just is. There's no changing it.
Women shit test their men to make sure they are strong; if men stop being strong enough to restrain their women's impulses, civilization falls apart rather quickly. Look out your window and you'll see what I mean.
If you weren't a chauvinistic pig then men being cheap and women being precious would be a problem in your eyes.
>still doesn't actually provide a link and expects me to do his work for him
Typical male behaviour.
>don't doubt surveys
Of course, I'm not a man , I don't need to make things up.
Sure thing.
>fucks his wife
>and has an affair
1.) Scoring with two women does not a Chad make.
2.) You're assuming that he didn't pay for it.
And, of course
>"hurrr who cares about morals because it's totally chad like epic dude"
>uh when men abuse their kids it's discipline okay it's DIFFERENT because I SAID
>uh when men murder and hurt children for existing in their proximity that's okay because BIOLOGY
So if I decided to murder a child because I was on my period, you know, biology, would you be cool with that?
>blaming women for the worst crimes men have to offer
>I never called anybody a whore
Fair enough, but let's be real, my depiction was a completely reasonable depiction of this website.
>user's grandpa
>men have to be strong to not be cucked
And so if I were to argue that women should reject men entirely / cheat on them first to avoid being the one's being cucked, you'd probably bitch.
>completely ignores all the things I said to focus on the possibility that 2% of men aren't getting laid
And of course, the fact they're not getting laid is women's fault. It couldn't be that men are fat sacks of shit prone to impotence.
>"no one likes these guys but women"
>"dude he was so chad..."
>disgusting to civilized human beings
Welcome to my world.
Nice try.
>it's in women's interest to be with someone who inhibits their evolutionary interest
Well, men are pretty cheap and disgusting. If they don't like that, they can act better.
>Sex can be just that meaningless sex for a man, for a woman it always has meaning.
Not anymore it doesn't, kek.
Can you stop writing like women talk?
I thought we were talking about violent physical abuse.
Boys getting raped is more a part of the gay problem. But many boys who are abused are only exposed to pedophiles because of a dysfunctional/fatherless family life, so I guess it's related.
Again wrong, if you're raped as a child it was probably dad
>>"no one likes these guys but women"
>>"dude he was so chad..."
No one likes Chad. Why are you ignoring half of the posts? I already said that. It's your problem that you like him.
>1.) Scoring with two women does not a Chad make.
Having someone who worships him so much that she makes herself into a literal slave for him no matter how he abuses her does though, I don't know why you have such a problem with it. Women unfortunately love abusive relationships like that.
>And so if I were to argue that women should reject men entirely / cheat on them first to avoid being the one's being cucked, you'd probably bitch.
They could just say yes to decent men instead of pursuing the sociopaths, but we both know that's a rather tall order.
So let's get this straight
Your grandpa
>made your grandma give him kids and be his servant at the cost of her health
>while fucking around
And you don't think he's chad? Bitch most guys can't get women to text back eagerly.
What an absolute buttblasted roasty
>it's in women's interest to be with someone who inhibits their evolutionary interest
Now you're catching on.
I'd ask you to support that conclusion, but I'm afraid you'd just post mangled statistics from some "legitimate" source that's running cover for the homos.
One of Chad's defining characteristics is his likeability. It is not Chad's fault if you were raised to be emotionally fragile. He is not hated, he is envied.
All your ideas are supported by sexism towards males because you are a low iq raging feminist.
>One of Chad's defining characteristics is his likeability. It is not Chad's fault if you were raised to be emotionally fragile. He is not hated, he is envied.
Lol what. He's not likeable to anyone except women and other sociopaths (who don't actually like him, they just participate in the social climbing game).
>no one likes Chad
>which is why we draw homoerotic fanart of him and aspire to be like him
>"it's your problem that you like him"
>my initial post is me declaring my desire to be a spinster
I know men have problems with listening, but this is a tad silly.
>makes herself a literal slave
Or, you know, she was a good person with virtually no other financial options because of her gender, so she sacrificed her own dignity for the benefit of her children, who would undoubtedly suffered as a result of a divorce.
But sure, that's so Chad, amirite?
>women love abusers
Nice projection.
>say yes to decent men
Where are they? Do you think you're a "decent man"?
>man cheats on his wife with whores while she stays with him because the institutions surrounding them kept her financially trapped for the benefit of her kids
We live in a chadociety....
>"hahaa, you're angry about the fact that half of the population are morally reprehensible, what a fag!"
>points out the inherent logical contradiction of your post
>"now you get it!"
Oh buddy, you have no idea.
Ad hominem. Trust me, my hatred of men is well founded.
"Chad" is a catch all nonsense phrase repeated ad absurdum in a demonstration of circular logic.
This is the crab bucket mentality.
No doubt the Chad of today is nowhere near as great as Chads of days gone by. But that can change.
>believes uninhibited female sexuality is somehow magically aligned with eugenic behavior
>literally "my gina tingles determine reality"
Oh you're that "feminist" troll that turns every post into fuel for "her" rants, I didn't recognize you until now. Nevermind, enjoy your spinsterhood.
At the end of the day you're just a whore on easy mode and the truth will out no matter how much you try to clamp down your vagina on it.