what are some easy to get, relatively painless chemicals i can use to kill myself?
would use a gun but that isn't an option
Suicide by poisoning
Try mustard gas its pretty painless. Dont forget to stream it
Dont do it. If u wanna talk my discord is corbynms #0408
charcoal suicide!!!!!!!111 record it too
exit bag with helium is best
otherwise carbon monoxide poisoning, either by burning charcoal or running car in garage.
>you can talk to me
>but only if you're a girl
How does that affect anything?
Stop recommending the car method. You would need to remove the filter/catalyst in the exhaust pipe in order to produce any carbon monoxide which in turn usually makes the car extremly loud to the point where you're certainly going to draw attention.
OP here. How would I go about getting the helium for this? I'm assuming most tanks from Amazon etc aren't pure enough to kill me.
Not that guy, but yeah, most helium providers now mix in a bit of oxygen. It could potentially leave you as a vegetable. I hear helium from Chinese sellers is pure enough since the chinese don't care if someone kills themselves, or you can use welding argon as an alternative.
Please make sure this is what you want to do.
I have a feeling its going to get much harder to kill yourself in the coming years.
painlessly? Possibly.
In general? Even in britbongistan or japan you can still get kitchen knives, so stabbing your own heart is still an option, one that I don't see how they can remove.
try ingesting a whole pack of nebivolol pills
they do not require prescriptions and you'll get a cardiac arrest in an hour or so
you may also ingest some concentrated nicotine, witch is faster but takes a few days to make at home
my recommendation would be to stab your femoral artery tho. not so painless, but it's quick
Suicide by poison/overdose is the least effective method. You will probably not die and could seriously hurt yourself. There arent many poisons that are painless and sure to kill you, and the ones that exist usually require prescription for this reason. You're better off finding a more violent way to die, like jumping of a building or hanging.
Charcoal suicide.
Also theres a pill for diabetics that will kill you if you take enough.
take some opioids to numb yourself and then drink a bottle of bleach and go watch a comfy movie...
>im just joking user, dont do it, life is good. :)
I'm completely sure. Thank you for the advice
unfortunately here in bongistan they do require prescription.
my only option for hanging would be partial suspension (belt in doorframe) so it's kind of a last resort for me. any suggestions for making sure i compress the carotid artery and pass out quickly if it comes to that?
any idea of what the pill is called?
just weighing up all my options at this stage, wanting something quickish,
>I'm completely sure.
Very well.May you finally find peace.
>Thank you for the advice
You're welcome my man. By the way, on the hanging one, make sure the loop stays on your neck and doesn't slide over your jaw and you should be good. Low drop hanging is slow and pretty painful though, so I can't recommend that one. Much better to do long drop.
thank you. unfortunately long drop or even full suspension on account of a lack of anchor points and my height so partial suspension is the only way for me.
First off please don't kill yourself, get help.
I understand there are things that are too much to live with and help doesn't always work so here's a chemists perspective.
The type of helium you need is from chemical manufacturers and is called ultra high purity, it's 99.9% helium with 0.1% Ne followed by other inert gases (mostly Ar). That being said helium is a precious natural resource and fast being depleted (one reason a lot of helium tanks are doped with air), and there are other (functionally) inert gases out there, N2, Ar, Ne, Kr, Xe which don't leave our atmosphere and will work just as well. Again you need ultra high purity versions of these. N2 is the cheapest of these followed probably by Ar.
Again though please don't kill yourself, there are many resources out there to seek help, give one of them a try. Hell give them all a try, never know which will work or help.
Suicide is permanent and very prone to failure. This method alone can cause your lungs to explode if the pressure is wrong leading to a long painful death as your lungs collapse, or if your set up is not air tight, coma and neurological damage can result but not death.
>mustard gas
Sounds delicious.
Sorry hombre, but removing the catalytic converter or whatever filter you speak of will not get rid of the excess from combhstable energy
Partial suspension. You literally only need a rope and something to hang from.
Just gas yourself. Killing yourself via poison is retarded.
How hard is it to get heroin or fentanyl to overdose on?
Please don't do it user. There are people that care about you. Can you at least tell us why you want to do this?
if you're going to use a syringe you may as well fill it with water and leave a gap for air.
Tell the police that you want drugs to overdose on and they'll give it to you, no questions asked.
good luck finding 95%+ helium. Long gone are the days where they just gave you those. Now they dilute the fuck out of it with oxygen. And I've read a couple first hand attemptee's posts about it and if it's a low percentage, they're lungs apperantly feel like they're burning and on fire. Far less peaceful than that chart says. But of course if you do find a 95% by all means.
At least fly somewhere you can buy a shotgun. It is the be-all-end-all suicidr method.