Decide to "be myself" for once

>decide to "be myself" for once
>everyone i speak to finds me boring and somewhat uncomfortable
>end up alone as usual
i guess there really is no hope
wish i could give up on aspirations of making friends, things would be so much easier

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Because you is a batty boy innit

>be OP
>have narcisisstic personality disorder
>make threads on goat milking image forum
You're not boring. u a fgt

>narcisisstic personality disorder
lmao what

He's shitposting, don't reply

what'd you mean by this user?

That you is a batty boy innit

des rite fgt
u's a bitch
You'd rather drown in your own reflection on a watery surface than work on yourself.
An hero bls

post your discord, i'll add you and talk about w/e you want

Dominate the room, make sure they all know there's no alternative to you. Lock everyone in a big vault and speak loudly for hours , repeat this until Stockholm syndrome takes over. Boom, you're chad now

i might end up going silent for a week or two out of nervousness, are you sure?

>"I will end up ghosting you once you've served the purpose of feeding my ego"
kill yourself pls

god damn you are a faggot, never be yourself ever again

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you don't know my story

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>you don't know my story
>Probably gets bullied at school for being the autistic kid who dresses like a naruto and talks about lolis in public
i mean, you kind of deserve all the shit you get

Yeah, I do know your story. You are so vain and self-centered that you believe that YOU have it so much worse than others and you complain that nobody likes you, and then when somebody extends their hand and offers potential friendship you say "eeehheh b-be warned I might just completely disappear for no reaosn lol are you sure you can handle how special I am?!??"

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this post just makes it obvious that you don't understand anything

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There is still hope, you can join us on here, I'm sure you can make some friends 6cyJmj

nobody can be themselves when you think about it. You have to change to fit the society you live in

Nice skullgirls pic

>Be myself
>Everyone likes me and invites me to stuff.
Guys I just want to be edgy and left alone, but these fucks keep liking me.