My dad didn't even try to salvage his relationship with my mother for my own sake...

My dad didn't even try to salvage his relationship with my mother for my own sake. He abandoned me to be "raised" by my single mother, and had two children with another woman. No amount of free shit for Christmas or my birthday will ever make up for him not being there for me. I hate my mother too.

Attached: I can't win.png (600x730, 102K)

i was quite happy when my dad left because then i could do whatever i wanted

why do you hate your mother?

this. op gay

Because she chose to be a single mother instead of staying with my dad so I could grow up with a father figure. She pulled the same shit on my sister, left her father too now she's going to grow up just like me.

My father left my mother alone and pregnant with her 3rd child when I was 2. He went on to another woman he was seeing while being married to my mother and had four children with her, then he cheated on her and had 5 different children with 5 different women.

I don't know how he did it, he's only 5 foot 3 inches tall.

I was the only boy my mother had, so she took out her frustrations on me. She used to beat the shit out of me with her shoes, belt, cords or whatever she could get her hands on. Not to mention all the verbal abuse she would throw at me daily. Eventually, someone saw all the bruises she left me and I was put in foster care, the foster parents also started abusing me.

I'm the only male out of my immediate siblings, the only one to graduate and going to college, yet I'm the worst one off. All 3 of my sisters never graduated HS, they all found tall, attractive guys to take them in, give them a home, pay for everything and they live cushy lives.

If things don't get better for me in a couple of years, I plan to kill myself after my best friend passes away from Cancer.

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Are you going to punish her? If you don't, nobody ever will.

You're dad knew what an autistic shitstain you are. He doesn't want anything to do with an incel like you.
kys you subhuman trash

Man I don't understand how you can just wanna commit suicide, at the very least make them pay for what they've done to you.
And i'm not saying kill innocent people.

No. I do plan on hanging myself within the next couple years though, I'll be sure to write in my suicide note that it's all her fault.

I already told my sisters that I want nothing to do with her, especially in old age. If nobody takes responsibility for her, I'm putting her in a shithole senior care facility where it's rumored that the staff abuses the elderly patients.

I like to think of it as karma for all the years of abuse I've had to endure.

>I plan to kill myself
Your mother was right to beat you. You are a worthless loser who posts on Jow Forums.
I can't wait until you kill yourself . Do it now you useless piece of trash

Would have been dysfunctional either way. My parents stayed together to raise me, despite disliking each other. You can imagine what wonderful dinners I had with those two passive aggressive shits.

Your dad made the correct choice, he wasn't happy and did something about it. Learn from him.

Father figures are overrated. What everybody needs in their adolescence is a serious challenge to overcome, your dad can only help you to get through it, or, like in many other cases, make it much more difficult to suffer through.
My father fucked up way more things than he fixed by being there, having daddy at your side is not a free pass to a better life.


My dad has been a drunk for as long as I can remember. After my 18th birthday he started asking me to buy him cigarettes because he was too lazy or too drunk to get it himself. After my 21st birthday he started asking me to buy beer for him because he was too lazy or too drunk. He's a hard-working man, but it was his fault my mom left him and that I had to learn everything on my own.

Are you one of those cunts who gets turned on by goading people into suicide? You'll get yours one day roastie, mark my words.

>Father figures are overrated.

>Majority of people in prison come from single mother households.
>Majority of people in serial killers come from single mother households.
>Majority of people who dropped out of high school come from single mother households.
>Majority of people who suffer from substance abuse/addiction come from single mother households.
>Majority of prostitutes/strippers come from single mother households.

People who were raised by single fathers vs single mothers completely eclipse the single mother group and it's not even close. Women are not natural born leaders, nor should they be put in positions of power where they are in charge.

My father married my mother out of financial interest - he wrongfully thought she was rich because of her piece of shit parents.
The result was that they soon saw themselves in poverty, unaided by my grandparents. And my father didn't want to work, so he just lazied about and burned more money by smoking cigarettes.
When the lethargic loser finally moved to find a job (and succeeded), it was my mother's time to make a stupid decision: she divorced him. From then on I lived without a father and in poverty.

Now, years later, my father and grandparents are dead and I finally see some money. But the damage is done: I grew up under verbal and psychological abuse from my mother, turning into an anxious loser who suffers the triple other people do to act in any way, ironically echoing my own father's inertia.
As the son of such scum, I'm predictably cowardly, incompetent and weak, despite making efforts to salvage this ruined life and having moderate success. I feel like I'm progressing the game by working with an RPG character that had its stats leveled wrong by someone else before.

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>Are you one of those cunts who gets turned on by goading people into suicide? You'll get yours one day roastie, mark my words.
LOl. Kys you useless "robot". You are really a worthless trashbag.
You'll be dead soon

>You'll get yours one day roastie, mark my words.
Doubt it loser.

Kys you loser faggot. I want to stomp your face in just because i can

Well your mother is probably a lying whore.

Who wants to be tied to that for the rest of their life?

God. You just have no fucking idea what it's like to be tied to someone you hate. Or do you?

You want to do that because you can't.

One you have a single mother you might as well hang it up. Every kid I know with no Dad is pretty much trashed. Women have no place raising men and can't properly rear without support.

The death of the nuclear family is the death of a nation.

>You want to do that because you can't.
But i can robot,you are too easy to find. Start shagging in your shoes. You are a dead faggot

I'm going to murder you robot.