tic tac toe anyone?
Tic tac toe anyone?
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x in the middle
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honhonhon originale
Hell yes brother, thank you for this thread
oregano sauce
glhf khcg
god im such a fucking brainlet
Feel like I'm gonna lose, brainlet here
We are both brainlets, oregano
zer u go
If we're being technical, you made the best move possible in the first move
I kind of expected a tie honestly
So do you think it's the zoomers or the faggots ruining this board?
ggs thought i was gonna lose
i think im the wrong person to ask that
it's literally impossible for someone to win tictactoe if both players know how to play
Get fucked lolololololol
Was still nice though, and actually an original idea on r9k for once.
I wonder how tictactoe with a larger grid (like 6x6) rather than 3x3 would work out though.
i was lonely and bored when i was like < 6 and played tic tac toe with myself on bigger boards to see if it's more fun. like up to 5x5. i was gonna play out every possibility but don't remember whether i did it.
anyway, it was ties every time
play me in big boy tic tac toe faggots
gg on the chess, I fucking suck