Dream thread

Tell me about your dreams Jow Forums.

For the last 2 months or so I've been having a recurring dream where I cut off my dick but it keeps growing back, so I cut it off and cut it off until it stops returning and all I'm left with is just a stump and a box full of rotting dicks, although it's not exactly rotting, they're just turning yellow and bruised. What happens next is I take one of them out of the box and with a screwing motion it attaches to what's left of my shaft, and then I just break down crying before waking up.

Not quite sure what this means but it freaks me the fuck out when I wake up on the same level as that dream where all of your teeth fall out.

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Is this another tranny psyop or what?

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Nah I just wanted to tell someone about it and who better than my friends on Jow Forums.

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What's wrong with you. Anyways, a couple days ago there was distinct moment in my dream where I held a baby and we looked into each others eyes. It was oddly intense. We were looking into each others souls practically. I felt like we were equals. I have no idea what that dream means, but it still kinda weirds me out.

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I once had a dream where I killed my mother in the back garden of my childhood home. It felt so vivid. It felt like I genuinely snapped and decided to strangle her. I recall being conscious of it too: 'yep guess I'm doing this. better finished what I started'. I woke up and felt nothing.

The thing is she wouldn't stop smiling at me either

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i had a dream that my ex-bestfriend i saw him in public and i outed him for being a faggot and so when i had to go to the bathroom he was there too and raped me. i woke up with a boner. send help please.

I feel like there's some really deep, perhaps existential meaning to your dream but I can't put my finger on it.

Pretty brutal desu, is that the only time you've killed your mother in a dream?

Specifically, yes.
But I have had dreams where I've been eating out with family and just started flipping tables and throwing shit at them screaming.

They never react though. They just fucking sit there.

Those fucking dream smiles from people man. Always terrifying

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That is some metal shit dude. Maybe there's something wrong with your dick?
I had a dream where I was back in my old elementary. I was in the playground and there was a big tree between me and the school itself. I'm trying to go back to class or whatever, but on this tree, there's a big owl or eagle and it's looking right at me. I'm trying really hard to get pass it without pissing it off, I'm like at the very edge of the playground fence. But that's not good enough and the eagle/owl swoops after me. Now I'm running for my life while this bird is trying to get me. Then I woke up.

I dream about fucking my sister every once in a while.

i dream im in love

then i wake up alone

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Neat. I love reading about people's dream.
Yours reminded me that I once dreamt I was a bird and I was flying along a road and up and around powerlines and shit. At least I think I was a bird -- I didn't see my body, but I didn't have the sense that I was in human form.

>at some sort of a family gathering
>for some reason all my friends are there
>I'm apparently about to propose to someone
>having second thoughts
>tearing me up inside because I don't want to but feel bad about backing out now
>hanging out with friends in the basement
>one of my best friend's exes is down there
>she talks me down from it
>there's nothing sexual about how we're talking
>just a friend helping another through a rough patch
>go outside
>feel a fresh sense of relief knowing I'm the master of my own destiny

A couple nights ago that same ex was in another dream where she was hugging me while we hung out, like that resting kind of relationship hug. I really wish I knew what that was supposed to mean, that she keeps showing up.

last night i had a dream i strangled a furry

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Sounds like a pretty good one to me.

>Dream I am being attacked by xenonorphs
>Setting is some kind of fantasy dungeon
>Use magic on xenomorphs gg
>no effect
>spend rest of dream running from xenomorphs
>wake up at 3:00 am in cold sweat

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You will father the antichrist

This happened to me IRL. I didnt have a car yet and this bird would attack me when I walked to work. I killed it with a stick.

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You fucking tranny

Xenos is bad, feller, xenos is fucking bad.
At least there werent any praetorians

Had that war dream again last Friday and i liked for some reason

>Be me in a ww1 style trench
>Be comfy with other comrades
>We are chatting and listening to the artillery shells exploding in the distance
>Dream cuts to me running towards a enemy, holding my rifle with my bayonet
>Can't see his face
>Stab the man in the chest
>Never felt something like this, intense, i could feel the texture of the rifle in my hands, the impact of me colliding against another person, my throat sore from screaming my lungs out while charging towards the enemy
>Wake up feeling happy and energetic

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