You're not really smoking pot again, are you user!?
OMG what a giant fagit!
You're not really smoking pot again, are you user!?
OMG what a giant fagit!
ok but uh..why are you naked
Just looking for a nice drug-free robot to share some tiddies with! But you blew it, user, with your dirty niggerweed.
Don't be a degenerate. Originality.
I can't tell what's worst: A failed normie faggot thinking about nothing but sex sex sex, as it's the epitome of existence, or a faggot addict that distracts themselves with drugs.
You speak the truth, user. These types of degeneracy don't belong here on /our board/
Lame bait attempt is.......lame
imagine not coping this miserable existence with drugs
This isn't bait. Doing drugs is the most reddit normie NPC bullshit you can do. You don't belong here, you're not a true robot if you do drugs. End of story.
Reddit is that way, sport.
Where is logical thinking in that?
If you do X you are Y, no elaboration
Roll to become less degenerate.
Lemme spell it out for you, brainlet: Drugs are a normie activity. Redditor normalfagits fucking love their "dudeweedlol" horseshit attitude. Drugs are a hyper-social activity from acquisition to use. This is clearly at odds for what this board is about. So the potfagits can go back to their le reddits and stay away from here where they don't belong.
Kek why so mad?
On a more serious note: why does being social or partaking in social activities make you a redditor? Other boards also exist on this website you know
Oh, and what if we're using drugs as a coping mechanism? Take a few minutes and read through some of the /drugfeels/ threads here. Some of these people just want an escape
originoll roll
Well, sure
Let me have it, Vargy
No problems, I don't even average one video game a week, none will be easy.
bloomer roll
Roll the rollo
Oh look; this thread again. Being called a redditor by some porn posting sour grape sure stings. OP is a happy happy boi. We should all aspire to be him.
Rolling for varg my absolute lad
rollioni origanolly
Roll it over my soul
roll hopefully I get the worst one lol XDXD
Then escape to reddit. You have enough friends and drug buddies there to repeat "lolweed" at eachother endlessly. Normalfags all use the same excuse that they have to """"""""cope"""""""" with their """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""depression"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" when they already live highly advantaged an social lives. Leave us robots alone. You're the reason there's all these fembot and girlfriend threads here. Take it all back to your "dudeweedlol" reddit fagits and leave us alone to rot in peace.
Here we go .... I guess
I don't want to practice the sodomy
rolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllling originally 1823918273981231658723
Id be lying if i said i didnt find it fucking hilarious how the majority of people on here get high because theyre too much of a pussy bitch to deal with their problems sober.
Guess what drugie, your problems will still be there waiting for you when you come down from your high. Your magic plant/smoke/dust/liquid will never fix your issues for you.
rollololololololol originially
ROLLing the shit with the lads
rolling for keks, gods be merciful
fuck off snownigger larp poster
rolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 34543564575467 dfghdfghdfgh
Make me leave then loser.
But i already dont use social media
Nobody cares about you. You enjoy smelling like a smooshed dog turd with your reddit drug dumper clan. Don't you have a few "ddudweedlol"s to type out somewhere?
WOn't be that bad. I already dont watch tv. barely play games and barely use social media.
>moralfags have their cock so far up Jow Forums's ass that you can't even be a degenerate anymore
a i g h t t h e n m88
roll.. rollign
>Drugs are a normie activity.
This. If you tell people you take heroin everyone approves because it's definitely the norm.
What about problems that can't be solved? What do you do then? Do you know what it's like to have mental illnesses that can't be treated? Do you know what it's like to have disabled dependents? None of these issues are "solvable", they're things I deal with every day. Who are you to say that I don't have the right to relax when I do have the time? You think everyone has simply problems because you have simple problems. I wake up everyday and face my problems and smoke at night to relax. What do you do?
Im strong enough to not need a psychedelic vice. Man was made to overcome without the need of psychedelics. You shouldnt need an aid to get you to relax. Thats something you should be able to do on your own.
Stop being weak.
I lift weights in an unheated garage in the middle of winter. I'm twice the man you are. Project some more, faggot.
Do you do drugs? Yes you do.
>twice the man
The level of denial is staggering. Lifting doesnt mean shit you fuckknob.
Roll. Let's find out!
Whatever you say, buddy. This next bong rip's for you and tomorrow's deadlift sets are too.
Lifting weights is one of the pussiest things you can do.
i already don't do most of these but let's go
>being strong and healthy is pussy shit
nice cope, kid
unless you live in a legal state, you literally have to be a normie to spoke weed or other drugs. because you have to have connections/know people to get them
>Knowing 1 human means you're a norm
please die soon
>I hide my insecurities by lifting weights while pretending I'm doing it to be healthy instead of eating properly but now I'm going to either reply that I do eat healthy too or attempt to attack this reply like an insecure loser.
Seek help, goodbye.
>I predicted that he was gonna say that he eats healthy, therefore I win
Have you ever been to Jow Forums? Why wouldn't I eat healthy? Are you literally from tumblr or something?
>give me what I want dammit
Why wouldn't you smoke weed it makes everything better?
Really wondering why you wouldn't want to feel better or even different than you currently do
girls in the pic would laugh if you avoided smoking lol quit coping nerdy loser