Kinos about justice?

Kinos about justice?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>travel the world

normies should be shot

Probably fake, made for triggering redditors

Well I DID plan for it to be this way. And it was this way, so that's about the only thing I've successfully done in life.

Sadly i dont have any at my disposal, but pretty much anything about a man or woman who chose decadence and indulgence over even the tiniest bit of futureproofed stability always makes me smile, even if only for a moment.

first of all nice dubs, this shit is dank, please share more if you have some, not even a depressed robot spiting these bitches, but just funny to see how other people have fucked up their lives and now suffer, fuck incompetent people. if you cant get what u want, you suck

thought it was bait but i checked the account, seems legit. she makes tons of posts about being lonely and depressed.
apparently she makes 100k a year and lives with her parents so she saves all her money. I wish I could be her bf

Rich people complaining about problems lol, imagine having the money to pursue any hobby whatsoever to its fullest extent but being so boring you can't find any purpose outside of your social life. I can't have sympathy for anyone with "Manhattan friends"

bitch did you forget about the basic principle of bitches, she could get a boyfriend if she just settled for lower. The funnies part to me is that her depression is based on her high standards as a roasty, if she had robot standards she'd have settled for a beta provider like a normal roasty, and wouldn't be crying over loneliness.

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this nigga be based

I just feel bad for her, I feel bad any time other people suffer. You guys are heartless. If she was some roastie slut then yeah fuck her but she's just a dumb rich bitch.

And you sir have been checked

fuck your dubs and your autistic values. Shes single and rich, she could do whatever the fuck she wants, husband and kids all that shit if she chose to, she's just crying about the collapse of her "Dream Future"tm. shes a brat who never grew up, a sad old used up spoiled cunt.

My hard drive fried, I don't have the one of the female redditor whose boyfriend used to have threesomes with her. She was having a great time, then he would ask for her to fuck other guys while he watches and was okay with it.

Till she found out that her bf who admitted to being a druggy was whoring her out without her knowing. She only found out because one of the guys she was fucking asked her how long she's been a prostitute.

To recap, she was perfectly fine with having sex with multiple random strangers and cucking her bf, she drew the line at her bf making money and not giving it to her.

I mean yeah desu. My love life is a fucking trainwreck but there's other things in life that do bring me joy. If I wasn't poor as shit I'd probably even be happy. But she wants it all. She has the money and social status that any ordinary person would dream of, yet she's not even thankful because of the *one* thing she can't have. Maybe I have it wrong; maybe the depression is actually the cognitive dissonance catching up with her, making her realize she's a shitty person for earning so much on the backs of others then just taking it for granted. Idk, I'm just goin off lol

not reading this shit
Go back there.

I know Jow Forums likes to joke around about government assigned gf's, but wymen are 50% of the voters and vote in blocks. What's going to happen when there are MILLIONS of 40 year old+ women who are 1) Not married 2) Don't have kids 3) Have massive debt (women owe the majority of debt and are a net negative towards taxes).

What if Politicians want to take robots like yourselves and force you to marry and maintain 40+ year old roasties? Will you fight against it or cave in?

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please sir can i have some more of the pic related, fuck your shitty hyperbole tho the gobernment wouldn't assign 40s, they'd be close to infertile and higher change of baby potatoes, no governning body would wan't a higher population with downs.

>I just feel bad for her
This, it's not like she acted out of malice or anything, sometimes you just make bad choices and the consequences of those actions aren't obvious for a while

I feel it more as I get older and I regret what I've done that's led me up to this point

you want a used up roastie whore who's most likely overweight and wrinkly as a girlfriend?

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i fucking hate you for feeling sorry for someone i think is undeserving, never realized i was this spiteful, but fuck you man.

>no governning body would wan't a higher population with downs
Obviously. But the government is not one person with iron will. Government is humans in charge of humans.

bitch decisions like that would have to go through the entire congress and president, regardless of who gets elected next, no one would pass such a law.

>it's not like she acted out of malice or anything
She said she was dating "bad boys" just "for the thrill." She knew what she was doing.

How many potential husbands do you think she turned down because they were, her words, "boring?" One hundred? Two hundred? Three hundred? How many orbiters do you think she had?

Now it's too late.

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>please sir can i have some more of the pic related

Here's the original post, it gets worst.

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you underestimate the fervor of larping faggots. Some r/mtgow guy made an elaborate account to amuse his pals, it is nothing more. The phrasing in the post is clear, no one would ever say such things in earnest.

How does it feel that this woman is probably doing better than most of you?

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Agreed, there are a few details that make it seem like it was written by a bitter incel. The whole story is a textbook example of the common incel fantasy of "girl dates bad boys in her 20s and in her 30s settles for betabux".

> common incel fantasy of "girl dates bad boys in her 20s and in her 30s settles for betabux"
That's literally the norm in real life, I don't see why you'd think it's so unlikely to be real. Yes, women usually don't have quite that much insight, but as you can see here, some of them do realize they might've made some mistakes.

That pic: justice is right, justice is served, justice is done!

>Agreed, there are a few details that make it seem like it was written by a bitter incel. The whole story is a textbook example of the common incel fantasy of "girl dates bad boys in her 20s and in her 30s settles for betabux".

Are you some retarded faggot from the Tumblr exodus? Where the fuck do you think you are? There are plenty of women who go into the Alpha fucks, Beta bucks mentality when they're teens. It's so fucking common that you have to be blind not to see it.

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That literally does not happen, moron. This is a fantasy scenario of incels, and like many things they come up with inside their head, they believe the world outside the basement actually like they imagine.

To be fair to her, this is exactly why we used to have things like arranged marriages and really strong social norms; it's basically impossible for young people to accurately judge what they'll want in the future and so they need older people to pressure them into making good long-term choices where their own decision-making abilities will inevitably fail them. When she was young there was no reasonable way for her to know she was wasting her youth because she was too young to know and everybody in her life probably lied to her about having plenty of time, "you go girl," etc. By the time she figured it out on her own it was way too late, and she only figured it out because she had come close to the experience herself.

This isn't just her failure, it's the failure of every authority figure in her life.

Whoever wrote that column is retarded. It was painful to try to read. Is it an autistic incel pretending to be a woman?

>go back to 4channel/tv/, you blueboard faggot.

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Hint: girls don't use the term "bad boys". This is a dead giveaway it wad written by a bitter virgin male.

I hope you really are from Tumblr, because if not, you're really retarded.

>Hint: girls don't use the term "bad boys
I was literally told by a female classmate who rejected me that she prefers bad boys.

>Girls don't use the term "bad boys"

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That translates to "eww you're gross go away"

you have the username and the title right there. fucking google it

Telling me "no" already conveys that lol.

but yeah, girls do use the term.

Heh little does that bitch know I'll be in Valhalla in 5 years, no need to plan for that!

I'm not going to go wading through leddit links. Give me the link you faggot.

Why do you think they are raising the marriage age, forcing young women into being bi/lesbian debtslaves and pushing old bitches on young men, and ending all online NSA sex sites, making escorts even more illegal, and demonizing men who are "incels"/"mgtow"/"boys/not real men" and worse VIRGINS.

It's already happening user.
Men in that woman's earning bracket and many men in business and places where their livelihood is at stake are distancing themselves from women, not being alone with women unless it is recorded and or with another person present and simply not hiring women for jobs.

It's going to get a lot worse for women in this country and feminist types and GURL POWAH pushers are going to get the brunt of it.
Because the average man won't fucking have it.

if you google the title and username it's literally the first link

>I want something! Spoonfeed me!
If you're the only person who seems to want something, the onus is on you to get it.

Not him but its just a fucking circle jerk by other women and numales trying to damage control, telling her its gonna be alright and all that.


Shame she didnt get and buried in a forrest somewhere.

The hell did that come from?

How do you not just smack a bitch when she says something like that? I mean, she's all but literally asking for it.

lmfao bitches b cray!!

ur mom u fucking faggot shut the hell up bitch

so are you a a bitter female or jyst larping. idgi why are all these people on /r9fuckingK/ being so rude to incels. what happend to this board.

The wall is quite literally an incel fantasy though. Even the ugliest, fattest, most worthless and worn out roastie in her 50s can get a 7/10 beta orbiter to provide for her by pretending to be some kind of "born-again Christian", and that cuck will happily provide for both the roastie and its half breed spawn with Tyrone until it dies. There is no such thing as a truly miserable or hopeless roastie - the only reason they kill theirselves in middle age is because they realize that they can only get Brad instead of Chad, or they fucked up while trying to get attention and sympathy from fellow femoids or orbiters.

No its not. The norm is some people fuck like rabbits and end up a train wreck as they can't tie themselves down to people.

Some people fuck like rabbits and still manage to marry and have kids in a healthy enough relationship.

And some people rarely have sex outside of committed relationships.

I'm 22 fucked 7 girls only 3 of which was outside relationships.

My current girlfriend only fucked 2 guys before me. My current girlfriend is by far the best wife material.

If all women are sluts why you virgin ?

>boring stable guys
Yeah fuck me and my permanent job with benefits health insurance and a pension. Women will always look for something """better""" no matter what and nothing you do will ever be enough.

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The idea of "the wall" has existed longer than the idea of an incel. It goes back at least to the redpill stuff, and prior to that for a century they just called older unmarried women spinsters.

>If all women are sluts why you virgin ?

Is he a woman?

Two of these have the qoman's name as the same but feature photos of completely different women.

What's funny is that the "justice kino" thread is about women justly being made victim of their own poor choices and planning.
As analyzed by 20- and 30-something NEETS posting hate on Jow Forums on a sunday afternoon after wasting their youth away on videogamnes and anime instead of pursuing education and socialization.

If you think about it, whores are loser females, essentially the female versions of incels
Why do you think beta males are always wifeing whores?