>come home from shift at Dairy Queen
>12yo sister is watching Family Goy and doing Fortnight dances in her thong
>tell her to go to bed
>she dabs on me
Wtf do I do about her?
Come home from shift at Dairy Queen
Other urls found in this thread:
Why does she have a thong?
because the slut/sexual revolution generation is having kids and they don't know what appropriate boundaries are.
Super thong wedgie will teach her
>not to wear a thing
>not to fortnight dance
>not to dab
>not to underestimate you
You must be 18 or older to post here. Faggit.
For panties?
T Pose on her to assert your dominance, user
This but unironically, she is pretty based and you should be proud
are you one of those youtube pedophiles who make those weird videos aimed at children?
Delet this.
Fuckin now.
Does she floss?
You know what to do you LARPing faggot.
Fuck you now I'm getting ELSA ASSFUCKED BY GANG WEED reccomendations for the next 5 years
>old friend from hs visits me for a week
>says he'd stay longer but has to go back home to his little sister's prom
>tells me it's really weird and everyone is doing "weird dances" and "flailing their arms", and that there are "crying emoji videos" and "weird rap music" playing
>he doesn't know about zoomers but based on this description I can say with 100% certainty that they were doing the fortnite dance, dabbing and listening to 69 or lil pump or something similar
>these are 18 year olds
I don't even want to imagine what kids who are just now going to kindergarten will end up like. Fucking hell. Growing up I already thought my own generation was cancerous with rage comics and nigger music becoming popular but it's actually a hundred times worse now. Nigger music isn't just a popular genre it's the ONLY genre these kids listen to, they're still openly doing these retarded monkey dances at 18 years old, the only way they know how to interact and feel part of a community is by spamming cancerous memes and worst of all their parents see absolutely nothing wrong with this. These kids will grow up to be politicians, judges, prosecutors, cops, architects who shape the landscapes of historic cities, people in charge of the world.
I'd say some stupid shit like "god help us", but I know there's no god here anymore.
That can't be right. The Hippies promised that things wouldn't go that far. Why would they ever lie?
>worst of all their parents see absolutely nothing wrong with this
Parents don't know what the fuck they are doing online.This is the problem with zoomers,they can do all kinds of fucked up shit and their parents won't know/care.
Just YEET her into the shadow realm my guy
>Dumb kids are dumb and like dumb things
Truly the end of times. This is the only that this has ever been the case.
and yet they demonize ephebophiles/hebephiles
>le there is no objective difference between kids growing up watching TV before bed and kids growing up watching AI generated "elsa poos in syringe funny amazing chocolate pregnancy" videos for multiple hours a day
>le there's no objective difference between kids learning a few mean words and kids growing up on "Ima bust a cap in yo ass nigga don't fuck with me I'll murder ya" niggermusic
>le there's no objective difference between kids watching scooby doo tier cartoons with a few hippy references in them and kids growing up around a "dude smoke weed every day, boys can be girls too, I have two dads" culture
You fell for a meme user. The fact that old people have been criticizing younger generations for changing culture since the dawn of time doesn't mean that they're wrong every single time, it just means that old people's opinion is not a good indicator. They will say "this generation is fucked" every time without fail, but that has no correlation with the actual state of the new generation. It can be either better, the same or worse than before. You have to look at the world with your own eyes and draw your conclusions instead of dismissing them because "they've been wrong before so that means they're wrong now". And once you do that you'll realize how truly fucked we are.
Well their parents are already fucked in the head from daycare so they have no frame of reference. New parents have always been clueless, but at least before there was thousands of years of tradition to rely on, essentially thousands of years of trial and error compressed down into a few simple and easy to understand rituals and generally accepted phrases. Even if you were a bit dumb you could rely on your community to help you out with tips, but now parents get their information and recommendations from a handful of columnists whose only agenda is to generate clicks and not to write anything meaningful.
>their parents see absolutely nothing wrong with this
so you could say that it's their parents fault, and not theirs?
you're wrong on too many accounts for my lethargic ass to start debunking it. btw, are you a millennial? You're cancer.
Well if you follow that logic, is anything ever really anyone's fault? Their parents are that way because their boomer parents put them into daycare while they were busy working on their careers and attending nigger rights rallies. And boomers were that way because their parents gave them too much freedom and provided everything for them. And GGers were that way because of fuck knows what, probably because their parents were too strict and didn't let them be kids and have fun, etc.
man, chill the fuck out, it's not all that bad. you're getting old, that's all. but take it from someone who's seen both the millennials and zoomers growing up; you millennials were worse.
that gave me a good chuckle, thanks user
>any ideas about anything
The real point of the hippie movement was orgies and drugs.
Anybody who tells you otherwise is the kind of shithead who "lived" at "occupy wallstreet"
Man you are stupid.
You really think that generations that have been around a smartphone since they were in-utero are indistinguishable from prior generations.
Do you really think comparing a childs brain in 2015 and 1955 would be the same? Neurologically?
user. He'd end up on the news for something retarded like sexual assault or something.
>not setting up your phone to record and sharking her and posting it on insta to shame her
you millennials were worse, simply on the account that you can't blame it that you grew up with smartphones, or whichever you want to switch the blame to. you were cancer. in fact, if you want to go on this shitty route you're on right now, it's all because of your mentally ill asses.
I'm not sure what you mean, but your diction makes me confident that I don't care about it.
I'm drunk and english is my third language. you were (still are) cancer. fuck off and leave this kids be stupid or whatever
What's even the point of posting that? You called me two insults and said I was wrong without saying anything else. Your post is the equivalent of talking about the weather or how housing prices are going up. Fucking useless empty words.
I don't think there's a way to tell which one is worse yet but I have no reason to think it's changing for the better. I don't know if you could call me a millenial, I'm 23. But I have an older brother who's 27 and his friends are like straight out of a shitty ms paint comic made by Jow Forums about millenials. The craft beers, the vegan blogs, the smart casual tryhard outfits, the obsessive need to reinvent everything and be contrarian, the refusal to grow up, the obscure degrees like "hindu smell therapy engineer", the "I'm a free spirit" and "I love travelling" roasties who go to india and take selfies with a sedated tiger then proceed to wear those really baggy pants and try to insert their india trip into every convo, the mentality that apathy and underachieving is funny and "quirky" and it's cool if you eat cold pizza every day and watch netflix when you have an assignment or a deadline, it's all true and 100% accurate. These people are caricatures of a caricature of themselves.
And they still had some semblance of a family structure growing up, so there's no reason to think zoomers who almost all grow up in dysfunctional broken homes will be any better.
you're exaggerating. you're blowing this up way out of proportions. but the most important thing here is, you give too much of a fuck about it. chill.
It isn't as though this isn't a bait thread anyway
>I'll make the assertion that you're a millenial based on nothing
>millenials are cancer
>therefore everything you say is wrong and there's nothing wrong with zoomers
>I'm le drunk xd
As expected from a fully subverted and demoralized apathetic product of soviet brainwashing.
Take a pic of her in a thong.
>if english is your third language, you must be a soviet
>btw, if you drink, you suck
As expected from a demented, uneducated millennial.
Oh yeah I forgot to include "broooo just chiiill, why even care about anything xd" in the millenial cancer list. Fuck off. Of course these are generalisations, but they're generalisations for a reason. The vast majority of that generation are like that at least on some level. From a statistics standpoint the outliers are not important. When millenials vote for things as a group, the outcome will always be in line with the sort of values I just listed. There won't be a complete unanimity, but it's close enough that it doesn't matter.
alright, but what's your exact problem with all of this? I was only trying to tell you that your generation set in motion the very thing you're complaining about. Whatever man, fuck some zoomers and get it over with.
You got a point.
lmao what a meaningless existence.
>he's so fucking clueless that he doesn't know about kgb brainwashing around the world, so he completely misunderstands the point
>perpetuating the exact lifestyle the soviets promoted in their efforts to turn westerners into demoralised apathetic people who don't care about anything and just get high and play video games
>b-but I'm an individual *hick*, there are no strings on me
>letting russians rig an election in your shithole of a country that you call free
>worry about how kgb brainwashed me
keep it coming, I'm making a compilation out of these
My problem is the dumb fuck who keeps replying to me with meme scripted responses like "it's always been this way, they always called the new generations bad even hundreds of years ago". I originally just shared a similar experience to what OP posted. And I also have a problem with the fact that the general sentiment seems to be what you're saying, which is "yeah things are fucked but I don't care". I want to have kids and I want there to be an effort to make the world liveable again, but it seems like no one else wants that and that's not a good feel.
>your generation set in motion the very thing you're complaining about
Well if you want to split hairs my generation didn't do shit, we're still in uni/just started work, but it doesn't matter either way. What matters is how to fix it.
>implying I'm an american
>"the russians rigged the election"
Come on now. You're just stabbing in the dark at this point, hoping you hit something.
>My problem is the dumb fuck who keeps replying to me with meme scripted responses like "it's always been this way, they always called the new generations bad even hundreds of years ago"
huh. I didn't actually wanted to sound quite like that way, but there's quite some truth to it, but it wasn't my focus.
you wanna know how to fix it? do better than whatever the fuck you don't agree with
What are you, then? I'll deconstruct your ass so hard, you're gonna move to america and become obese.
>tfw you unironically start to belive that islam with its backwardness and hatred of technology it brings will save us all
>>letting russians rig an election in your shithole of a country that you call free
>STILL can't accept the outcome of a democratic election
Thanks for revealing your true colours Shlomo.
>I'll deconstruct your ass so hard, you're gonna move to america and become obese.
Top cringe, tough guy. What's actually going to happen is you're going to call my country a shithole and maybe bring up a few Jow Forums memes if you're feeling fancy. Go ahead and do your thing, I'm from hungary
This ironically not-actual ironically
I really think you're a good guy, and I hope you'll find whatever the fuck you're looking for. maybe a nice, loving girlfriend, or whatever. just remember, things don't last forever.
I meant the other guy. I'm pretty sure he's a troll at this point, judging by his other posts. Like I said, the phenomenon of old people calling new generations bad is real, but this doesn't mean the opposite is true every time, just that the two don't correlate. They can coincide and right now I think they do. If you don't think so that's fine, but then I think you're wrong and I'll try to convince you otherwise. But most people aren't willing to discuss anything and would rather barrag you with assorted insults and meme half truths.
I try to do better but it would be a lot more effective if this could be a group effort. If I was charismatic and knew how to be a "leader" I might be able to get something done and at least create a small community somewhere, but I'm not and a regular guy can only do so much alone.
> dances in her thong
And why was this detail necessary?
I'm married. The thing I'm looking for is a place where I can raise children without the state and the scum of society fucking them up, and also a community that's resistant to nihilism and worth fighting for.
that's gonna be pretty iffy. you can't even isolate them from the shit everyone else is doing, because you'll only end up alienating them. gotta find some balance, if you really need this.
if you have acquired these video podcasts without paying I urge you yo make a donation.
I get you man, I really do, though I still think you're putting all your energy in the wrong place. dumb ass.
>US is a democracy
>that pic
does your caretaker know you're posting on Jow Forums?
The only way it could work is a town full of like minded people, so they are isolated from the cancer but still have a sense of belonging and community.
Nani is this???
Dab on her for being a thotty.
>These kids will grow up to be politicians, judges, prosecutors, cops, architects who shape the landscapes of historic cities, people in charge of the world.
No they won't civilization won't exist by then
Fair point. We can't know for sure, but if there is something resembling a civilization by then it's surely going to be fucked up.
>>not to wear a thing