Why are you here, really?
Why are you here, really?
Gotta get that dopamine flowing
It's reassuring and comforting to know that somewhere in the world someone is enduring my soul crushing loneliness and sadness.
Unfortunately it's mostly make-believe here these days, and a lot of anons chose to abandon the sadness for blind rage, which is unrelatable to me.
there is nowhere else to go that I know of
This is how I cope with being an ugly loser, by sharing feels with others in a similar position
>that glassware
>the carbonation fizz
Child in a man's body.
You're one of the good ones, user. Please don't change for the worst like them.
to be miserable
But all I see here is boobs and talk about women and their qualities. There must be more to misery than that.
haha im so alone my gf hasn't texted me since this morning life is suffering right fellow robots?
Fuck the absolute fucking state of this board.
Because all I want is the virgin bride that I was promised growing up and now know is no longer possible. The Supreme Gentleman did nothing wrong.
This post and the post its replying do not relate to me in any way and yet it still hurt my feelings to read this. What the fuck is wrong with me? How much of a thin-skinned retard do you have to be to unironically get your feelings hurt reading something that wasn't directed at you and wasn't related to you? Fucking christ I just want it to stop.
i like posting here. all of my friends moved i got into a bad car accident.
Now this.
This is a pathetic post.
out of habit i guess. 11 years and counting with no end in sight
>Fuck the absolute fucking state of this board.
pick one you fucking normie
Not very bright, eh buddy?
I'm working as much as possible before I take the last half of the month off
Now this.
This is a WHOOSH.
It's the only thing that brings me anything resembling enjoyment. It doesn't give me negative emotions like just about everything else does. I've tried to get into making video games, hobby programming, and reading and they all just stress me out and make me feel retarded.
I'm drunk, depressed and feeling like a piece of shit
so I opened up Jow Forums for the first time in like 2 years
Guess I can never leave.
Isn't it fun seeing all the exact same threads as when you left?
I am eating food, using drugs, and hitting myself in the head.
seems like the density of shit threads has gone up a bit
that's probably more rose colored glasses than anything though
I opened up to this place too, started talking to people. Can't really relate to anyone IRL.
I ain't got anywhere else to go.
>This is a WHOOSH.
The reason most are, let's be honest
>no gf
I probably missed a few, but those are the basics for sure
I'm in an unhappy relationship with a crazy woman that denies her son has asperger's. While we have a child of our own, problems with the retard behaviour and other deep isues eroded our love and trust for each other. No way i'm going to leave my child with these two crazy fuckers.
Sex was great now it's just satisfactory. If it weren't that i also have a previus child girl with other woman this miserable life would be just like the fucking memes.
Truth is life is worse.
She THICC THO so her ass, tits and pretty face still do the trick.
Idk, I have opportunities. I don't feel very confident that I'll succeed to an acceptable degree to warrant trying in life. What's even the point of having friends if you're an incel? The more good times had now the more disappointing it will be when they eventually abandon me because they have families and I'm old and creepy. I can't get a girl, my dad didn't get a girl, not really. I'd rather just die than be a cuck, and in a way that's sort of what I'm doing. Sorry for failed normie incel whining to the fucking attractive assholes who don't think I belong here.
To take as many fuckers with me, and go out like a narcissist into the sunset screaming at myself like an edgelord.
To remind myself that I'm not the only miserable incel so I can delay offing myself
Why is Jow Forums more calming than basically all of Reddit?
you'll never get a bride, let alone a virgin one. Just give up
Reddit users seem to be more sweaty, also they have a worse sense of humor and don't really have the trolling culture of Jow Forums which makes them too serious
I'm so fucking lonely and sad
This. Virgin women don't exist unless they're really religious in which case you're pretty fucked if you don't share their religion, not that that would help much
actual fucking moron, you are probably one of the dumbest people on this board
nothing better than that.
I really don't know. I gain nothing mentally or emotionally reading this board. I don't feel like I identify with anyone here because I don't blame my parents or the world for how I am. I'm not angry at anyone but myself. I'm stuck between wanting to better myself, and being too afraid of failure to make any real changes.
I'm here because I enjoy seeing that other people are suffering like me. That the world is not necessarily against me, but against lots of people.
I come here out of habit.
That's the only reason.
I am going to fucking kill myself.
I hate myself.
I am a fucking CRIIIIIIIIINGE loser
>Fucking retarded faggot retard piece of shit fucking cringeboi
Literally me
I'm going to fucking destroy myself. I hate myself so fucking much. I HATE MYSELF SO FUCKING MUCH.
Because looking at all of you makes me feel better about my shitty relationship
What else is there to do in life?
The fact that this post is not original proves my point desu.
I never picked up on how to effectively flirt with women and I habe sensitive feelings.
My only wish in life currently is to be asexual. But, if there's one thing I've learned from life, it's that the stakes aren't the same for everyone and not everybody was meant to be happy
To fill the void of boredom, I don't have anything anymore to keep me interested.
Nobody chooses to be good or bad user. We are who we are, and we are what the world makes us.
Nobody is who they are on purpose, not in the way humans fancy, at least
Don't break your keyboard pal, then Mommy will have to go get you a new one. You seem pretty upset.
It's a cross between laughing at all the betas, learning from their mistakes, and a form of digital self harm for me.
What's left of the archives will show that this place has degraded immensely
everything is degrading it's not Jow Forums exclusive
>Why are you here, really?
because I need social interaction and a place to blow off steam after a long day of work or studying.
the loneliness is so unbearable at times that I'm compelled to pop in, no matter how much I detest certain things which are out of my control sadly.
I'm definitely less likely to kill myself after knowing that I have it better than you, at the least.
not everthing.
Your eye is limited.
How are those bad living conditions you own a mac nig.
Livestream it for your good buddies at r9k
That looks comfy, could use some cleaning though
I feel among my kind.
trying to cheer myself up over the fact that there are probably some robots worse off then me.
I wanna just get my degree, get a job and then blow all my money on aircraft parts, I wanna save a big old plane from death, Hate seeing DC-3s and other cool planes get scrapped, Really wanna go for resurrecting whats left of the Kee Bird if I could, I'd be willing to dedicate my entire life to saving that plane if I could.
I come here because I've been coming here since I was 12 years old, which is 11 years ago now. I just always liked the nature of how quickly things pass here, I like the trolling culture of the early 2000's and how you can be anonymous and say whatever you want here. I am not an incel, I don't hate women and I don't consider myself a robot. But I've been posting on Jow Forums for a long time now, and I don't plan on ever leaving.
kys lmfao im posting tou on reddit with your real name and address so everyone will come to your basement and point and laugh at your ugly fucking retarded face and post you on national news as the big retard and you will be remembered personally for ever and ever as a big retard that let everyone around him down jk ull be forgotten i already forgot what Im typing here desu senpai kawaii
I like to check up on the cesspit every now and again
Because I, a functioning human bean, like to talk to people who have issues both to fulfill my own EGO and to legitimately help them. Helping people makes me feel good, so I like doing it.
Here's some anti-blackpill knowledge:
My gf and I both have lurked Jow Forums for years. I met my gf in HS in a shared club and she's literally the perfect woman for me. Although we planned to not have sex until marriage, I get dependent stuff from my Navy parents so I can't get married until college is over. As such, we took eachother's virginities.
Life is good.
i have nothing better to do. i'm a neet with zero social life.
Your dad didnt get a girl? Details
If you can even BEGIN to program a game, you're smarter than I am.
I consider myself smart, so at least you have that going for you. Don't squander your intelligence, user.
Jow Forums and CSGO are my only forms of socializing
Amen, same as this user
i was just complaining about that in my head, i hate the modern state of this board but i keep coming back in hopes of something worthwhile then the moddos delete the thread and the normalfags' virtue signals vibrate through the floor. in all honesty through, i can't really keep mad at PEOPLE in general for that long. just mad at the facts. but we can't change facts, and obscuring them is even more aggravating. guess i'll just float around with mr existentialism to fuck me in the ass.
moddos, am not mad at you for delet threads i touch, i have FORGIVENESS, whatever it means to you
>out of habit
been on Jow Forums for 8 years, only having a quick break between 2017-2018. i'm 20
>no friends
>bored and not much better to do
>procrastinating for finals
I want a friend or a gf to replace my old best friend since he replaced me.
I've been trying to find one here but it's not yielded any satisfactory results.
That might be my fault more than anyone else's though.
>why are you here, really?
Why are any of us here...really?
At the root of it for just about everybody, its simply a means of killing time. You cant stop time, and growing old hurts.
Misery loves company. I guess, in some sick way, I have an odd feeling of pride knowing I am a part of one of the loneliest generations in recorded history. But to answer your question, I am here because I have time to kill
that is my fault more than anyone else's though*
corrected myself
>my life is good stop being a loser
What degree user
Now you its original and you cant tell me otherwise
I remember you from the room thread a few months ago. Please don't kill yourself user! Your room looks so comfy
As an asexual person, I find the topics of conversation here enthralling, like I'm peering into another world
But the real reason is because I can relate to the loneliness of everyone since I have no friends
But what?
I'm curious now
10/10 bait fampai
I hope you aren't actually this retarded
asexuality is just being retarded, if you're not sexual why do you need a sexuality? because you're just being retarded.
Currently going for one in geography with a minor in geology. Wish there was some place I could volunteer to gain experience in literally everything, have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life. I'm 22 and trying to cope with the fact I have no social network of friends and no idea how to interact with women.
I kinda don't know what I will do when my family all moves out
To shitpost and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bubblegum.
Because I'm finished enlightening my native chan, so english being my only other language, I moved here, to the international stage.
I don't know. I rarely post. I guess reading threads makes me feel less crushingly lonely when I'm alone in my apartment at night.
imagine being THIS deluded
I don't know anywhere else I can talk about what I feel.
I want to socialize, but I want to say whatever I want to say without being held accountable. I can be as cruel and hateful as I want to be, and I can also be as kind and compassionate as I want to be in a completely different thread.
I don't have to think twice before posting anything, and that's refreshing.
The world has reached critical mass.
We are literally living in the apocalypse.
I'm waiting to die.
There's nothing else in this world in store for me, besides death. I don't want to be alive, I don't want to have to solve endless problems until I die. This is baseline easiest form of entertainment that I have found. I sleep, and browse this place ans Youtube. Come downstairs once per 24 hours for food. I'm fast tracking the most natural and best way that I can.
I'm stuck in a boring limbo between shirking responsibilities and not engaging in hedonism so I come here to pass the time while I listen to the same music I always listen to
Boredom is laziness. Get your shit together, kid.
am here to kill a hour and kek over beta's
what do? I'm addicted to Jow Forums. When I do anything else, my brain screams to come back here.
there's no way in hell this is real
im fucking dying
>Nobody chooses to be good or bad user
Yes, you do.
Was never on that gay site, explain this whoosh to me
>Boredom is laziness. Get your shit together, kid.
I'm a lazy Bulgarian and that's not going to change. I'm probably happier this way in all honesty