i'm jumping in front of a train tomorrow
I'm jumping in front of a train tomorrow
Other urls found in this thread:
At least have the decency to hang yourself.
some poor cunt will have to wipe your disease-ridden blood off the train.
In front of stopped train, I supposed?
don do it frend
You don't have the balls, but you shouldn't not kys.
You know how people die if they drink alcohol on xans? Yeah, it's too much depressive drugs- so their lungs sort of forget to work while they're sleeping. Do that, atleast be transcendentally virtous in your last act.
This think of the janny man you'll be gone but you'll make an innocent guy suffer.
Jump off a bridge instead. Don't be an inconsiderate asshole and delay everyone on the train.
What's your plan op? Don't let anyone pull you out of the way and get all full of themselves over it.
Eh, there's a pretty strong survival rate and agony rating on that one.
Drugged suicide is the only way to go.
But, then some poor cunt will have to take his old, disgusting, non-showered body for 8 months body out of the water.
Drugged suicide is for attention seeking faggots. Your much likely to survive that. At least if you jump off a bridge it's guaranteed death because if you survive the fall you'll still drown.
Freight train passes by where used to live
Yea but that's one person inconvenienced doing a job they chose to do vs a train full of people and the mental scaring of the driver.
> most intelligent criticism of peacefully, privately offing oneself for ones own purposes with drugs is to call it faggotry
Why is nobody telling you to not do it? People are sick, seriously don't do that. I hope you are joking at least.
Off the boat from Reddit, ey?
Do what you want. I'm just saying, overdosing youself on drugs has a reputation of being done by attention seeking faggots and nignog rappists
No m8, I am not from reddit. Maybe new but still wtf.
Well my youngling, if you think this is bad, get out while you can. Don't let it take you as it took me.
>my resolve to end my life is so weak and fragile that someone on a chinese finger trap enthusiast forum could break it
Just gas yourself, faggot. It's a lot less painful than killing yourself with a train.
Whatever man but still this is wrong. People shouldn't be encouraging others to end it all, no matter how blackpilled. I have tried myself and I am grateful I didn't.
Why did this make me laugh?
That's how things are here. Suicide is a natural thing here if it isn't for you there are other safer boards.
Why bother? you're living the same time loop indefinitely.
Might as well just ride out the storm and hope for a clearer day in the future.
Tell that to the golden gate survivors.
You need to go back to wherever you came from.
You didn't try hard enough then. Don't be such a quitter.
yeah, from the short messages we've exchanged I really don't think this website/board is for you.
based and trainpilled. Remember to check if the train has safety bumpers that push people away infront or to the side. I'm drinking a cocktail of codeine, benzos and alcohol. See you on the otherside friend. Hope there isn't another side but just in case there is.
Why? Isn't that gonna hurt?
How does one contact Jow Forums's Trust & Safety team about posts exhibiting ideations of self-harm or violence toward others?
50% magnesium powder
50% potassium nitrate
strong sealed container
visco fuse
Take some normies with you
I believe the most selfish and self gratifying thing somebody can do is forcing or talking somebody into living a life they don't want to live. Man, woman or child should have the right to die anytime they want. Whether they be of sound mind or not. I REFUSE TO BE A SLAVE IN YOUR RIGGED FUCKING GAME NORMALFAG.
Jow Forums.org/contact
thanks good frendsir
You think you are brave by encouraging people to destroy their lives and those of others! You literally do that because you are bored!
Np m8. Cheers!
I'm driving the train tomorrow
Please don't do it user. People care about you. What has driven you to want to do such a terrible thing to yourself?
Friend, this website is not for you, leave. suicide is an ordinary occurrence here
just like...
all of us do it.
I don't care man. There is no reason for people to encourage suicide other than their own sick amusement. Maybe I am a normalfag but this is evil.
I do that because I understand the pain they're in. And the constant pain they will be in. Drop your savior's complex for a second and look at it rationally. I never said "kill yourself" or "do it". I only gave tips so he doesn't end up disfigured and fucked up. It's their choice. Not yours. Not mine. And if you can't respect that, you're a virtue signalling, bluepilled normalfag. Lurk more. Better yet live more so you understand how pointless and shit life is.
thanks for telling us, but there are probably much better ways to kill ones self.
You're a normalfag, so you have never experienced what we live like.
Why do you want to do that user?
I don't think you read my post friend but I'm glad you're giving these normalcunts a taste of reality. They can not and never will understand.
Shut up bitch.
When I tried to kill myself I had a life threatening disease, dumped by my gf, lost my dream job and abandoned by my friends, and all that on a life of misery. I did not succeed and was rushed to a hospital. Now I still take some medication but guess what. I have new friends, my own company and a gf I am considering to marry. Even without that, even if life would be shittier than before, ending it is not the way.
ah no, I fucked up with the linking. I meant to link him to your post to show him what we're like.
Have you been working since the age of ten? Have you been abandoned by your parents? Have you been dumped by every girl you met because you had a weak chin and ugly nose? Have you been diagnosed with cancer and at the same time abandoned by friends and loved ones? Shut the fuck up. Nobody is virtue signaling. We are no libtard fags. But you shouldn't encourage suicide without even asking why they chose that path.
Nice, fuck railroad employees dude, you don't even need to feel guilty if the guy picking you off the rails is getting paid 6 figures because he's a normalfaggot with social connections.
If at first you don't succeed, try try again! Everyone would be better off.
Say that to the people who enjoy their coffee and doughnuts because of my shop. What have you ever done besides urging people to destroy themselves and their families you fat incel cunt?
>Have you been dumped by every girl you met?
lucky, I wish I could actually get a girl
What a fucking moron. This sets a new level.
Why must this board be so hostile? I think he brings up a few good points. Not samefagging btw.
Soon user, very soon
I tried being nice but, let me tell it to you how it is THIS BOARD IS NOT FOR YOU! you have a massive saviour complex. Just accept that you'll never save him. Close this tab and never come back.
You can get lucky if you try yourself. Don't be defeatist. I am not trying to sell you to some self help bs, I know these guys are frauds but there is no way to get pessimistic. Even if you end up getting laid at 40 with a 3/10 suicide is taking it too far.
You absolutely positively need to go back.
>Have you been working since the age of ten?
>Have you been abandoned by your parents?
No but I am the black sheep of the family and would get cigarretes snuffed out on me. Suffered regular verbal abuse and occasional beatings. I wish my parents were absent from the beginning. Oh and I was also sexually abused by an older guy in my highschool when I was younger so that was just a fucking blast as you can imagine
>Have you been dumped by every girl you met because you had a weak chin and ugly nose?
I don't get that far and never have. The fact that you do says a lot about you and your looks. Girls automatically ignore me no matter what comes out of my mouth because of my looks.
>Have you been diagnosed with cancer
No but my uncle did. The only person that was near and dear to my heart and was nice to me left this earth and never came back. Leaving me all alone. Oh I won't go into details but I also have a disease that gives me constant chronic pain in my abdomen. I have to live off painkillers and those aren't even cutting it anymore
This isn't a pissing contest of whose more fucked up. We are all in pain. And will continue to be in pain. If OP's problem is enough to drive him/her to suicide, I need no explanation. They have the right to die. As anyone should. Fuck off back to tumblr or Jow Forums snowflake.
So no. Post discarded.
Are you serious? You are the one sitting in front of a computer, angry because someone does not like you urging people to kill themselves! You psycho fuck!
You had a girlfriend FUCK YOU I hope you kill yourself
cool argument you got there bud. I'll be waiting for you to come up with another bullshit excuse to make yourself seem like the good goy. Because I'm sure that's how self centered you are. I bet you see yourself as a bastion of justice culling these evil demons that "advocate" suicide. Grow. The. Fuck. Up
Look man, the stuff you are describing sucks, and yes people have the right to end it all when they want to, but this is a big decision and cannot be encouraged solely by some strangers on the internet. You people have not even asked the guy why they would want that for themselves. Maybe someone in this thread has an answer to his problem or at least a nugget of advice and morale boosting. So no do not tell me you are concerned and shit. If you were you would at least take the subject seriously. Ffs people are telling the guy he is gonna be a problem for the fucking janitor!
dubs and i hang self with my belt and my doorknob
You are just posting ways for the man to die! You have not even concerned yourself with why! Maybe one of you knows something that he does not! Maybe if you asked him, you would discover that even in your shitty lives you had faced something similar and overcome it. You are just chasing the thrill of taking part in someone else's difficult decision making!
He deserves it. Fuck off.
Is that what this is all about? Seriously?
What to die? What is your problem man?
user you there man?
You are the problem here. Take a note from OP's book.
don't do it you faggot you'll disrupt transportation in whatever city you're in
You better fucking live stream it. I'm sick of seeing "I'm gonna end it" posts that don't get followed through.
This. Nobody gives a shit otherwise.
I hope you find some solace in your final moments, but you realize you risk dying with your brain in a DMT-soaked nightmare of endless pain and guilt and regret stretched into a psychedelic eternity of torment. I hope there may be some hope you at least get a quick death. Or at least make a gamble with forgiveness.
Jesus loves you. Hope you find what you need.
welp i've had too much internet, i can't tell if this is a porn thing or a suicide thing anymore
Its 4:03. You are sitting in front of a screen telling a man to find a way to kill themselves other than jumping in front of the train BECAUSE IT WILL BE INCONVENIENT FOR THE STAFF. I love how you pretend to care and the value you place on his life is the same as that of an ice cream stain on a shirt. All I did was ask why nobody is asking the reasons, as to see if there could be an alternative to suicide. Am I the problem? It is OP's life and he can do whatever he wants, but still it is his life. It is not a simple matter you can pretend to be hardcore over.
LOL it was a fucking britbong all along.
Scurry off back to britfeel you little man.
>suicide by train
based and redpilled, don't listen to these normies ITT. Make those pathetic jannys clean up your guts and brain
>Am I the problem?
Yes, we've told you as much. Go away.
Do it. The planet is dying, politicians are corrupt, real human interaction is dead, fortnite is a thing, there's literally nothing to live for anymore besides living a life of empty decadence until we get wiped out by an incurable disease or something. I would rather go now then painfully later.
user, I hope you are still in this thread and can read this. Millions of people pass through these threads every day, every hour. Each of them with different experiences, but some of them with similar ones. Maybe you could reconsider or at least postpone your suicide. Spend some time looking for someone that maybe has answers to what causes your suffering. I cannot imagine how horrible it is, and it must be because wishing for the end means that life must have become unbearable, but please give it at least 5 more minutes of consideration. Maybe you have already made up your mind, maybe you are not even reading this thread, but in the chance you have the slightest trace of hope, give life another chance. It may end up being the same, and you may end up reconsidering suicide, but there is a chance that it wont and that good things will happen to you, and in return you will do some good yourself, and the people that are affected by that good may be grateful that you existed and caused it. I know this sounds cliched and it is, but give it a thought. Maybe it is worth it :)
I happen to be very conservative, but anyway I am not leaving.
Yuck. It's like you're just trying rope me back in to hope with substanceless nice posting.