I hate fat girls

i hate fat girls.

women literally have 1 job, be cute. its not difficult.



>67% of women are overweight or obese.

its time to bring back body shaming. enough of this. we need more women to fuck.

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Those two are the same person? They don't even look the least bit alike.

Cute is subjective. Lots of guys find fat girls cute. It actually used to be the norm because it indicated a woman was well fed and thus from a well off family.

I only hate fat girls who get so big they can't function. But chubby girls are awesome. They actually have to develop personality when they're young so they end up being well rounded people compared to skinny thots.

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>Cute is subjective. Lots of guys find fat girls cute.
Lot's of guys are pathetic losers.
>It actually used to be the norm because it indicated a woman was well fed and thus from a well off family
Fat today isn't the same as fat a hundred years ago. And people have never been into fat women, perhaps "chubby" but not fat.
>They actually have to develop personality when they're young
Toxic trash personality?

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no. kiaraa is still the same on the left and she's adorable.

>Lot's of guys are pathetic losers.
That has nothing to do with what you find attractive. Look at you, for example... you're a pathetic loser and you don't like fat chicks. Shall we now conclude that pathetic losers don't like fat chicks?
>Fat today isn't the same as fat a hundred years ago. And people have never been into fat women, perhaps "chubby" but not fat.
You aren't addressing the point. The reason I brought that up is to point out that beauty standards change, which makes them subjective.
>Toxic trash personality?
They actually can carry a conversation. You have never talked to a woman, let alone a fat one, so obviously you don't understasnd.

Whatever, shit thread and shit OP. Have fun dying alone after you get cucked by a woman who realizes what a pathetic beta you are.

Take this from a former fatbot. Most people who are fat are so, not because they are just gluttonous pigs who make the deliberate choice to eat burgers and ice cream all day, but because of mental illness or because they use food as a coping mechanism for their hardships, like drug users and drinkers.

I used to have a bmi of 30 once, while now i have managed to stabilize at a "healthy" bmi of 20. When I was still fat, I was successful in school and had boundless energy. I excelled at my hobbies and could bond with my friends.

But eventually the way that society treats fat people got to me and i fell into a depressive hole, which caused me to gain even more weight (fat shaming works really well doesn't it). So I decided to loose weight by eating healthy, working out and keeping my calories at a steady deficit. But unfortunately loosing weight and keeping it off costs 80% of my willpower. I often only get like 3 hours of sleep per night, because I lie in bed for 8 fucking hours thinking about food and i literally have to chain myself to the fucking bed in order to not go on a 7000kcal binge.

The mental burden of staying at a healthy weight has already caused me to go from straight A student to college drop out and cost me most of my friends. I don't take joy in almost anything in life anymore. I am tired all the time and regardless of what i buy, what games i play or what I do, I don't feel any joy.

My life feels like an empty husk of its former self. Evene though i was fat as fuck with stretch marks all over my body once, I would gladly gain that weight back, if it meant, that I would also regain my happiness.

Too bad that will most likely never happen.

So why should people, regardless of whether they are male or female cause themselves such pain, just so that they look appealing to others.

If i were a girl, I would rather have a good degree, drive a fat car and have a nice paycheck, than be pleasant to look at.

i have developed myself quite a fetish for large women
problem is that i cant be seen with such whales publicly

Maybe all of that would have still happened to you by staying fat. You know, getting diabetes, heart issues, horrible skin, chronic knee and back pain... all of that would have sent you into a spiral of pain and isolation as well.

Be at least satisfied that you passed the weight control challenge. Now is the time to get back all the other stuff.


tin can

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Because they don't even have that job op. There are betas in waiting.

i feel the same way, you're born on easy mode but you can't even not be fat, they're just complete disgusting trolls.

bieng fat is not healthy for women or desireable, it fucks up their babies in the womb, there is no excuse to be fat as a woman just admit you have no self control, are depressed or are lazy.

You know whats ironic? All the people I see around, who are fat have good lives. Sure, some dude might be a 240lbs neckbeard, who plays COD all day, but guess what, its what he enjoys and most importantly, he has the capacity to enjoy it with his friends. Hell, most fat dudes I know have long term girlfriends and even hot ones at that. Meanwhile I can't even find enjoyment in porn or girls anymore, because all that i can think of is fucking food. It takes up literally 80 to 90% of my willpower to not constantly binge eat.

There is no getting back on track with this shit. I simply don't get, where all those stereotypes about fat people (lazy, sick etc.) come from.

My father is fat as fuck, pushing 80, working 10 hours a day and still healthy as a motherfucker, despite some minor shit like slightly elevated blood pressure.

My uncle is fucking morbidly obese in his sixties and hasn't even had a fucking cold in 5 years.

Meanwhile I am sitting here, unable to even put up christmas decorations, because fighting through the fatigue would cause too much stress and another 8000 kcal binge.

Sure, there might be a few risks associated with being fat, but they aren't worse than drinking or smoking and taking into account the detrimental mental effects, that cutting and staying lean has on some people, who are psychologically "hard wired" to be fat, it almost seems like a worthwhile payoff to trade a life of happiness for dying 10 years earlier and not wasting away in your 80s from some neurodegenerative disease.

>there is no excuse to be fat as a woman
There is! And that excuse is men will still find you attractive because you have a vagina!
Sure, you're not going to be pulling Chad into a relationship, but you'll never be lonely!

Chin up, bud. If it counts for anything you're still a disgusting fatty at heart; doing convoluted mental gymnastics in order to blame anyone but yourself for your shortcomings.

How the fuck do you explain all the fat CEOs, who work their asses off 10 hours a day? All the fat doctors coming out of med school? If it were just about having discipline and no other factors, all those people would be ripped as fuck. Because if you have the willpower to study for 10 hours straight every day, you should according to your theory also have the capacity to easily stay skinny, compared to a person of average intellect and self control.

>you're not going to be pulling chad

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>posting it again
Literal anomaly.

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I am not blaming anybody, all i am saying is, that the whole mind-body connection a la "improve your body and your mind will follow" is complete Jow Forums tier bullshit. Just look at how many fucking robots are Jow Forums and still depressed.

Having abs and being jacked might be nice and all, but the real question is, whether or not it is worth the trade off. If a person has limited resources, time wise as well, as in regards to their mental capacity, why should they waste it on working out and dieting, when they could actually invest them in something that fulfills them and brings joy to their lives?

Don't get me wrong, I made my own bed and now I have to lay in it. Nobody forced me to lose weight and start working out. I did it because i believed all the hype and caved to society, just like a gangbanger who shoots somebody is still solely at fault for his actions, despite having been convinced by his gang to do so.

I am just putting my story out there as a warning for others not to make the same mistakes as i did. If lifting and getting Jow Forums doesn't add anything in terms of happiness and quality to your life, or if the trade offs aren't worth it, just don't do it.

Just excell at whatever you enjoy doing and buy retarded memes.

they value eating more than being fit
they valued school more than being poor

>67% of women are overweight or obese
>imagine living in a shithole like usa in 2018
lol. keep seething, mutt.

The chad to beta ratio available to fatties is the same as a normal girl. There's just less in total available. So her chance of landing chad is equally as reduced as her chance to land a beta.

Thats exactly what I am talking about. It is not just about the amount of willpower and discipline a person has, but also about where you choose to focus your willpower and discipline.

If you spend on average 2-3 hours per day on meal prep and working out, you are simply at a disadvantage against the guy, who spends that time studying or putting in hours at work.

Sure you might look better naked, but is that on average really worth not getting that promotion or not getting good enough grades to make it into med school.

How many scientists do you know, who look like Zyzz?

Pull him into a relationship.

pretty sure they already feel shame and it isn't really helping.

where was that stat that women who become obese have like a 0.8% chance of becoming normal weight again, or something like that?

That's bullshit and I don't believe it. There's no way that a fatty has as many Chads lined up for her as a normal girl does and there's no way that it's the same ratio, even if less men are lined up for the fatty.

>There's no way that a fatty has as many Chads lined up for her as a normal girl does
I didn't say that though

You didn't make it clear which is why I tackled two arguments in that post and not just the one you stopped.

Yeah, I looked it up for ya and 0.8% was exactly right.
>The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, shows the odds of a clinically obese person achieving normal weight without surgical interventions are just 1 in 210 for men and 1 in 124 for women in a given year. Among the most morbidly obese, the chances were even worse.
The video also has a hormone/brain/nervous system doctor talk and he says
>We know that there are changes that happen in the brain when people become obese so numbers like this would really tell us those changes in the brain that happen in obesity are probably not reversible.

This says and implies a lot, and not just about obese people. I don't think it'd be going too far to say that this could mean that many people with similar compulsions or addictions inflict nigh-irreversible changes on their brain.

Daily reminder, that the 5 year survival rate for stage IV colon cancer (T1+N1+M1) is better than the 5 year cure non relapse rate for obese patients, who managed to obtain a healthy weight.

oh so it's 0.8% per year, not for it ever happening. Well that's significantly better, since the number probably gets inflated by older people a great deal. Also interesting that women are actually better at becoming thin again than men, because you often hear from women that it's the opposite, and that's why they can't lose the weight. But yes it would appear that it's almost irreversible, so we need to do everything to prevent it from happening to us in the first place. I'm a mid height guy and I weigh myself daily, if I'm over 140lbs I don't get any snacks until the weekend. Might have to start exercising too.

Nigger, thats the hall mark of anorexia nervosa right there. People who have a healthy mental state don't need to restrict their eating habits.

Consciously restricting your eating behaviour leads to eating disorders (BED, anorexia/bulimia nervosa) in the long term.

Whats your BMI?

Not sure about BMI but I have 3 big meals a day so I wouldn't call it anorexia. It's more about avoiding bad food/snacks when I'm over my target weight, not restricting essential nutrients in any way.

Restricting your food intake is only necessary, if you are in danger of being overweight. People with restrictive eating disorders tend to underestimate their caloric requirements/ideal weight the same way, that fat people overestimate theirs.

You can have a healthy weight on the lower end of the BMI and still be malnourished/metabolically fucked from undereating. In fact being underweight increases the risk of death just as much as being obese. This is especially due to the fact, that the body has no energy reserves that it can rely on in case of being afflicted with a wasting disease, like a severe infection or large physical trauma.

Just post your height and weight, so that we can see the BMI, especially, since 140 is a little bit on the low side, unless you are a manlet of course.

I'm 140lbs and 5'8 so BMI is 21.3. I feel like I'm on the verge of becoming skinnyfat so I'd rather not gain much unless I start working out. If 145 is a better target I can change it though.

I'm rethinking the study, it might not be as bad as it sounds. The reason I say that is because, if they're going by BMI, then an obese person is BMI 30.1+. Morbid obesity is 40.1+. So let's go for the middle between them, 35 BMI. If you're 5'9"(avg. male height) then being 35 BMI means weighing ~240 lbs. To stop being obese that would mean that you would have to lose 40 lbs, which is already a decent amount but here's the kicker: If you lose 40 lbs you still wouldn't be considered at a normal weight in terms of BMI, you would be classified as overweight at 30 BMI. To have a normal weight you would need to be at 169 lbs max. This means that what the study is really saying is that, roughly, the odds of a 5'9", 240 lb man losing 71 pounds in a single year is 1 in 210.
I think the statement is thus a ridiculous thing to tell people because losing 71 pounds in a single year is a grand ordeal and achievement and might not be reasonable to expect in the first place. The healthy amount of weight a person should lose in a week is apparently 1-2 pounds per and it would stand to reason that losing 0.5 lbs or 0.75 lbs per is still good progress. This means that if a person consistently loses 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5 or 2 lbs on an average week through a year then, respectively, they will have lost 26, 39, 52, 78 or 104 lbs that year. 3/5ths of these results are less than what's needed to go from 35 BMI to 24.9 BMI as a 5'9" man despite all of these being good progress and the video/article saying that losing 5%(12 pounds) in a year still being very beneficial.

I would conclude that the article paints a more nihilistic picture on this topic than is necessarily true. Especially since the study doesn't follow people outside of a single year, so we don't know if obese people eventually go from 35 BMI to 24.9 over 2 or 3 years more than 0.4%/0.8% of the time. It also isn't selective of age, so people who are less physically able to lose weight slant the stats.

The study i was referencing focused on people who had managed to go from being obese to being in the normal bmi range. Statistically speaking, their odds of not regaining the weight and becoming morbidly obese again are worse than those of a stage 4 colon cancer patient surviving for more than 5 years.

tl;dr: The article is kinda deceptive(despite telling no real lies) because going from 35 BMI(b/w obese and morbidly obese) to 24.9 BMI(normal) can take a long time and old people can't do it so well.

Do you have a link to that study?

this is now a cute fat girl thread

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yeah dude fuck fat people, they all suck

67% what the fuck thats way more than I thought.

Cute = small, delicate, feminine princess girly girl. Not a flabby chinker with two udders flopped over her chest.

>why should they waste it on working out and dieting
I like being stronger
It helps with a lot of things in every day life from energy to picking shit up and moving furniture (especially things relating to manual labor if that's required in your line of work)
It also helps my health a bit since I drink too much
And for what it's worth, women do like it, not that it makes much of a difference because I stopped wasting my time pursuing them
>when they could actually invest them in something that fulfills them and brings joy to their lives
>If lifting and getting Jow Forums doesn't add anything in terms of happiness and quality to your life, or if the trade offs aren't worth it, just don't do it
Fair enough
But all that aside, I think fat girls are ugly
If someone asks me what physical traits I value in women, the first one is "not being overweight/fat"

general rule:

if her gut sticks out further than her breasts or ass its a no go

>women literally have 1 job, be cute.
actually my mom is a realtor

who's on the right? Google tells me who left is

B& for calling a white man "white devil" after ruining the poor fat lad's day

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t. Fat fuck posting on Jow Forums.