Should psilocybin (magic mushrooms) be legalized?

should psilocybin (magic mushrooms) be legalized?

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Shit can mess with you at high doses.

Legalize everything. Fucking bootlicking scum that thinks that the government should have any say in what you put in your body.
>b-b-but the kids will get addicted to drugs.
They already are, drugs are everywhere. Unless you're ready to allow uncle Sam to start opening your mail, there's nothing you can do. Since it's illegal, there's nothing ensuring quality, so you have everyone taking much greater risks than they have to. Everything's cut, everything's fake, and everything is much more expensive than it needs to be.

While is not the answer to all the problems in life, Low doses are literally 100% safe and have tons of positive effects,

Absolutely, 100%, completely originally, This

Why does every degenerate drug dumper think that they're a pharmacist? You sound like such fucking faigts, you know that?

They should have been legalized before weed. The fact that shrooms are kept illegal is a complete travesty and a huge detriment to society IMO.

Your butthurt revived the thread, you know that? Lrn2spell, "faigt".

Reddit is calling you back home to your degenerate "dudelolweed" friends. Time to check out of this place, sport, you just don't belong.

I've been here since 08, buddy. How do them boots taste? Make sure to give up as many liberties as you can, uncle Sam promised us a good life if we just submit.

lol, you think it's about what's legal? You really are a gigantic degenerate megafag. I bet you think you're such a rebel and utter "fuck tha polis" everytime you and your redditfag clan get together and drug dump into each other.

You're just a degenerate. You are involved in degenerate normie activities. You don't belong here because you are a NPC normalfag.

You sure do get mad when people enjoy things you don't. Have you ever been checked for autism?

do you freaks prefer shrooms or acid?
I love shrooms but have a terrible time with acid

My autism makes me more powerful than you. Time to go back to your redditpoopermommys and talk about "that one time you got high lol"

gatekeeping robot culture is the least robot thing in the world

Came into this thread pretty much to post this. A lot of money could be used for better things if the government stopped this stupid war on drugs. Also its not like corporations would suddenly allow hardcore drug users to work for them considering they drug screen now.

Jokes on you, m8, i'm even more autistic than you. I spend all day compulsively browsing r9k and posting about drugs. I'm gonna be here forever, and there's nothing you can do.

Blind acceptance of normalfag behavior is the most normalfag thing in the world.

Most normalfags don't do shrooms because they think it "fries ur brain". You're just mad that others have hobbies that you don't enjoy.

then dont take them in high doses brainlet

Yeah what a retarded person. Every drug should be legal. Put the money towards helping addicts and junkies.

>doesn't fry your brain
You're not making a great case by example.

u mighta got bunk acid, i know real lysergic is amazing, but 2 days ago i tripped on this "acid" that was obv nbomb or somethin and i had a shit trip.

Okay, explain to me how that is the case. Go on, I'm waiting.

both have their place. If I am going to a one night concert I prefer a moderate amount of shrooms(around 2g) because they wear off after about 5 hours and I can drive home. Acid is still peaking at the 5 hour mark and I would never want to drive on that. I love doing acid at multiple days long festivals though. ~250 ug is my sweet spot in those situations. Heroic doses I reserve for solo trips in my house.

Ok the general populous is full of brainlets. You can't just legalize it for responsible people. You legalize it for everyone. Ever dumb you.

If people hurt themselves by being irresponsible, that's their own damn fault.

LSD should be legalized.

the only drug that should be illegal is weed

No substance should be illegal. Only forcing other people to use them should be.

>Shit can mess with you at high doses.
That applies to quite literally everything.

only the ones found in cow dung

Yes, all drugs should be legalized. No one should have a say over what other people do to their bodies. If some tard want to shoot up heroin all the time, then who are we to stop him. My brother is currently on that shit, and has succeeded in fucking up his life. The law didn't stop him, but they sure did put him in jail for a few years over possession. I personally only do weed, and psychedelics occasionally; but I believe in freedom with every fiber of my being. It makes me sad to see so many people think that they should be able to control other people "for their own good", or "for the good of society".

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This is where degenerates congregate, you idiot. You're the one that doesn't belong.