Post your stats

post your stats
and then post the worst thing you have done ingame
>ghosted my first and only rs gf after i found out she was black

Attached: epic style.png (192x274, 24K)

>got all of these stats while having a 9/10 gf who broke up with me

Attached: stat.png (193x260, 22K)

>herb lowest skill for both these faggots
Imagine having such bad taste

im poor idk about the other guy he literally has no excuse, same with his farming and construction

Cave dweller here, what game is this?

I want to play OSRS again, should I pick up my last account with pretty mediocre stats from like 3 years ago or just start fresh?

Just started this ironmeme like two weeks ago but taking a break because the new path of exile league just came out

Attached: file.png (247x340, 58K)

my membership ran out

i once scammed a whopping 50k off of some guy looking for money doublers in the GE, but then i gave it back like 30 minutes later because i felt bad

Attached: rs.png (195x266, 29K)

Go back to bed Zoomer

just pick up where you left off