Anyone notice how the trap/gay threads come in waves...

Anyone notice how the trap/gay threads come in waves? It's almost like someone's trying to force it on the board and the posting is organized ...

Attached: transgenders.jpg (720x536, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:|r9k||

shh mods on their side

>It's almost like someone's trying to force it on the board and the posting is organized ...

Jow Forums in general has a lot of forced meme shit going on, a lot of it involving sex, but also just random things that one person posts over and over again. Like the other day someone was trying to make 'Wynn Casino posting' a thing. I asked about this once and somebody told me that some of the bigger forcememes are coordinated behind the scenes in discord servers.

Everything on this board is pretty patternistic if you pay attention posts other than those you hate.

yes, the /r9gay/ threads are coordinated in their discord. Fucking kike faggots

Why are faggots always the most obnoxious

Are they? I thought we just make a new one when the old one hits bump limit

That one is pretty much just a general but any trap/HRT thread and you can be sure it is coordinated by reiko and his lackies

>reiko and his lackies
i see this name get thrown alot but i never knew what hapened, redpill me

There's plenty of older trans people.

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i honestly don't know myself but this is what i've heard, apparently reiko and his lackies are a bunch of trap fags or some shit that brainwash people into becoming faggots

didnt he also blackmail some kid into suicide with a ksg? dont forget about aero as well

No one beats Felipe. No one in here yet.

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even despite the long hair and bangs you can still tell they're balding lmao

Underage mentally ill kids shitposting stuff here that how amazing is to be gay and a trap. Allegedly they turn you homo in their discord server. Allegedly they made shuaiby anhero because he couldnt get hrt once he was brainwashed. My hunch says this is bs, just like half the story of Eliza. Some true parts about her are stomach turning indeed but the rest is just a pile of creme on a small turd.

I've dated and fucked trannies that people would rate 9/10 from their pictures.

They never look that good irl and sound like men or gay guys trying to sound like men. Always subtract 2-3 points from their picture and you'll get a more realistic view of how they look irl.

I have never met a passable tranny even though with the right angle, makeup, and lighting they can look passable in pictures.

All that said, they're still very fuckable and if you're bi you will still enjoy them. Honestly though femboys smoke them in every way. The only reason I prefer them over a classic young femboy is femboys dont age as well, unless they're on a light dose of HRT

t. huge fag

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and you're gonna tell me trannies age well
yeeah right, faggot

Bailey Jay is younger than me yet balder since around 26 when this picture was taken.
Wanna know why?

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They age like shit and it is a very dangerous experiment imo, t. medfag.
Feminine dude while being young doing gay bottom twinky crossdress shit was always there like hookers, gambling, alcoholism, etc. But giving potent androgens early on is retarded even if you would be doing the biologically inherent hormones of the person. Frogs and reptiles can switch gender, some have 4 genders. We dont.

I am with a legitimate suicide attempt. Generally that can only happen if the person is full-schizo delusional and in that case the issue is why was he not on stuff like olanzapine or risperidone already. Schizophrenia develops as early as 14 in some cases but generally it is 21-ish.

Keep exposing them. They go away eventually.

Example of threads they post via their shilling guide.
(deleted by google for violating TOS)


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They have been organizing on various discord servers for a while now.

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This is nothing new. Same pedos as always.

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They do it because they can't reproduce. they do it to beg. But mainly, they do it for attention since no one will give them any in real life.

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Still cant believe these people are real lmao.
How much of a looser do you have to be to push your agenda on an image board

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But they are just all sick AGP pedo's that need to be locked up.

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Turn the whole world gay by putting estrogen in the water? First it denaturizes pretty fast, second you will never have enough density, third people with a healthy stomach and liver will not be affected.
However plastic packaging is an endocrine disruptor source

I kind of wonder what went wrong in their lives to end up in situation as pathetic as this. I'm 99% they were molested as kids and need to seek a psychologist asap.

That is pretty much fantasy tier autism. I want to have a threesome with Remy Lacroix and Lily Rader too.

Helicopter parenting, ssri, comfy grey small town, escapism into vidya crap.

The female aesthetic ages like shit in general. It's all about tight, bright/fair, non blemished skin to maintain that youthful appearance. That is why femboys, trannies, and women age horribly. The male aesthetic is about rough coarse skin, muscular body, and darker skin from being outside working. That is why men are attractive up until their bodies start breaking down.

This how it starts for all the pedophile AGP trannies.
Basically what said. But for these types, they all have daddy issues, are mommas boys, then combine that with being an incel.

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Checked. We have a legit sodomite here
t. Closet bi faggot

The sad thing is this concept isn't new. Groups were doing this back in the days of MSN. /lgbt/ grew out of it and so did Jow Forums. The irony is that people fall for this then go on to shill against the other.

Shuaiby's suicide reason has been debated alot. Most say Reiko did it but some disagree. I'm guessing Reiko's lackeys are sent to defend him in case vulnerable people find out that Reiko is a degenerate faggot and not a nice person. I'm with the majority. Reiko should be tortured and slowly killed

Probably should add this to the compilation. Kind of an important part of it all.

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Reiko definitely blackmailed him. He just sends his troons to damage control when they see any threads. he's getting worse tho. Check out this thread from yesterday where Reiko has a complete mental breakdown because no one will believe him now that his confession is out.

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How does someone blackmail someone to take HRT? Did they know each other in RL?

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You tell us aero. You & reiko are the experts in the blackmailing kids field.

For anyone else, never reveal your real identity to a tranny on discord. Save yourself the trouble so they can't blackmail you by threatening to tell your family your secrets.

Read the thread he linked. Vulnerable people are usually on the fence when it comes to crossdressing. Reiko tells these vulnerable people to send a photo of them dressed as a girl with their face showing. They do so and get doxxed. He then blackmails them into taking HRT or sending the pics to the person's parents and other close ones

And there were no problems with the cops? I mean somebody would have called the cops if the kid really killed himself for that reason. You sure that kid is really dead?

Shuaiby? He streamed getting a his brain splattered on the wall with a shotgun.

That's hard to do with someone who isn't clinically mentally ill, someone that needs to be sedated daily.

>my dad abused me
>I haven't seen him in a decade
How old is this guy now?

>You sure that kid is really dead?
His parents just knew he was a trap. Shuaiby was ashamed, then anheroed before even letting the dust settle. But do they know that it was ever reiko that blackmailed him or revealed it to them? Reiko usually likes to rat out others to their parents anonymously.

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There are so many better ones. Not sure why so many anons go gay for this femboy. It's like they want the boy vibe at the same time, which definitely makes it gayer

He recently turned 20 on the 4th of November. That screenshot about him talking about his dad was from september..

It's a KSG
It's for streetfighting among gangs like the DP-12.
So why does someone have a drug dealers weapon at home? It's over 1k usd if new, you can get a regular Mossberg at 350 now.

I can barely remember wtf I was doing at 7 not full blackout but most memories are jerky and partial like an old vhs tape would be.
So he was abused (still no clear description how) until 9 or 10 then he'd never seen his father?
>Either he never had a dad.
>Or he's just a loner alcoholic retard working in a factory, moved away from his mother.
I bet all of this is just falseflagging for victim points and to distract you. I've been online too long, most people make up at least 60% of the stuff they post. At least.
Nah idgaf, they can all anhero one after the other.

Point being? His parents obviously bought it for home defense, & didn't want a cheap piece of shit that would crap out when you really needed it to work.
>look guise! this one guy says gangs use this gun so it's there fore a gang weapon!

Gangs will use anything they can get their hands on when buying off the black market because they have felonies. Blackmarket weapons are often cheaper than buying legit ones because they've often been used in other crimes.

I can believe him about his dad since he rarely mentions him. It doesn't give him an excuse for his actions in any way.

He does over exaggerate a lot of things like anyone else though. Mainly when it comes to how feminine he is because the only way he knows how to get money is to e-beg.

Take this recent pic of aero without makeup, photoshop, or working the angles.

Attached: Aeromatic.png (524x414, 286K)

Then compare that with the kinds of pics he usually likes to show off.

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Him talking a mirror selfie? What do you know. The phone is conveniently blocking his manface.

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You are getting carried away with your crusade, good for you I guess it keeps you occupied like the rest of the small town nerdy weeb guys.
Drug dealers got cash they won't buy cheap shit. Think army grade Beretta with tempered steel guiding rod or Romanian AK-47 with chromium plated barrel, or an Uzi with stronger coil, etc.
And the Mossberg's more reliable than that thing btw. Half the KSG is plastic it's pretty much SWAT team indoors operation 7-8 times max.

Okay so he's mentally ill and the suicided guy's a nutter too. Crazy people be fucking crazy. Ever read Elliot Rodger's manifesto? Kinda that level as these losers.

I might be on too much benzos this morning but is that a fucking crt screen? Haven't seen one in ages and I worked with techy stuff since I was 6.

How's it going reiko & aero? When did you guys suddenly become drug dealing experts?

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A 100eur phone?
Can these guys even pay rent? So crazy, poor, mixedrace, neet, weeb, autist, creepy, looking for attention to forget their miserable life.

I was just about to scan in my passport and fingerprints to prove I am not them. Stay tuned for more.

Elliots ancestors were smiling at him. Can faggots say the same?

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Trips has delivered. But he was still a massive faggot, should have moved to SE Asia to fuck teen poon with his cash.

Clearly a boy

Eliot was just a failed trap. He was mad, so when he anhero'd, he just false flagged to help the jewish mainstream media push the dangerous incel agenda.

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Oh I wish I could type out more of him. Call me back when Jow Forums works with tor.


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Thats an estute observation because it is 100% true

Blessings shall be bestowed upon you if you become a martyr for our crusade against the forces of evil

You do understand homosexuality is about being attracted to your own gender's characteristics? Here the packaging's a bit different but again still ""normal"" as it was present in this form throughout the ages. It says that Romans castrated them and then dressed them as girls but el problemo is that it comes from Byzantine texts the guys who invented Orthodox Christianity after the split of the Empire so why not paint the fallen side of the Roman Empire as bad due to degeneracy so you can ratify your own religion you literally invented at a long gathering.
Here in my country homosex is normal but an inconvenience while transgender shit is outright schizophrenia.
I doubt Felipe will look this femme and twinky for long.

That's schizo here, I already said that. You will be prescribed antipsych meds.

im still wondering how this thread isnt deleted yet lmao

>5:30am in Chicago
>3:30am in LA

Jannies are getting scared. Too busy samefagging their HRT psyop thread again right now.

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Only one thing to do with femoid & faggot threads.

Stock up on ammo boys. It's tranny hunting season.

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You guys post about all these organised shitposting groups and stuff but I wonder if you're even aware of the miniscule effect they have on the board, it's just a drop in the bucket. Most of the time it's just freelance shitposters who pick up on the trolling and start posting most of the shit you see every day.

>Make lengthy schizophrenic posts about there being some crazy psyop happening
>Other people troll you for being a paranoid retard

You do this to yourselves. This is how the net has always worked

>get proven wrong
>damage control anyway
>cry yourself to sleep every night

Solid plan you guys have there.

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Best parts are these
>that gun is very dangerous you can only own it in certain states if you keep it locked away, parents didn't it's 50% their fault
>their child hallucinates he's a ""she"" which in my country is legal grounds to be declared completely insane, it would cost them in America 20usd per month to get some risperidone but they don't, again parent's fault by the other 50%
Meanwhile people flood the net with vomit just like they did ever since fiber optics and smartphones became available, like 2004-2007.

>hallucinates he's a she
you guys really don't have the first clue about trannies do you

I've noticed this aswell, they've been gone for a while but since yesterday i've been seeing like 2 every time i refresh

AGP tranny butthurt detected. Get yourself some cyanide to cure yourself.

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Life has gotten so ridiculously easy that fake problems like transgenderism are beginning to permeate
Jewish seige on manhood
Etc etc
It's all so bizarre and exhausting

>Life has gotten so ridiculously easy that fake problems like transgenderism are beginning to permeate
>Jewish seige on manhood
>Etc etc
>It's all so bizarre and exhausting
Sounds like you want to give up on life just like the trannies do...

Reminder to give trannies the bullet when you see them.

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I'm in love with this one but that's because he looks like a cute boy, which are always better looking than your average tranny

>your average tranny
Reality is always much different than photoshop & fantasy.

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This is why I hate the LGBTs. Everything with them is all about sex. They are just as fucked & cringe-worthy as furries & bronies (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if many of them were furries & bronies, since they are all fucking cancer).

Fuck these faggots. How pathetic do you have to be to push your sexual perversions on the rest of the world?

This is why we gas them all. A bullet is fine too.

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All just a part of (((their))) gay plan so white males willingly choose to not reproduce.

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It's not just white males. Reiko and his shills want to get rid of men entirely by throwing them all on hrt. They are likely being paid by higher up rich niggers because it works perfectly for the UN's depopulation agenda

Reiko makes disinfo posts and people pretend to be him. Don't trust images like these

sounds like something reiko would say. fuck trannies and fuck you

Now this definitely sounds like something reiko would say. fuck trannies and fuck you

Friendly reminder

>Burden of proof is on the accuser
>No proof connecting Reiko and Shuaby was ever posted
>No proof of blackmailing, forced HRT, etc was ever posted
>Reiko has admitted to tranny spam in the past and has since stopped
>r9cute and Aero are separate entities
>Random Jow Forums greentexts and discord screenshots are not proof of anything, if you think otherwise you are a brainlet
>Anyone can trip as Reiko, anyone can change names on discord.

Dismissing a poster that posts in defense of Reiko or logic for that matter as being Reiko or an orbiter does not make the facts or argument go away.

looks like it
guess the dude is super poor or really into retro games

friendly reminder.

seriously, you need to take your meds reiko.

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Cool non argument

Seething incel

keep drawing from it reiko.
and take your meds. this is not healthy.

right because reiko definitey had nothing to do with people killing themselves
fuck off tranny lover

>Reiko is accused of using and killing trannies
>Someone posts defending him

The contradictions and lack of logic is epic