Who is she? I must know. My life depends on it

Who is she? I must know. My life depends on it.

Attached: waifu.jpg (791x791, 173K)

I won't tell. You're free to kill yourself now. Good luck!

dead. very much so originally

I reallyyyyy want a nazi gf. Why can't girls be nazi's like guys? Ohh right it's because they literally only care about their social image and anything that damaged that is the worst possible thing they could be.

Im conflicted
On one hand Id love to date a qt like her
On the other hand face tattoos are a massive red flag. Id probbably make an exception tho.

Is this true? I need the dream to stay alive

HOw do it feels to be Russian?

Is the biggest country in the fucking world, and is just forest and they talk a wacky language

Attached: russia-location-map.jpg (800x600, 304K)

I don't know whether to be turned on or disgusted

I know her IG, but ain't giving it to you until after you kys

i'm surprised so many here cannot use reverse image search.
her name is Anya Bashilova. she is a pussy who covers her tattoo in public

Attached: pussy.jpg (960x960, 119K)