What are robots favorite beers?
My middle of the road beer for my finical situation is Yuengling lager
If I wanna treat myself a little I get Blue Moon
What are robots favorite beers?
My middle of the road beer for my finical situation is Yuengling lager
If I wanna treat myself a little I get Blue Moon
I like a local "hazy" ipa
combines what I love about ipa and hefeweizen for a super crisp and citrus fruity taste
Blue Moon might objectively be the best beer. I'm a cheap bitch and get my taste from my dad so I drink a lot of Coors Light. I'll drink about anything though.
there is a lot of good wheat beer beyond blue moon
they call it belgian style for a reason, there are tons of great white wheat beers over the pond
sam adams boston lager for a good "normal" beer
yards jefferson ale for a high ABV beer
I love me the high life, its what my roommates drank and I haven't branched out yet. Spotted Cow is a good IPA and I like the flavorful Not Your Father's ; either ginger ale or root beer
whiskey>everything else, but I usually the taste like stouts and porters most
They fill me up to qhickly, though
I can still typicallg enjoy all types. Ales, IPAs. lagers, as long as they aren't very sweet
Got a vbottle of lic related, gonna drink ut in a bit
I am also tryin to find a good Liquor to have in my car just to sip on when cold or like before I go into an event or something. Ik it's prob illegal to have open container while driving but I'm pretty sure my states laws a lax on alcohol
what kind of whiskey do you like
I'm mostly a rye drinker cus In canadian, but I really like bulleit bourbon (cus of the hint of rye) and sherry casked scotch
the classic car vodka
My friends use Darkeyes, it tastes like shit but it will do the job
i had 5 8% beers tonight. is that considered extreme alcoholic levels, or pretty normal?
8% is alot for beer, I had 5 5% and it got e pretty tipsy, so 5 8% i would assume go you slightly shitfaced, depending on your body weight and everything
I really love german beers, my favorite is weihenstephan, but its a little bit pricey, paulner is really good too and has a decent price
Whatevers cheap and high abv, I don't particularly enjoy beer so it doesn't really matter. It's weird because I can drink most liquors straight without much of a problem.
have any recommendations
the only sam adams i'd drink is that summer ale shit, otherwise i'll stick to random IPA's
Wow fuck you (but nice digits)
Yuengling is objectively the BEST beer
It is the best mix of light and dark beer
Also oldest brewery in burgerstan
I also like Stella Artois and Heineken and Rolling Rock
Lol no way literally drinking the thing in pic, pint can, and love heinke too just wasnt at my top
dirt cheap and ive got 2 liquour store's at walking distance , it isnt that strong but for the price its good
Every single one of those is straight up piss water beer, good lord user how are you such a pleb
Scotch is my favorite, but ryes like Bulleit Rye are definitely enjoyable. I like most bourbons as long as they aren't too sweet, so single malts in general are great. Defiant was a good one that comes to mind.
Irish whiskey is generally good as well, but tends to taste very "light."
My experienxe is limited because I currenlty don't have the money to shell out on nice liquors. Haven't tried Sherry, but I think the best scotch I've had so far was Ardbeg. Smokey and rich. Like licking fresh dirt... in a good way.
Not him, but while they aren't preferable compared to everything else out there, cheap beer is cheap beer.
If I'm want low-priced beer, I typically choose Rolling Rock. And Yuengling's nice for a couple dollars more. Sure, I'd rather a craft brew, but sometimes I don't want to or can't afford to spend the extra money.
I am HIM and god you are such a snob
These beers are light beers and that doesnt make them piss beers for any reason
I like Guinness too but I cant be chugging that shit down every day because like this user said its expensive as fuck
I like how standard Yuengling has become now that you can get it up and down the east coast. Same price as Bud, Miller, or Coors but significantly better.
asahi because it taste like dry water
I work for a craft brewery and we do beers up to 14% so 8% is upper-mid tier. 5-6% is sessionable really.
I used to drink 4 pints of yuengling a day minimum, now I can't stand the stuff for some reason.
I'm usually a fan of most any faggy hipster craft beer but I particularly like a good porter and my guilty pleasure is just the strongest IPAs I can get my hands on.
Like I usually prefer whiskey.
Who here is into malt liquor? Stuff'l get you shitfaced for pocket change. Tallboys of Steel Reserve are my favorite.