For me, Stoli.
I looked up how to pronounce
but youtube is as useful as a shit laden cloth.
So robutts, what's the poison of choice?
For me, Stoli.
I looked up how to pronounce
but youtube is as useful as a shit laden cloth.
So robutts, what's the poison of choice?
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Pure grain alcohol. A lot of brands of it are dirt fucking cheap because nobody buys it but you get hammered so fast from it.
Not a vodka drinker but I love good rye, scotch, and demerara rum
I have had stoli before, but I hate mixing and find vodka too boring to drink straight
I like doing shots of pic related. I also drink vodka mixed half and half with fruit punch sometimes.
When I drank a fifth a day I settled on svedka. Just middle shelf enough to not completely destroy my organs.
Great taste in vodka my friend. I also enjoy Russian standard. Vodka is god tier liquor
t. actual russian
Is there even a difference between vodkas? I've only ever drank smirnoff, because it was the cheapest. I always mix it with something if that matters.
I've never said a Russian word as accurately before. Neat. Such an interesting sounding language.
one thing ill also tell you in addition is that the L in Stolichnaya is not pronounced like the english L. Its a lighter sound, your tongue kind of curves or presses up against the roof of your mouth harder. Like you know the cliche russian phrase "suka blyat"? If you ever heard people saying that, its like the L in "blyat", you can look that up. I usually see it is very hard to pronounce for non-russian speakers.
I heard this was the good shit so I bought a bottle of it, tastes like every other vodka though
I'm drinking vodka tonight (Absolut) but absinthe is my favourite
I speak a little bit of Euro Portuguese which sounds like a Russian trying to speak Spanish. A lot of zh's and dropped vowels, but I don't think it has that tricky L. I like both languages but always thought Russian sounded nicer. A bit trickier to get the pronunciation right too.
>is there even a difference
Oh ya. Some vodkas are made from wheat or corn and some are made from potatoes
The differences are subtle but some vodkas go down smooth and some are bitter
OP here I will have to give that a shot but I love stoli.
I usually reach for high test beers from the likes of Unibroue but didn't want to spend the cash. BC is retarded for booze...a 26 cost me $27.
Islay scotch (particularly ardbeg and laphroaig), most bourbons.
I like Bulleit Rye a lot and need to try more ryes. The only other one I've had is Rittenhouse and I couldn't stand it.
That's "leech" like the bloodsuckers not a hard "leeck" right? I always figured the latter was more common in Russian when "ch" showed up for some reason.
Have you tried stoli? How does it compare?
Off the subject of vodka I tried a local gin that blew my mind since I hate gin but it's still not stoli.
yes leech like the ones that suck blood, but with the L like i described earlier
also if you see a russian anglicization then know that ch is always the english ch, it's never going to be a ck as far as I am aware
op again...interesting but I want to hear it. May be silly to be so autistic but I believe in authenticity.
Thanks much! I work in a liquor store and the amount of people saying so-litch-nai-ya pissed me off. It's far from the same.
no problem. And i feel you, i see "russian" characters in tv and film that sound nothing like the real thing all the time. Though at first it was agitating, now it is due for a small laugh whenever i come across it.
Bump...where's my boozer bros at..?
that's one tiiiiny penis
Just got really drunk on sake and shitty vodka and now I'm stuck on the toilet with horrible diarrhea and my asshole is bleeding. God damn it I only get drunk once a week why does this shit have to come ruin it?
Perhaps you need to stop
I wanna play with her lips. Traps are shit.
The amount of times it's been distilled matters too. The more times, the smoother it is, and is why bottom shelf crap like Popov is so rough.