Was the 2 world war the pic of male civilitization?

was the 2 world war the pic of male civilitization?

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WW1 and 2 killed of so many of the chaddest males of the world, that unironically we may never recover.

only in white and yellow countries. That's why niggers and browns are taking over. Too bad they don't have brains.

how many white people were wasted in the world wars?

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More like women are just terrible and racial segregation was a good idea of mens

Too many... Too many...
Not hitler but Stalin is who kiled them off tho. He has highscore of some 30mil

trust me the white race will survive beyond the heat death of the universe.

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russians aren't whitepeople, kike.

war is an equal offender, it kills chads and betas alike. I don't know where this meme that conscripted canon fodder are chads comes from.

Maybe in France and UK.

USA never suffered casualties that deep.

*Modern* war kills indiscriminately. It might even be more dangerous for the daring and physically brave ("chads").

In the past, those guys might have returned home as heroes with crazy war stories and adored for their prowess in battle. Today they get blown up or shot from a mile away. Nerds who fly planes, launch artillery, and conn a ship have better odds of going home.

A good portion of betas may be sickly, and therefore not eligible to be drafted in the first place. Chad and alpha soldiers are also more likely to lead the charge than betas who prefer to stay at the back like the cowards they are, getting the alphas killed more often than the beta soldiers on average.

oh please, the world wars leveled an entire fucking continent.

Look at the casualty rates sometime. They're certainly terrible, but not anywhere close to extermination level (generally it takes a bout of communism to completely depopulate a whole region).

fair enough, but the whole point of war is culling excess males. The sickly people who avoid the draft are a small minority, and conscripted infantrymen were always the poor. War is used to kill off betas, not 'chads.'

I understand that. All we're saying is that beta males had a better chance of surviving the world wars than alphas, for the reasons posted above. Why do you disagree? Surely more people died in the army than during random bombings?

hell, that was even the fucking point of the soviet and german massacres.

Never forget the 1 billion people killed by communism.

I wish I had a proper war to die in.

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"Poor" is not a synonym for "beta" and "rich" is not a synonym for "alpha." The criteria that determine these categories is based mostly on genetics, though social proof also plays a more minor role. There are plenty of rich betas and poor alphas, the rich betas become spoiled trust fund brats and a drain on society, or start a company and get even richer, while the poor alphas either join a gang and go to prison, becoming a drain on society, get drafted and die or get disabled in a war, somehow dig themselves out of poverty through pure grit and willpower and become a relatively wealthy chad, or simply live in penury for the rest of their lives.

There's not some kind of magic anti-bullet chad power when you're charging against a line of machine guns. And thinking the naturally violent and maladjusted, gang members and shit, are the genetic top of the crop, is foolish. A better argument would be that people smart enough to become officers died less than dumb conscript mooks.

>There's not some kind of magic anti-bullet chad power when you're charging against a line of machine guns.
That's exactly my point, alphas would be more likely to lead the charge, thus would be more likely to get shot.
>And thinking the naturally violent and maladjusted, gang members and shit, are the genetic top of the crop, is foolish.
Being a sociopath and being chad are not mutually exclusive. In fact, many chads use their sociopathy to their advantage, to get ahead in situations where others would hesitate.
>A better argument would be that people smart enough to become officers died less than dumb conscript mooks.
Yeah, but wouldn't you say that betalike men would be more likely to be officers, considering that that is a more cerebral position. Sure, alpha generals like Patton existed, but I doubt that the average officer would be so chadlike. And how do we know that rich betas weren't given an in by their wealthy fathers, so that they would be more likely to survive the war? I believe that poor chads were the greatest victims of both world wars, and died and got mutilated the most out of any other demographic, for these reasons .

It is in the White man's nature to destroy each other on such a scale it affects almost all other races.

>WW1 and 2 killed of so many of the chaddest males of the world

More like war time made it so males couldn't sit around and be fat, whiny women on the internet. They were made to put their testosterone to use and be males who did something for someone other than themselves.

war may have killed many good men. but it was able to transfer weak men into good ones as well. wasnt 50s in US peak of human civilization?

>wars happen
>most men die (except those unfit for service) or come back physically or mentally wounded
>critical mass of masculine women (and feminine beta men who enable them) reached
>not enough strong men to keep them in line (e.g. no proper father figures for girls or betaboys)
>second-wave feminism

civilisation collapses every time you stop hitting women.

if you allow a creature that is punished in any lesser way to have any voice in society, you are allowing people ignorant of consequences to rule you.

>civilisation collapses every time you stop hitting women.
Yikes /s.o.y.
>if you allow a creature that is punished in any lesser way to have any voice in society, you are allowing people ignorant of consequences to rule you.
Women face consequences of bad policy as well, as they have to raise children, and perhaps also be a part of the workforce. They do actually have to fight their own battles sometimes. It's just that they are too empathetic (in general) for their own good.

what is this, the baseddomite calling an alpha male a onions because he is exhibiting alpha male tendencies?

Did you mean to say "s o y domite?" Anyway, I was simply expressing distaste towards his comment in a comedic manner, if you must know, m'good sir. I wouldn't say he's a s o y boi, just resentful of women due to repeated rejections and potentially abusive. Alpha males know how to lead by example and bring out the best in those they protect without beatings. They save those for their enemies. Call me a white knight if you will, I don't give a fuck (quite literally in this case in fact).