
>Stopped fapping because I hear my mother's voice in my head telling me to stop
>Haven't fapped in around a year now
>Suddenly decide to try to fap today
>Thought it was a good idea because I haven't heard voices in a few months now
>Stick hand down pants
>Suddenly hear mother's voice telling me to stop please
>Cry and go to sleep

What do I do? I feel so gross every time and my only sexual release nowadays is wet dreams

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Be a good boy and listen to mommy.

Develop mommy rape fetish

I have no sexual attraction to women and vaginas put me off with the exception of 2d vaginas.

Mommy waifu tulpa is then. Sorry that's your fate, seems the only way.

Or neck yourself.

Lol, why are you even trying to masturbate then?

Sorry, but couldn't help but to laugh at your post, OP.

what if you sleep with hookers?

Because I'm gay? What kind of question is this
I've only had one tulpa before and it was against my will and I thought it was a real person. Not such a good time
Never tried it before, might end up other me crying though

>Because I'm gay
No wonder your mom is trying to stop you from masturbating. You keep trying to do it while thinking of dudes.

Why not actually talk to a professional?
This is not a taboo topic in the right environment

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>He doesn't gay

you must be really successful with all that nofap!

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I have a very hard time talking about sexual things anywhere besides anonymous websites and with my brother. I would have to know the professional for a long time and I came very close to talking to a professional about this before he got switched with someone else. But I agree that I should eventually talk to som professional about this.
My mother is bisexual, she would have no problem with me fapping to dudes
Haha yeah I'm CEO of uhhhhhhh mcnaldos

>my mother is bisexual
huh i wonder why you're a fucked up mess of a male

Well sure she'd have to say that she was okay with it to support you as a mother and to not be a hypocrite as a bisexual. But you seem to forget that normal people have a visceral disgust towards homosexual male behavior. It's not something you can just tolerate away. It'll be there even you don't consciously have a problem with it and don't let your disgust show. So if you're reading your mother's thoughts, it'd probably be pretty accurate to say that she's grossed out by it.

I'm a fucked up mess of a male because my father was schizoaffective and didn't tell my mother while my mother is bpd, bipolar, PTSD, OCD, and a couple other mental illnesses I'm forgetting, also mentally and physically disabled. I'm fucked up because I got those genes that made me severely mentally disabled. My Chad brother is practically normal, maybe a bit schizo because of years of acid use but he's straight and hot and semi normal with a girlfriend

I feel like you're some kind of feminist who also believes that you can be racist to people without saying anything, in which case go back to wherever you came from

I never really thought about this before, but man the internet must really warp mental illness in a weird way. Even just a decade ago, schizophrenics wouldn't be accusing me of being a racist feminist, but that's what pops up into your warped little mind because those things (individually) are what's big on the internet now.

I'm saying that you probably accuse people pf being racist for no other reason than microaggressions or some shit and also you are a feminist

Then make your word salad more clear next time.

Jesus fuckig Christ you're just like this other feminist I argued with, she kept saying that I didn't speak English correctly as if I wasnt born and raised in America. Kept saying I was spelling shit wrong and all that. Fuck off I'm speaking correctly, youre just shit at reading buddy

Don't you think it's a little odd that you keep coming in contact with argumentative feminists with poor reading skills? Perhaps you're simply delusional and accusing people of being things that they are not?

blare static in your ears thatll fix it

>>Stopped fapping because I hear my mother's voice in my head telling me to stop
>>Haven't fapped in around a year now
>>Suddenly decide to try to fap today
>>Thought it was a good idea because I haven't heard voices in a few months now
>>Stick hand down pants
>>Suddenly hear mother's voice telling me to stop please
>>Cry and go to sleep
>What do I do? I feel so gross every time and my only sexual release nowadays is wet dreams
I just farted and shitted.

that would turn me on...
im a shizo myself. when i masturbate i feel dizzy and then i hear people with muffled laughing. Odd

Oh yeah. I also have heard a woman speaking to me before. She told me not to stop. Could have been just me trying to get myself more turned on.