Post your most bigbrain plays
Knowledge Thread
Posting here fren
I know this user is a foreign national trying to elicit a psyop
Grug has rock.
I have a bigger rock
all robots should be required to know math up to calculus to post here
Grug put symbol on rock. Rock now worth more.
Smash Rock. Now you have Many Rock
Grug have rock? Now Ug want rock!
Wait! Grug give rock Ug?
Ug no want rock now.
Much wow. Ug call you many rock 'communism'
Not so fast grug. Those symbols aren't yours to use
You can have this, this time, since I can't be arsed to write a text for each message.
Tug No Understand
Sluck my fat shit sack you single dicklet
Grug change symbol, make new symbol.
Tug Says use this symbol
So far we got Grug the generous, Tug the communist, and Ug the depraved
Grugs brain is too small
Ughh! Fuck your stupid pic OP.
Knowledge isn't power!
What use is the knowledge of how to make a lens for an atomic bomb if you don't have the uranium. What use is the knowledge of what the next central bank decision is if you don't have the capital to invest to profit from it?
Knowledge is NOT power.
Agency is power. Power being either the social capital, persuasive skills, or bureaucratic position to exercise some amount of change.
Indeed, knowledge isn't power because those who are more skilled at inquiry and intelligence (in the FBI/KGB sense, not the cognitive sense) will always outpace those who have 'knowledge' - those who can filter 'meaning' out of knowledge, find trends and patterns out of data, or even banks of knowledge in applicable forms will outrank and always exercise more power than those who have explicit knowledge.
Grug like this symbol better.
Long nose tribe no control this symbol.
The Clovis comet almost killed all humans. The Egypt is over 10,000 years old. They were also white.
Uhhh Tug says strength is power, and power should be given to everything
Tug Says Death to Long Nose tribe
Gugg like Tug think. Gugg want have symbol, put on shelf of Gugg cave. Gugg like Tug say on power. Now Gugg get all cavelady, cavelady say "me cavelady ladycave now pond thank from Gugg put Tug symbol on shelf. Gugg is strength."
Grug was kang.
Grug is paleolithic deepstate.
Gugg must not have all cavelady, Gugg must share
Grug become cave lady.
Now enough caveladies for Tug and Gugg
Grug solve scarcity