As much as I hate to say it most people would do the same thing wheather they be male of female

As much as I hate to say it most people would do the same thing wheather they be male of female

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What did she mean by this?

so you make a claim with no evidence to back it up, that's cool i guess.

I wouldn't just leave, I'd mercy kill the cripple.
t. Cripple

Actually if you were to do some digging you would fine that it's considerably more common for women to do this shit.

I want to believe that its a women thing but Its human nature

any sources?

>believing leditt fanfic
>bringing leditt fanfic here
Go fuck yourself.

You stupid fuck. Become a quadriplegic first. Then she'll never leave you. He'll she'll never even meet you. Problem solved.

Actually men are more likely to do this than women, believe it or not. Look it up.

And he'd never become a quadriplegic by protecting her, he really played this one wrong

>more likely for women to sacrifice themselves for their partners

If I was him I'd understand.

I'd ask her to help me set up a way to kill myself "accidentally" before she left, hopefully she'd at least do that for me.

I'd imagine that regardless of their sex, most people married to a quadropleb would be more likely to cheat on and/or leave their spouse
Although I guess it'd be easier to have sex with a paralyzed woman
If you have enough vaseline
Not that they xould feel it, but at least you would
In fact, if that works, a quadroplegabixlsjic girl would be nice if she disn't talk too much.. sure, you have to clean her, but it's basically a sex doll, and sex dolls are scoentifically proven to be better than real wkmen

>As much as I hate to say it


You think people are obligated to stay with someone because they're crippled?

I can understand this, I mean what the fuck are you supposed to do. Then again marriage is supposed to be for life. Maybe if the man had done his job and pumped her cunt full of some kids before then the marriage would have been stronger. Children should be conceived on wedding night for a strong marriage.

They should be if they got crippled because of them

Absolutely not. That's not how life works.

I don't think I know of any stories where a woman did stay with her very disabled husband long term. One of the worst ones was a British man with an impairment that makes him have almost no short or mid term memories. His wife broke up with him years ago but she still comes over once in a blue moon to show what a kind person she is. He doesn't even know the difference and is forever waiting for his wife that cucked him decades ago.

Men will hold out a lot longer. Any disabled woman can get a boyfriend.
>and sex dolls are scoentifically proven to be better than real wkmen

This happens all the time. It being a LARP is irrelevant to the discussion everyone else is having, retard.

What kind of Clockwork Orange shit is this, who randomly attacks a man with baseball bats

It probably wasn't random, if it happened at all.

>more common for women to leave their partner over a disability

Enjoy dying for some ungrateful roast beef, cuck

No. Shitty selfish people do stuff like this. The husband of my neighbor is also mostly paralyzed and they are still together more than 15 years after the accident. Another family's friend has brain damage from protecting his wife in a smilar manner to OP and has serious memory problems and after a decade they are still together too. She takes notes for him for basically everything that he reads over and over and over until it transitions into longterm memory.

People don't post aboutnthat sort of thing becuase they aren't looking for people to validate them or vent their guilt, they don't report on that sort of thing becuase no one is telling reporters about their friends possesing basic decency and loyalty, you don't read that sort of thing on news sites becuase there's no "what an awful terrible spouse" hook to get people to read their garbage.

>most people would do the same thing
False, especially not if it happened by saving the partner.
And hey, at least a disable girl has an excuse for being a starfishing bore who lets you do all the work in bed. More of an explanation than most girls have.

My father was a quadriplegic for the last 20 years of his life, and my mom never left him. She devoted her life to him and his care

Past tense of husband
He's a HASbeend