You guys ever been to a rave or concert before?

You guys ever been to a rave or concert before?

You can grope/grind with girls really easy. Some are even asking for it.

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And some will call the cops. It's a real rollercoaster OP

thats what i been telling these incels for years,
fucking go.
I fucking get laid at those all the time, you don't even have to try,
girls go there are already drunk or on drugs.
i got my dick sucked by a asian chick right there in front of the crowd once,
she was not as hot as ops pick of course, but cute enough,

>girls go there are already drunk or on drugs.

i dont want to get #metoo'd and get like 25 years in jail and never be able to pick up my future kids without being arrested

Ive never hung out with friends before or been to a party

This will only work at very busy loud venues with a lot of alcohol and drug use, and you're still risking plenty if you attempt this because the riskier the event, the heavier the security.

>t. 7 year experience with punk and metal shows

what kind of concert/rave should I invest in?

>calling the cops
>at an illegal rave
>on drugs

kek what future kids user

yes but most of the times i were in those places i was invited. it's entertaining since it feels like i'm watching a animal planet documentary about humans so i start to analyze people and what they are doing.
once i brought a earplug (so i don't need to hear their shitty sounds), sat on a chair and started to look at what the people were doing for almost an hour.

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OP never specified the rave/concert was illegal, nor that there were drugs

But in your scenario, then yeah, flop your dick out for sure.

ohh nvm then,
you are unironically and literally autistic then user, go on about your business then, you are a lost cause.

>You can grope/grind with girls really easy. Some are even asking for it.
None of them are asking for it you fucking incel rapist. Unronically neck yourself please.

>needs to go to raves to touch drunk and drug girls

onions much?

>tfw when always listen to bleeps stuff but never in my life go to clubs
what did i mean by this

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>How to contract herpes

There was a concert I was at recently, had a few beers and didn't eat beforehand so I was pisswasted by the time I jumped into the pit. Was getting pushed around and having a fucking blast, and at one point the pushing stopped just long enough to make eye contact with a pretty girl and say "Hi!". She smiled back at me, and I didn't see her again for the rest of the concert.

Good times.

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Rave? Yes.
>You can grope/grind with girls really easy.
More like they'll grope and grind you. Once the molly has dropped everyone wants to hug you. The great thing is it's so dim and dark that they don't even get jealous of other girls, the bad part is if you lose her attention for a second she'll drift over to someone else.

>Be me 18
>Have a decently big friends group of female emo fags but they are nice
>They all really like bring me the horizon
>Decide to go to their concert
>I am not an emo so I don't like their music
>Still go because maybe it will be fun
>We wait for 7 hours in the line so that we can be one of the first inside
>I don't do well in big groups
>As more people start to arrive and the concert draws near I get nervous
>Spaghetti and diarrhea starts to seep out of my pockets
>I regularly go to the restaurant across the line to take a nervous diarrhea shit
>I start to get even more paranoid
>30 minutes left
>I am now so nervous that I start to shake
>15 minutes left
>I am on the verge of fainting
>5 minutes left
>Go to the toilet one more time to puke
>0 minutes left
>I decided to leave as fast as possible
>My friends are worried but still go inside
>I go to the train station to go home

I have done almost the same for two other concerts three cons and one party
I am now 24 and I have never actually been inside a concert or con

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Damn, that fucking sucks. BMTH is actually pretty fun.

Anyway, do what I did and get high/drunk before you go in. Not enough that you puke, but enough that you become a little more comfortable with the idea of being around people.

you fucked up mate, nothing drops scene chicks knickers faster than bmth
old school ollie with his screams would leave impact craters in the floor from the girls dropping their panties so fast

no I don't want to be raped and murdered

seriously. normals are fucking animals.

I got my first and only kiss at an underaged rave 10 years ago. I asked her to dance and she started grinding on me, then I turned her around and asked to hook up so we started making out. Was the hottest and happiest moment of my life. Later I saw her making out with a black guy though. Sometimes I still search her up on social media, she got a little chubby but is trying to be a nurse.

>tfw some slag tried to grind with me
>Just look at her with a cold stare.
>She fucks off and cries on the arms of a fag.
>I keep dancing alone happy.