Ls she right?

ls she right?

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women can be rich, entertaining, and cute, but if she has a flat ass...

having a 'fat ass' comes from muscle and squatting not adipose tissue.

this 'thicc' meme has been used as an excuse by black women for ages

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Then she is Emma Watson.

>but if she has a flat ass...
every girl that cant squat 225 has a flat ass actually trust me you need muscle to be thicc.

my sister can squat 150 atg

>Emma watson

Black women are the robots of women, obviously they're redpilled

So woman have it even worse. At least when someone has money sometimes it's because they worked hard and achieved something in life. Man only judge woman based on superficial shit like how big her boobs or her ass are. Good to have a nice thread before all the incels gather and shit on woman for "not gibbing me da puss".

...she'd still be swarmed by guys

100% accurate about the men part, 85% about the woman part. You'd have to have some luck, and low standarts to find a good man if you're broke, boring, AND ugly

>crying about this
>not just accepting it as your reality and using it as motivation to be better

It's not even true, the OP, but that mindset is why you're all virgins. Immediately falling on your ass at the first obstacle and mewling about how you can't be an ugly, unemployed, unwashed beardo and get a woman is why you're all virgins.

makes you start wondering why is money the only reason some women will date a man. It's almost like they just want to fuck you in exchange for money. There is a word for that. Its on the tip of my tongue...Oh right, they're called prostitutes.

>ls she right?
no, she's a nigger

The problem is it's a false dichotomy.
Define 'cute'? Some chicks want a pretty boy, others want Justin Hawkins from the darkness.
Define 'have money'? That's relative to the living expenses of an area, right?
Define 'boring'? Is being a 'normie' boring or is fucking loving kale and going antiquing on the weekends exactly what she likes? What if she considers woodwork and carpentry 'boring'? Some chicks love gamers, others think it's childish.
As for women, some guys aren't about that booty - although she looks black so maybe that's only relevant for niggas - but some guys are all about those big titties. Other guys want a supple art-hoe.
NO! I'm not saying "there's someone out there for everyone" - I'm saying that if you cross section this shit as "male vs female" you're retarded.

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^example of incels understanding of dating.

Just be cute and you have won as a girl, so she isn't far off.
Ass only works only nignogs or their white equivalent imo.

Thank you user. You are fighting the good fight. Although I am afraid that in most cases people here don't care about logic or facts. They just want to shit on a woman.

You're pretty ignorant. A woman will only date you for money if she knows she's dating down. Just think about that. Women use sex as a means of controlling inferior men. Patrice O'Neal talked a lot about it before his fat ass succumbed to diabetes. It's because unless she's like an excellent housewife or has a fully formed personality, she realizes she has NOTHING to offer a man.
I would know, most of the men in my family married women with higher net worths/incomes.

If I may use an analogy, it's because they don't realize that if your product is not selling, it's a waste of time and utterly unpragmatic to say "stupid customers", you change your marketing or change the product.

Every robot should know. Facts don't care about your feelings

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Liberal exterminated

Ben Shapiro says that and then uses every feels he has to judge everything around him. Most of the things he says are feels based and don't align with facts that we know today. Please listen to some smarter people. Sean Carroll Mindscape podcast is a good starting point.

Shed still be fetishized by men. She could be a broke greasy landwhale and still get dick.

Plenty men like flat chested petite girls..

i just fardded and shidded xddddddddd
>i jus fardded an shidded xddddddddd
i just fardded and shidded xddddddddd
>i jus fardded an shidded xddddddddd
i just fardded and shidded xddddddddd
>i jus fardded an shidded xddddddddd

That's an incel troll account.

I'm ugly, broke, incapable of dealing with people, and am kind of checked out mentally.

I still get interest from women...

...she'll still be fucking swimming in thirsty Chads.

You mean manwhores.
Chads dump ugly rich chicks all of the time.

Yes. That's very rare for a (cis)woman.