>""fem""bots are just like robots but female!
daily reminder that foids have it easy
""fem""bots are just like robots but female!
Based. Fuck women. They should stay on their shit cunt containment site lolcow until we rape them all.
lol no you're a retard
They all have the same potential. The same attitude. The same demeanor. The same cruelty.
Femcunts are a hivemind parasite and they must be eradicated.
Nigga looks like he has herpes, he is a gross sperglord.
desu he would just start going tfw no gf and easy access to pussy then kill himself
That kid is 4/10 but could looksmax and become 6 or 7/10. He's chubby, got a shitty jawline, wear clothes that make him look like a virgin, he has acne, and he has a shitty dustache. Literally all of this can be fixed.
If he kills himself, that's his problem. I fucking hate roasties but you aren't entitled to pussy. If he's gonna kill himself for a wet hole between some dumb bitch's legs he can just go buy a hooker and a 40oz and some newports.
Shut the fuck up. Stop baiting. Kill yourself. You're the reason this board is as much of a trash heap as it is.
If you posted the same thread with a female of equivalent attractiveness, I would bet my left nut at least one guy would be willing to sex her (probably even be her BF). Women live life on ez mode.
That nigga gotta Mew. Terrible posture as well.
First post and the one with the most replies are right though
>>""fem""bots are just like robots but female!
It always cracks me up when cucks use that argument. It doesn't work that way.
Males and females are not merely minor variations of the same model, we're not just generally the same entity albeit with slightly different plumbing. Rather, males and females are fundamentally different and we perceive reality through radically, irreconcilably different points of view.
"""Fem"""bots are females first and robots second, and therefore by extension may as well not even be robots.
Literally no one said anything wrong though. The fucker is stupid if he would kill himself just because he can't get pussy
Would you fuck that guy? Even though you're not gay? If not you cannot be a robot.
there was a guy in the OP photo willing to fuck the guy FFS
women only love themselves and their kids and only some are capable of the latter
>genetic waste removing itself from the gene pool is a bad thing
this is how nature works you fucking moron, stop being anti-nature
I like how these discussions always center around sex as if the acquisition of it has the same effect on both men and women. The fact of the matter is that many fembots can be cumbuckets for many dudes but could never be considered wife material or treated like a girlfriend or lover.
Compare that to the fact that if that little sperg went outside and made the smallest bit of effort to tell women his sob story without sounding like an incel misogynist, he could find some girl to give him pity sex for shits and giggles or try to fix him up because many women feel some kind of accomplishment in improving sad boys.
Women don't get that kind of care and sympathy from men. But yeah, keep circlejerking about how men have it worse because the worse of y'all don't get the same privileges as the best of best, highly regarded Chads.
Wouldn't fuck her to save her life? You're not a robot.
story as old as time, though it is shameful to kill yourself over women
>Hurriedly he called to his armor-bearer, "Draw your sword and kill me, so that they can't say, 'A woman killed him.' " So his servant ran him through, and he died.
>When the Israelites saw that Abimelek was dead, they went home.
I don't get this. I would fuck this guys ass to save his life for two weeks, nah, two days. That's long enough for him to go into a clinic. Why the fuck do women not see the person behind the man, just because he is ugly?
Oooh, nvm I figured it out. It's just like this for them
>"what? Why?"
>"He'll die otherwise! C'mon, give me your coat, there is a life at stake!"
>"Lol no, he should see a doctor if it's that severe, it's not my job du nurse him back to health!"
>"Are you dumb?! I just need to stop the bleeding until the doctor can help him!"
>"Lmao no, he'll die anyway, even with my coat. And if his wound can be cured just by my coat, it can't be that bad!"
And because of this, a lonely robot died that night
>And because of this, a lonely robot died that night
nothing of value would have been lost
>Why the fuck do women not see the person behind the man, just because he is ugly?
because the only information given about him is a picture?
Also you're equating sex with lending a coat.
>Also you're equating sex with lending a coat.
>sex is the biggest deal ever
>rape is almost as serious as murder
>nothing is a big a deal as a digg/vagoo handshake
>this guy will kill himself
ok? that's his choice. if he cares that much about sex he can pay for it
It's easy to feel that way when getting physical with somebody equates to you receiving nothing but pleasure while the other party takes in someone else's body part, possible pregnancy, STDs and social embarrassment. Not to mention the psychological changes that comes with bearing the most protected part of your body to another.
The fact that you nerds are incapable of empathizing for anyone or anything not unlike yourselves explains a lot.
I would tell you to stay toastie but I'm pretty sure you're just an faggot
> the psychological changes that comes with bearing the most protected part of your body to another
Jesus Christ. Life isn't even real for these (statistically) obese princesses.
>sex is not casual
>you shouldn't judge women for being promiscuous
He didn't choose to bleed. The faggot in OP chose to kill himself.
Despite the hypothetical nature of the pictured post it's not surprising the see the lack of empathy in you guys, female or male. A lot of you aren't lonely depressed virgins you're just all in all terrible people. I hope you all die alone.
The convenient lies you keep telling yourself to jerk your ego & then you guys wonder why the rest of the world hates you.
Which lie is that Sir Cuckamedes the White?
There was a fat man willing to fuck him in OP. Only a true brobot would do that. Reminder that it's not gay if it's with a brobot
I'm pretty sure "the rest of the world" is limited to our parents, since most of society will never see an actual robot, even less will hear one speak. It's only on very rare occasions, that they speak about this with normalfags, with the exception of failed normies like you.
Too bitter to try, but also too "nice" to fit in with us.
That's a man you fucking idiot
>being this mad
This board has a history of shit posting, don't go and cry about it roast.
im a male incel but they are unironically right, get over it, if you think you need sex to not kill yourself you have severe mental issues and need tratment immediatly