/our guy/ just got convicted of first degree murder and will likely end up dying in prison. Why does American society hate white men so much?
/our guy/ just got convicted of first degree murder and will likely end up dying in prison...
>Why does American society hate white men so much?
Because it's comforting to believe that you're a victim of oppression rather than accepting that your life situation is entirely your own fault, and to be oppressed there has to be an oppressor.
this nochin cuck ran someone over with a car
y'all are so fucking stupid lmfao
>/our guy/
>chickenshit wannabe nazi
>Schizophrenic minimum wage worker
>left too much circumstantial evidence for prosecutors to use
>tainted the alt-right movement
>Only got one kill
>/our guy/
If you're gonna kill one, you might as well kill as many as you can because you're gonna pay the ultimate price when the Feds get you.
Fucking kill yourself you stupid nigger5
country hicks say it too
yee yee
>Fields threatened his mother with violence on multiple occasions. In November 2010, in a bathroom she locked, afraid of her son, Fields' mother reported to the police that he had threatened to beat her, took her phone, smacked her head, and put his hands over her mouth, after she told him to stop playing video games
Shit he might actually be one of us.
In retrospect, I wonder if his mother feels like she should've just let him keep playing video games instead of making work and move out. Instead of being a happy fat shit sitting around home all day, now he's gonna have to do life in a federal prison.
How does someone like this get into the alt-right? I thought they were against stuff like this.
there you go motherfuckers, CANT DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST MOBS
>Why does American society hate white men so much?
Because it's run by kikes.
oh boy we got a silver spoon nigger
life for defending himself no less.
welcome to the world where you can't hit women
what a wonderful place.
>your life situation
Who mentioned their personal circumstances?
It was premeditated. It wasn't self-defense. He went back and drove into the crowd.
that's absolute nonsense and we all know it.
Everyone has their turn faggot. Suck it up for another 2-6 years and then we will move on to the asians. Even blacks didn't complain THIS much.
he'll get /blacked/ in prison
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time bud.
whoa...so this is ...the face of aryan master race...
what a literal manchildren loser. forced neutering of these types when
>get into the alt-right
>as if it were a group with admissions standards instead of an imaginary catch-all label used to smear non-communists
I feel bad for the idiot and hope it gets reduced to something with any legal grounding on appeal. 1st degree murder conviction is a joke.
He could have just not driven toward them. He had opportunities to turn his vehicle.
he looks like peter griffin
Reminder that his mother is in a wheelchair.
>as if it were a group with admissions standards
That's not what I was trying to say.
The Unite the Right event allowed anyone to march for them. Most right wing groups would not have allowed Fields to join though. The Proud Boys would probably let him in though.
>Fields, who served a four-month stint in the Army in 2015
lol you have to be a real piece of shit to get kicked out of the army. probably couldn't pass the fitness test.
In any case, without knowing this as a fact, I doubt he called himself "alt-right".
>worked for about two years as a security guard in Ohio, earning $10.50 an hour and taking home about $650 every two weeks
wow so he spent all his money on a new car lol. real smart guy making good decisions.
>Because it's comforting to believe that you're a victim of oppression rather than accepting that your life situation is entirely your own fault, and to be oppressed there has to be an oppressor.
were you describing the whole black population because if so you hit nail on the head
I'm pretty sure he told his mom that he was alt-right.
It looks like he was some kind of Jow Forumsack.
He bought the car with the money from his trust fund. The kid isn't poor.
too bad money doesn't matter where he's going
He'll need it to pay for protection in prison.
(double checked)
Given this new information, he probably called himself alt-right, but that doesn't make it a real thing, any sort of concrete ideology or a definable group of people.
I imagine the only uniting thread is autism and internet access.
>Jow Forums suddenly becomes highly critical of a person's employment history, pastimes, relationships with family, and financial choices
Thanks for the advice. We'll try to look less obvious next time.
Why did he beat his mom and kill a woman?
We can see you a mile away.
Hey Lois! Remember that one time I joined a white naitonalist rally?
*cuts to Peter accidently running over a bunch of protestors in the street asking if anyone's seen DJHitler420.
He's a retarded Jow Forumslack.
He represents the absolute worst in American society and makes our great nation look bad.
I can't wait for Tyrone and Achmed to culturally enrich him in jail.
I feel like this is unfair because he triggered an obese woman's heart attack. Getting an actual murder charge for a death he's really not entirely responsible for is just straight up political revenge.
Little did he know that white women benefit the most from affirmative action but his shitty comic and black boogeyman kept him content