ITT: We unironically try to bluepill eachother

I'll start: There's 8 billion people in the world. Your "soul mate" or whatever you want to call it is out there. Go find him/her, the numbers are in your favor.

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I'll bite user.
>it's easy to get cured from anxiety with therapy and meds

You're not a failure. You just didn't find the thing you're good at yet.

Even the worst person has a little bit of good in them.

Girls choose the nice guys, and you're a nice guy, but you're fat and gay.

what manner of obscure bait is this?

Nothing is ever your fault, it's because of society and women that you are a virgin.

I kek'd. Good job user

the jews destroyed any chance of you getting laid. The only cure is to gas isreal and bring back the qt3.14s.

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dropping some fitness bluepills(lies):

fasting causes muscle loss regardless of bodyfat%

you cannot gain muscle on a caloric deficit

high volume will only diminish gains

going to failure causes fatigue

you need carbs

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If you want the world to be a better place, get out there and become an active citizen.
Help your neighbors, pick up litter, attend town meetings, vote in every primary and election, give to well-vetted local charities (time or money), learn emergency first-aid skills.
A good life is a life spent doing good.

That's the blackpill faggot

That person might be perfect for me, but i'm not perfect for her

It's what they tell themselves. When really it's just a masked bluepill the use to feel better about themselves

You you just need to be confident user

what's your favorite subreddit, fren?

"Ugly girl", be my friend. That is all

You just need to occupy yourself, then you won't be a depressed lazy ass.

t. my dad

>fasting causes muscle loss regardless of bodyfat%

Citation needed.

>you cannot gain muscle on a caloric deficit

You can and I've done it. The gains aren't as good though.

>high volume will only diminish gains


>going to failure causes fatigue

No shit.

>you need carbs

You don't, but for optimal performance you do.

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Do not be afraid of the dark. Embrace it. Welcome emptiness. Let go and stride into the dark with empty hands.

>Death is only the beginning
am I doing it right?

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it gets better user

The blackpill is realizing that you're ugly and that it's no wonder why'll you'll be alone forever, because you're ugly

Did u read the fuckin thread title you goddamn retard lmao

You guys are so brave for sharing your opinions, we are very proud of you. Just remember not all women are like that...

"It won't get better if you do nothing user."

No, yolo


8b people.
>half those are men
4b women, many of them are:
>not attracted to me
>not attractive to me
>too young
>too old
>already taken
>insert other multiple variables such as, lesbians, illness, conflicting worldviews, desires, cultures
Let's add the fact that there are so many of them you never get the chance to meet or even spend time with should you meet them...
It is accurate or damn close to say that, soulmates don't exist, monogamy is a lie, and the number of people who are good enough is limited, for some that number being close to 0.
Everybody settles, or refuses to.
We already are in the darkest dystopic timeline.

You're very talented in something and you already know it, you just have too low self-esteem to admit it.