>school shooter achievements

> it that time again faggots .post a video game >achievement you would get for school shooting >rember one per person

Attached: vido game achievement.png (420x210, 26K)

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>Contra>endingg speciaal ed misery>my momyy

>good bye boomers
Only kill teachers

Help your poor friendly co-shooter by putting a bullet in his head

>pacifist run
Graduate instead

Attached: Pepedankmeems420blazeitohbabyatripledankaestheticafkeepit100.jpg (600x600, 60K)

>close but no cigar

Bring the gun to the school, but instead of shooting it up, just go into the bathroom and blow your brains out instead.

Get a kill in the school garden

>Bugging out
Avoid capture and escape by hiding inside of an ambulance

>okay this is epic
Kill them on the inside with references to ancient memes first.

That's where you just get nonlethal KO's.

Get kills with a pistol, shotgun and rifle

>Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
Salvage a weapon from a dead cop after you run out of ammo

>Just a flesh wound
Keep going after getting hit

>Suited up
Come to school wearing some sort of armor


turn on the fire alarm and start shooting when they come out

>Boom Boom

kill all the boomers


spray someones blood on the wall after you shoot them in the head

>Wolf in sheep clothing

get out of school shooting clothing, delete the camera vids with you in them, change clothes and get out scot free (but you would have to kill everyone who saw you)

>Not like the simulation,
Have a hard time reloading and get arrested while attempting it.

Get a kill by fast drawing on someone with a S&w Revolver.

Get kills only with accidents and escape undetected
>Owned epic style
Kill every member of the gamer club in one run
>Microtransaction purchase failed
Kill someone performing a fortnite dance
>Hells bells
Kill 25 students on the last day before Christmas break in one run
Kill an entire SWAT team before they enter the school

Attached: 1544090681340.jpg (960x960, 40K)

>It's Payday
Escape wearing a clown mask after opening the prime minister's safe

>Breakfast Club
Kill a goth, a nerd, a jock, a loser, and a prep in the same room

>Breakfast Club (2019)
Kill a LGBT, a black, a feminist, a muslim, and an autistic in the same room.

>australian... uh SHOOTING

>partying like it's 1999
Don't let anyone leave the building
>no pigs allowed
Don't let a single cop get inside the building

>Is that a JoJo reference?
Throw grenades while yelling "Killer Queen!"

Get less than 5 kills.
Get 6-10 kills.
Get 11-25 kills.
Get 26-50 kills.
Get 50+ kills.
>Get Ze Flammenwerfer
Kill the Jewish kids with a flamethrower.
>Smell of Napalm
Use incendiary weapons exclusively.
>Last Minute Chad
Rape Stacy before the inevitable an hero.
Kill only women.
Kill only men.
>Everything Is Better With A Friend
Have atleast 2 other people on your team.
>You Are Overencumbered
Carry atleast 5 weapons on you.
>Remember, No Russian
Use an LMG.
>The Cleansing
Kill only faggots, lesbos, and trannies.
>Tenth Crusade
Kill only Muslims.
Somehow detonate a nuclear weapon.
>Weapons Of Math Destruction
Get a kill with a calculator, protractor or compass.
>Guns N Roses
Confess your love to your oneitis in the shooting.
>Fear The Nobodies
Kill the bullies who bullied you.
>/x/ Material
Make the shooting and the motives look shady as fuck, sending the public into a frenzy.
>Special Forces
Get a downie to join your team.
>Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Kill everyone.
>You Always Were A Good Kid
Only kneecap people.
>Mission Failed
Get arrested.

Attached: 1537773422697.jpg (864x1024, 291K)

Complete a Russian high school without speaking Russian.

Attached: 1544349932938.png (420x210, 40K)

>yiff in hell
Shoot up the school in a fursuit

>A cheap rip off
Wear a natural selection shirt during the shooting

>Thou shalt kill
Kill either the philosophy student or the Christian student

>Get the belt
Kill your parents before the shooting, then kill at least one student with a belt

>kink shaming
Kill the porn addict

>hypothetically hypocritical
Kill your partner

>Perfect 007 massacre
Kill everyone, including the cops. Also you must get all achievements and get away with the shooting

Every time we have one of these threads there's a school shooting a few days later.

>stone age
Cave 5 peoples heads in with a rock

>Ghost squad
Shoot up the school while being well known in one community

there are 52 school shootings a year. That's just statistics, it's going to happen eventually, don't blame r9k. cnn.com/2018/03/02/us/school-shootings-2018-list-trnd/index.html

>Make America Great Again
Kill all Arab and Mexican students

>Shamefur Dispray
Kill all students wearing Naruto headbands

>Cleaning Up
Convince the janitor to lock the cafeteria doors before you start your massacre.

>Dark Alliance
Find the other school loner and convince him to join you.

>Sic Semper Tyrannis
Kill the principle with a headshot.

>Video Killed the Radio Star
Drop a TV on a choir student.

>Not Quite My Tempo
Kill a band student with an instrument.

Kill all goth students