Why not move to Scandinavia? Also: Comfy

Nobody pesters you, great social services, long winters where it is ok to stay inside and be shut.

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OP here. Forgot: Comfy thread.

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Why would I move to an Islamic shithole full of 3rd worlders?

Because I don't want to pollute their genes with my ugly black dna

pic related is the average swede

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Because it's not that easy. I'd do it in a heartbeat otherwise. Unironically.

What makes you think Scandinavia would let you move there?

OP said Scandinavia, not America.

Gay marriage is legal there so OP could gay marry a local.

flooded with shitskins. abandon ship.
t. swede

Sure, because random scandinavian gay dudes want to marry NEETs from another country.

What if I want to gay marry someone else, though?

Sweden is shit. Were it not for NEETbux I'd kill myself.

Can you please stop posting about Scandinavia? We're trying to do something here and you're honestly fucking it up.

Denmark and Finland are my favorites. The others have unfortunately let in quite a few subversive cultures. They're still nice though.
Id love to move there legally. :::D

Im actually visiting soon.
Nordic girls are my weakness. Here's hoping they like celtic dudes.

It could be easy to adapt given the difficulty in language barrier (pronunciation is harsh though the language written is not). No interest generally and even if my home is not exactly a utopia of sorts I still see home as home and something for to be developed via succeeding generations. Given that everyone is trying to leave my town I see it important to curtail hardship and help those around. Also planting more trees within the vicinity to counter-act London emigres building their giant mansions and ruining the land.

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As much as I give shit to the scandos, their lands are quite beautiful. I'd kill to settle down there and marry a blonde woman someday.

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no it is not my dear boi hahhhh

because i plan to move to ireland instead

as long as you stay away from sweden you should be fine
t. swede

I want to move there to be with my bf. I'm a horrible example of a human being though.

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it seems like they only accept either first worlders or arabic/african refugees, and i'm neither of those

Yeah just buy a little summer house like that for about a million dollars

Europe is full, no more immigrants accepted unless they are highly skilled.


1. In America, we have Freedom of Speech, which allows citizens to have any political opinion they want. In Scandanavian countries, you can go to jail for speaking out against the crimes committed by refugees, or just SUGGESTING that you don't like how the govt is allowing them to replace their native culture.
2. Unlike most robots, I hate the cold and I don't care for snow. My hands get super dry in the cold.
3. Scandanavian countries are super expensive to live in. Remember, the founder of IKEA moved out of Denmark because he was forced to pay so much in taxes.

How hard is to move to Scandinavia if you're a sand nigger

Why are you lying? All Scandinavian countries have far more freedom of speech than America. Especially Trump has restricted it as much as possible. Soon it will be a jailable offense to say anything negative about Trump.

America is the only country in the world that has Freedom of Speech as a constitutional law. In Europe, you can lose everything and get a prison sentence for saying something slightly impolite about refugees, playing a violent video game, not wanting your male children to be forced to wear makeup at school like they do with boys in Iceland, etc. Who are you trying to fool?

Literally everything you said is false. Why are you Jow Forums virgins so desperate you must resort to lying? America has less freedom of speech than most euro countries. This is a fact. You simply are too afraid of accepting the truth.

What is the truth, then? And how does America have less Free Speech than the Islamic Caliphates of Europe?

Gonna take a shower and shave, feel free to take your time posting.

Because I already live there. It's not comfy. You gotta work hard or be attractive/rich, or you'll get fucked.

Trump has taken zero action to restrict free speech, brainlet. But "hate speech" is banned in most euro countries