Some Gay shit for you guys

Ive decided to let my best gal friend know that I'm into her.

I can't decide whether to profess my love for her outright, or take a more beta and sideways approach as one user suggested.

Im kind of doubtfil that she has feelings for me right now, but I've gotta know where I stand.

Please help me

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Just say it straight. Pussyfooting is lame

If you don't have any reason to think that she's into you, don't do that

Fuckinnnnnnnnnn, my question is should I ask her in person or over text message.

Fuckinnn god damnit. This relationship stuff is a motherfucker to navigate. Need a normies input on this. Thanks for trying to help

You're right. I can't beat around no bushes with this

Well check this out, fucking earlier this week she told me that one of her friends thought I was cute and that we should go on a double date, which I responded with "me and you?" And she said "No" her and another guy.

OP here nice of you bots to try and help.
Ive cut it from every slice imaginable and here's the way I see it.

She's single now, has guys she could be dating, but isn't seeing anyone currently. I have a small time frame to go 'All-in' before she might find someone else. She's my best friend, so the slight awkwardness of her not feel the same way would pale in comparison to being left to wonder every day and not know where I stand.

I just realized that it don't matter because if she finds someone else I probably won't see much of her anymore anyways. And that could potentially end up happening sooner than later. So it seems like the best option would be to let her know before it's too late. Im going to roll the dice on this one.

Man I'm geetered I ain't slept in like 3 days

Ask her out in person
At least she won't be able to ghost you and you'll see her reaction on her face. Just don't play around, be as natural as you can be, don't drink before talking with her, accept that you can be rejected

Holy shit I can't see this ending well. Fuck fuck fuck

Why do you stupid fucks have to confess your eternal love ffs. Just casually ask her out on a date and make sure she knows its a date, by saying its a date.

This goy gets it. You're (most likely) inexperienced and you're crushing on this girl, that's not love you dumbass. It's just temporary infatuation. Ask her out on a date, proper, and see if it goes anywhere.

OP's problem is that she's not just some random bitch

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you do it op
Hope it works out for you

But it doesn't really matter if she's a stranger or not because he's idolizing her in his head and is infatuated, he's not in love. His stupid desperate need for love is blocking his objectivity.

That might be true
OP must calm down and then think about her cons as well, what he doesn't like in her
I've met several girls who at first glance were oneitis qt3.14/10 but after thinking for a bit I realised how terrible they were

He doesn't actually have to "think" here, he needs to act. And he sure as shit shouldn't proclaim his love for a girl who, just recently just thought he was her friend. That shit might be romantic in movies but it's pretty unsettling IRL, some person you thought was your friend turns out to be obsessed with you? Fuck that.

If an Incel told that to a girl he would get an attemped rape charge.

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There is no such thing as "feelings" for a crush you beta cuckold.

You like girls because you want to fuck her and she might be fun. That's it. Anything else is an obsession, fantasy, and just plain weird. It's weak as shit and just comes from a place of emotional vulnerability.

Admitting "feelings" to a woman will dry up her pussy like nothing else.

She'll feel like you've been into her for a while, but too much a pussy to ask her out. Men should either make a move immediately, or break contract. Anything else and you're perma-friendzoned.

She will reject you. Go find a bitch to fuck, jesus christ. Have fun!

It's just indicative of a lack of backbone to orbit a woman waiting for a "chance" instead of just asking her the fuck out.

Women see right through it which is why these bitchboys are always rejected. And they don't get why.

What if she feels the same way? Why would it dry her up to ask her to go steady with me?

Buddy if she felt the same way she'd have been dropping IOIs on you for you to make a move. If you blow off a woman's interest for so long that you become her "friend", she has already lost interest and you cannot rekindle it.

Approach new women you don't know. Get IOIs. Escalate.

Stop waiting for ships that've already sailed.

Also, assuming your magical fantasy of, "What if she likes me?", is true, then you going out and fucking other women will make her crazy jealous and even more into you. Pre-selection bias, etc. So you can't lose by doing what you should in the first place.

Fuggin, she brought up us dating in the past. IDK what I did, probably just being the massive beta I always am. Lost the spark. I'm still going to fuckin ask her if she feels that way about me. Maybe she's holding back too. Wishful thinking but here goes nothing

Text her to get a drink / come over and watch a movie with wine / cinema / Christmas shopping and if you can flirt in real life and make it work try and kiss her.

If she doesn't want to meet up and or is awkward with you in real life and can't make eye contact or you can't forget about it man.

My credientals; I'm 70% normie and have fucked 15 people.

Stop talking about feelings. Stop asking about feelings. Stop thinking about feelings. This fake emotionally unsatisfied shit is not going to work for you. No one thinks like this.

You can start by being a man and asking her out. Be explicit that you're attracted to her and it's a date. That's it. You do not give a shit that she was ever your friend. You are bringing her into your sexual frame.

Again, you probably can't do it, because you're already so deep into the friendzone. Just go find another women.

Kys man. You don't deserve her if just thinking about not being a pussy makes you react like a pussy onions boi on a Mongolian basket weaver enthusiast forum.

If she's not just a hole to fuck to you you're going to blow it lol
That's the only "status" women are comfortable with. Everything else is creepy to them


I don't think that's true at all.

>tfw the cold hard reality sets in that I was simply too big of a beta and she wasn't interested in me anymore.

I feel like shit. I need some Coricidin to numb the pain.

Fuck I need to get some meth and Coricidin I hate feeling this way. It stings like hell. That's what I get for trying to socialize. I'm still not giving up on this I'm going to spill my whole spaghetti to her Dumb & Dumber style and at least I'll have closure

how about you grow a pair of balls, cut your losses, and find a girl to fuck asap so you'll feel better, or just forget about her.

self-destruction doesn't help shit.

>being this virgin


"user, I love you. Do u lov me 2?"

You're looking for emotional validation and not a relationship. If you want a relationship, instead ask her to do relationship things.

"Grill, I want to take you to thing, come with me to do thing"

"Grill, I want to try restaurant, come with?"

If she keeps going with you, take her back to your place and then see how she reacts when you're alone together. If you can get to that point you're basically golden, go slow and let ANY rejection be physical, if any. Do NOT accept emotional rejection, that is illusory and not real. Physical rejection is the only thing, and it's basically absolute.

You are friend,

Amazing, this guy gets it. Echoing what im already doing.We go out together most every other day, it's only a matter of time before she developed that feel.

I needed this advice. Thank you friend. I will continue to play it cool. Best regards the op