>there's a britfeel on r9k
>theres 10 brit generals on Jow Forums
>there's brit generals on fucking /b/ as well
what's up with Brits and colonising?
There's a britfeel on r9k
It's in the blood of all true white men
Entitled bent toothed faggots being faggots.
user, I...
How many /shitfeel/ posters also contribute to the 50 /r9faggot/ threads going at a time? More otr less than half?
Why are they even looking at this board? They're obviously not robots
oi cunt bugger off me and me mates will make more generals in your other favourite boards
unironically this, they need to have a fucking general dedicated to them everywhere. Fucking entitled shits
most of them are underage as well normalfaggots
They're probably the second-largest nationality on this site, meaning they're actually a large enough group to have their own enclaves, while every other nationality just gets swallowed up by a sea of Americans.
I remeber swedes being the largest usebase on Jow Forums
that's not a white man user, that's clearly an elf
We're better than you.
We are good at it and we dont like mixing with you.
Op built like a bus ticket
Does your mums knickers flood when she hears our accent?
Cry harder faggots we're part and parcel of this board, now go complain about r9fags who are lgbt spam invaders
there's a brit generals on Jow Forums in recent days too
Our generals have been around a lot longer than most of you newfags who bitch about them.
Might as well have a /Britspooks/ on /x/
That I can confirm. I can't remember ever participating in any brit general but I also cannot remember a time where they were not around, and I've been here for a while
Ya gotta loicense fo that post m8?