/Mental Illness General/ diag'd only

More than one weak stuck into the psychiatric hospital, no getting out in sight.

I met a girl. She told me she was raped by a migrant, she's also a junkie (heroin, IV Coke and crack)
She's the only one here talking to me, and I like the attention but she's clearly a cokehead. She speaks a lot, repeats herself everyday, and interrupts me almost everytime.
She was an expensive escort for 8 years.

She told me that we were friends and overall nice things to me but I'm afraid this is just part of her bipolar disorder.

I have no interest in fucking her.
I just can help but wonder is she will stay a friend or disappear when PsychoChad eventually come around.

What are you into, tinfoil hats?
How do you feel?

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diagnosed with schizotypal disorder when was in a psychiatric facility for two weeks like a year ago. Since then been seeing a psychiatrist regularly and taking medication(SSRI and risperidone(4mg)). Trying to get off venlafaxine(took one 75mg pill today instead of two today for the first day). So far I am experiencing a headache and a strange sensation in my heda but no brain zaps..

ven is one of the worst drugs to come off of, best of luck bud

how do i stop getting high and drinking myself into a coma

please god i want to be normal

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yeah I read that the withdrawal can last up to a year, kinda worried about that

Find something better than your crutch and delvop healthy coping mechanisms and exercise develop and strengthen your avoidance of whatever you are addicted to.

Drink coffee instead of beer if your hanging out in a bar 2/3 times a week. Spend money on stuff like books or vidya instead of alchol.

I was a bit of a alcholic in April mate thought i needed alchol to feel normal and socialise and eneded up having 5 or 6 pints after work almost every day unless I had something to do and buying coke and speed drunk. You can make it. Small steps. Growing trees all that shit man.

I drank around two liters of rum in the span of three days, that's when I know I had to stop, I'm just so neurotic, and I try to drink sometimes so that I don't do other harmful things, ah my mind is a prison to myself sometimes
I know you are right, though

Bump for anons op thread.

I need advice how can I seek a diagnosis without my parents knowing as a 21 year old who lives at home. Please I'm losing it over here.

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You have to live with it as I have. I only ever talk about it online on Jow Forums. No one else will ever know. I turned to liquor and drinking a lot helps. You can self medicate, you just have to find the right poison. You cannot socially ruin yourself by letting people know you have a mental disorder. I take this to my grave.

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that is what I want but I want to make a go at trying to get bux since I maybe could if I fit the bill I suspect I fit, but if I can't get it in a way in which only me, the psych and the bux givers know then I'm probably going to have to run off into the wilderness and live in a cave so I can try and be happy

the neet bux will not be worth the permanent mark you will forever have on your life due to your mental diagnoses

you will never be trusted again, with work on high or otherwise

Triggered first psychosis about eight years ago, smoking weed. Got admitted, a year after, smoke weed again. Psych says I'm doing fine and should try to quit the meds. Get psychotic again, after smoking weed while down on meds. Don't smoke weed for 2 years, now smoking weed again while getting on a lower dosage of meds.

Its clearly a pattern there, and the cycle continues.

Why can't I quit smoking weed?

it seems like there's no easy way out of this then, I better start looking for a nice secluded cliff face to hollow out

you just gotta swallow the opio pill, bro. It's the only drug us schizos can do safely

I wish for the same, maybe we will find the same hut to live in, the middle of the forest with no human contact

Goto careerexcuse.com and buy some job references, user, that is an easy way out.

>still suicidal
fuckin hell

my issue is that I just want to get away from and not have to deal with people, that and I want a bubble someplace on Earth to get away from everyone and be able to stay there for as long as I want and need, unfortunately a proper career doesn't allow for either of those things to exist and I'm too retarded for any of the more niche occupations that may, so my only really optimistic option is to just try and drop out of society completely and see if I can make it on my own, I don't want to die right now so I need to start making some decisions to make this happen I suppose

> I want escape

Goto www.soul-herbs.com buy some Ayahuasca brew it and drink it. That will give you the escape from reality that you are looking for.

Yeah it sucked big time when I did it
Even when doing it slow
WD lasted like 4 weeks
Professional diagnoses are a meme btw

I've done acid once and that was more than enough for me, but I got the picture and now I need to find my place on Earth, maybe then I can do some good from a distance.

Schizo here.
I went into the psychiatrist to ask for euthanasia (legal here in the Netherlands) and he diagnosed me with autism on top of the schizo. Charlatans, the lot of them.

what is this

reading about it, is it really a legal hallucinogen?

Diagnosed with schizophrenia by two different psychiatrists. In all honesty I kind of miss my psychosis, the amount of horror that was unfolded to me during my psychosis was surely something some would describe as a religious experience. What I don't miss are the voices that would continuously hassle me when I was daydreaming about whatever, glad most of those are gone now.

Unfortunately the doctors want me to look for a job and get back to work. I all honesty I don't know if I'm ready for that because I have a hard time keeping up my facade of being ok at the clinic, let alone being professional at some shitty part-time job.

From my experience girls are way more likely to talk to you than guys. I also met a girl, sort of a valley girl type, who like some of the other patients I've talked to she actually believes in, and blames, the Illuminati for her psychosis. I'm more of a /x/-type person, but it's always nice having someone to talk to. I spend most of my time doing divination (tarot card readings) for anyone interested, which were actually quite a few. Those tarot card reading were a great way of meeting new people.


Meme-tier hallucinogen, it's used by native Americans, at least in movies in TV shows. Don't do hallucinogens without supervision though.

Hallo mede-schizo.
Are your troubles actually so bad you asked for euthanasia? Which part of it do you have most trouble with handling?

Risperidone 4 mg is really small dosage actually, that's good for you, I need much higher dosages

How long since last psychosis fellow schizobro

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I'm 24 and only have finished two-thirds of my bachelor. My bachelor doesn't even have good job prospects. I simply rather wish to die than to collect welfare.

>unironically taking risperidone in 2018
did you know something like 50% of all prescriptions dont even get taken? im sure this rate is higher for stuff like SSRI's and anti-psychotics. why do you take risperidone, it gives you permanent nerve damage in twitches, gives you brain damage and kills your soul. you just become this lobotomized zombie when you're on it. just stop my dude, and tell them what they want to hear if they ask you about it

holy shit risperidone is the worst. get off it

what dosage are you on? I thought 4mg is already high.

but it helps me with schizo thoughts

Undiagnosed but I'm pretty sure I qualify for chronic depresison, PTSD from bullying, maybe BPD even if I don't cycle days of euphoria with months of depression, more like being depressed all the time with random bouts of euphoria during the day.
I socially isolated myself and I'm pretty sure I can't function well in society anymore. I scrape by working 24 hours a week but I "cheat" out a lot of owrk hours because I cn
an't concentrate on any task, so I browse my phone instead (pretty sure I'm screen-addicted by the way) and I cna't handle learning new tasks, taking responsibilities, organizing my workload or being reprimanded or criticized.
On the topic of not being able to concentrate: I can't even play videogames for 20 minutes straight without feeling the need to switch to soemthing else. Everything is tedious.
My country makes it quite difficult to qualify for disability neetbuxx with claims of mental disorders only, but I might try next year anyway. If I don't commit sudoku first.
Last week I got a referral for a psych evaluation in an "euphoric" moment where I was trying to work for my betterment. This week it's already died down and I'm back to feeling hopeless, trapped, suicidal and unwilling to try and get better.
>keeping up my facade of being ok at the clinic
And why would you do that? If you are at the clinic, the doctors want to hear about you being mentally ill so they can help you.
Well maybe not "want", maybe they'd be happeir to send you on your way, but it's their job. Be open and if you are feeling unwell tell them.
It'll also help you keep on NEEting as much as you can.

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It is legal in places like Peru and people go to Peru to use it to hear many problems that they have.

It is a schedule 1/class a drug in most countries but people who want the psychedelic experience will goto Peru or other places in South America where it is legal to experience a guided psychedelic trip under the guide of a shaman.

I get pretty severe psychosis and other things when I'm bad, but when I stay away from drink I can keep my head even. I'm sober over 100 days now - my personal best. I fear a relapse that will tip me over a cliff from which I will never recover and tear my life down, but for now being in AA is helping.

Schizo here.
>collect schizo bucks for 6 years
>get incredibly bored
>get job in "protected work environment"
>work 50% and only for 3 bucks an hour
>gets added to the schizo bucks though
>trying to learn an actual skill
>didn't finish my bachelor due to psychosis
>more or less sane again
>either go back to university learning to code in IT
>or go a lower education tier route that puts me to work right away
Neetdom was kinda fun, but not for the rest of my life.

>How long since last psychosis fellow schizobro
Last peak about 5-6 months ago, however it's been roughly 6 weeks since I kept spending entire days talking to the voices. However, psychotic episodes seem to come and go, though they haven't been as impactful as the first one where I was instructed to commit a number of murders.
How about you, how long have you been in the clear, shizobro?
Nice trips. I also spent a number of years wasting my life away on bachelor with terrible job prospects, worst of all I didn't even finish it. Not only that but now I can't even work fulltime so I can't continue my carreer because there are only fulltime positions. It sucks, especially since you have the rest of your life ahead of you and without any real chance of a nice, entertaining job, that's more than 40 years of shitty part-time jobs or NEETbux, if you're "lucky".
>And why would you keep up your facade?
In all honesty I don't know, I have this urge to pretend I'm ok because I don't like encumbering others with my burdens. Not only that but the psyciatrists want to either change or up my meds and I'm not looking forward to possibly spending more time at the clinic because of it. But I guess you're right, I should be more honest and open towards them.

I started on 2 mg and I think I eat 8 mg now

But not all at the same time, some during the morning and some during the evening

Nice man, I'm glad to hear that

It's been 3 months since the last time I was in the psychiatric hospital and I've been feeling very normal and good since then

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Leef je met familie of beschermd/begeleid wonen? Ik woon bij familie, maar wil graag begeleid wonen proberen. Heb jij daar ervaring mee?

Any BPDs think Poindexter in Daredevil was actually pretty on point in terms of his portrayal of the disorder? I could relate.

Same, I'm already 6 months in a psych ward, posting from here.

How did you get schizo bucks?

Ik woon nu ook bij mijn familie, sta vanaf volgende week op de wachtlijst voor begeleid wonen. Je moet wel kunnen aantonen dat je niet in staat bent om voor jezelf te kunnen zorgen, dus vertel vooral dat je moeite hebt met regelmaat en orde te handhaven. Wat ik wel weet over begeleid wonen is dat de begeleiding een aantal keer per week langskomt om met je te praten en vaak huishoudelijke taken te verrichten.

Wachttijd is enkele maanden tot een half jaar.

Good to hear you're feeling healthy again, user.

Pretty easy if you have a diagnosis and live in a western european country

what is your opinion on stuff said on this site rxisk
org ?

I usually don't read those kind of websites since I get paranoid and think I have a lot of things I dont actually have

Keep posting man it's the only thing that's real
The internet hate machine.
What are you in for?

I just realized I have akathisia, great. Honestly, it's time to stop these drugs or at least lower them

I'm convinced everyone who says they have phones in wards are LARPers. That or you're in some private facility for rich kids. in every ward I've been in they stripped me naked and confiscated my electronics.

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No idea how these people are posting from there, where I'm from we shared a computer for 2 hours every day and we were like 10 people on it lol, also phones were taken from us

I wish I was in a luxurious ward

Depends on the security. I've been in a psych ward two times and one time I had my phone confiscated from me as well as strip-searched, the other time I had my phone and electronics on me for my entire stay.

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Meh I don't even have internet on my phone so didn't really care about them taking it desu

Depends on what kind of psych ward you're in. The Intensive Care ward strips people of nearly everything, including lighters. The Psychosis ward let's you bring most of your own stuff, including phones or laptops. In all honesty people using their phones to talk to their friends seem like the people who have it the easiest. If you have a social circle to fall back on living with mental illness is a lot easier.

I've been in several, and ironically it's always been the shit ones that last you have your phone's

I quit a 300mg prescription cold turkey and felt fine with no tapering. Also quit lithium and xanax the same way. Not sure why but drugs never seemed to affect me.

Man I don't even know what ward I was in, I was in a psychosis but I think idk

Also I would never do what I did. I could've had some serious issues. If you're getting off a drug make sure you do it with your doctor