The americans are asleep lads, what mischief shall I meander
/ausfeefees/ general
Oi ya daft cunt, this is when all of us productive robots wake up
>falling for the bait
The Aussies get shiftier every year
shit in their kibbles m80
Let the yankees have some bin chooks
I love Australia! It's the best!
it's 1:08 AM
A fella really just googled how to slit your own throat
feeling fucking shit man, i've cut contact with the last few people i could even consider friends
i've been seeing a couple of psychologists who both have unironically sugested to "just bee myself" and "get a girlfriend"
i fucking hate this joke that my life is and if i had access to a decent firearm i would go ER in a heartbeat
new years is right around the corner and i bet fireworks would drown out the sound of the first few shots giving me an early advantage
everywhere you look in this country people are happy and ejoying life
i go down the supermarket 7 at night to get a few things for tea and what do i see? happy couples walking hand in hand and its only a 5 minute fucking walk
it's like they magically appear infront of you to ruin your fucking day
god how i'd love to ruin their fucking day
it doesn't help that i'm a lolicon irl and all i can think about is what i missed out on growing up that others got to experience
i just want what the world fucking owes me and to check the fuck out
fuck this earth and more importantly fuck this country and everyone in it
i hope china takes over this country and everyone gets enslaved
>i go down the supermarket 7 at night to get a few things for tea and what do i see? happy couples walking hand in hand and its only a 5 minute fucking walk
They really are fucking everywhere, I spend too much time locked up inside, I figured maybe going out might do me good, go for a walk, get some fresh air, but nope, it's all fucking happy couples and single mums.
And work? I'm constantly reminded by my 30-50 something year old coworkers that they have sex, like I want to know. Fuck this shitty normie country, even when girls do show me attention, they're such fucking whores that I have no interest at all.
i guess i'm lucky in that im a neet on retard bux (not dps sadly but i get newstart without the bullshit because of crippling depression and anxiety)
but yeah you are so right
i shelter myself from it as much as i possibly can but i so much as step outside on the balcony to eat lunch and i see a couple walking down the street or i go on a nightwalk to the park and despite it being 10pm on a fucking tuesday there is a couple there making out
this world is playing a sick fucking game on us
>i just want what the world fucking owes me and to check the fuck out
Nigga, the world doesn't owe you shit. No one really deserves anything or is owed anything. It's not a nice thing to accept, because you realise that there isn't any such thing as fair in the world and there's no grand cosmic scale which weighs things according to your karma or dishes out what you 'deserve'. The only things at work here are context and circumstance, which don't give a shit about your existence, how much you've suffered or if you feel like you deserve something better.
All there is is the struggle.
I'm barely what you would call a wagie, I work casual and live with my parents. University meme got me good.
I went nightwalking at 2am last month and of course a car full of girls drives pass yelling at me. Otherwise there was no one to bother my walk so it was pleasant for the most part, I even started running for a bit just to see how far I could go. I'm always too nervous to run when other people can see me.
so you think its perfectly acceptable that some people get to have sex (legally as they are the same age) with 13-14 year old girls but the rest who miss out of having teenage sex as teenagers are then cut off from ever being able to have it for the rest of their lives?
you think that is fucking fair?
why the fuck should some snot nosed brat being able to fuck a 12 year old girl just because they are both 12 and are simply (exploring each otherer and experimenting) but i am labled a predetor despite that unlike the boy i am able to provide for the girl in the event of pregnancy and take care of her
house her and provide for the child
something a 13 year old boy can't fucking do but he gets a free fucking pass
they all deserve to be killed
i live really close to a big park and a shoping centre with a 24 hour hungry jacks so its almost impossible for me to avoid people on night walks no matter how late i go
i've seen (this was when i was younger) guys driving around in p plate cars with 3-4 girls riding with them in cars daddy paid for
i'm 25 and still don't have my license
it's absolutely torture
you are standing at the lights waiting to cross and to this day i have to see snot nosed brats with their gf sitting in the passenger seat at the red light staring at me and as soon as the light goes green tough guy yells something out instead of getting out of the car and acts tough infront of his little girl friend
i hate this life i really do
i want to drag these fuckers out of their cars and beat them to death infront of their gfs some days
You're missing the point. There is no such thing as fair and unfair because the universe doesn't give a shit. There is only what is wrought by our own hands and the circumstances we are given. Whether or not we get the things we want with our circumstances isn't a matter of fair or unfair, it just is.
I'm an absolute fucking mess right now and I can barely handle going outside. I've never had a girlfriend and the only match I've gotten on tinder in the last week was a horse faced bitch with crooked teeth. As much as I hate it, I can't call it unfair because it's just how things are and there isn't any such thing as karma. Just context and circumstance. Do you see my point now?
>gets a match on tinder THIS WEEK
>talks about life being unfair
i would drop everything to fuck this horse teeth you talk about
count your fucking blessings asshole
i just wish i was counting my ammo
>>talks about life being unfair
God, you're fucking dumb. Did you read a single thing I said? Maybe your problem is that your unholy she-hag of a mum dropped a cinder block on your already malformed head. The first person you should put a bullet in is yourself, but you'd probably be too fucking stupid to manage putting a gun in your mouth.
man you ausfags are a tough crowd
don't get me wrong i wish my mum dropped a cinder block on my head and i'd love to put a bullet in myself but no before i rid this country of a few sex having assholes like you
fuck you, drop dead cunt
I have awoken
American here, serious questions for you Kangroofuckers: What the fuck happened that made you the way you are? Why are you smarmy backwater fucks with oddball accents?
Why did Americans bring blacks with them, then do nothing but complain about them for the next four centuries?
you're the cunts with the weird accents mate
and stop dragging us into all your shitty wars
since ww2 we have had to fight in shit like korea, vietnam and all that shit in the middle east of the last 20 years
fight your own wars you soft cunt
we have to you're our greatest ally :3
They made good field-slaves.