Old ex from last year hits me up

>old ex from last year hits me up
>like an idiot, I respond
>we start dating again, fall in love
>start talking about moving in since we're poor uni kids
>he holds my hand and tells me he loves me, wants to be with me until he dies
>turns out he's been dating another girl for the last two years
>tfw I was made a side girl twice by the same guy
It hurts so much, you guys. I haven't eaten, slept, or gotten out of bed in two days. All I do is cry and sleep. I always had a fear of commitment, and it took me a long time to finally trust someone enough to date them. Now, I'm worse than when I started off.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x184, 8K)

Get out more, get into volunteering youll feel better using your capacity to care about people
Try making stuff

My fear of commitment is only getting worse. more and more i find people betray my trust and i go through a phase of pain similar to what you describe. Wish i could escape a need for companionship.

I hope you feel better soon. My only advice is to become increasingly selective of those you let in.

user, I just ... feel so betrayed.

Why would someone do this to another person? Why would someone make you feel like they love you completely, and then lie to your face almost every day?

How can he do something so cruel, especially since he knew how fragile I was?

I only dated him because I thought he was safe. He was a short, scrawny weeb kid studying CS, who's hobby was making video games. He was an awkward robot, just like me.

So why do something so monstrous and manipulative?

I haven't loved anyone for the past two years, after my ex bf of a year cheated on me in 2016.

I literally just want autistic friends

You just landes a bad person femanon. Keep having hope but definetly avoid that person.

people overreach, especially men. They want more which includes having you and then another. From the sound of it he probably thought he would get away with it, and he was for a while. When it gets to that point he cant see the damage it would cause because in his mind it would never actually come to pass. What he did was cruel and selfish and unfortunately many people are capable of doing it when they have the opportunity. Even those who appear weak and like a safe choice.

i was cheated on early this year. I havent had a girlfriend since but continually run back to my ex's for affection. I hope i can get to where you are. I get a decent amount of female attention and fall hard and fast for people. Any advice for how to stay above all of this?

Transcend the mortal coil

After every break up, I turn into a thot. I get a decent amount of male attention, and I start flirting excessively to increase it, but I never let myself become close or vulnerable to anyone, and I don't commit to one guy because that's giving him too much power over me.

I was so happy to get the chance to love someone again. It felt really nice. What I want now is an apology, but I haven't even gotten that.

I want him to say sorry. I want closure. But that's not going to happen, because now he's ignoring me and treating me like a used condom

I was really scared and guarded at the beginning of our relationship. I wish I listened to my instincts and never let myself fall in love. I don't want to feel this way ever again, even if it means dying alone.

Going to the other extreme isn't the answer femanon. One asshole doesn't mean every man ever is an asshole. And please don't use assholes on r9k as an example, this place is crawling with men who have mental issues and are genuine misogynist. Those fuckers aren't dating anyone any time soon.

When i broke up with my ex, i waited a few weeks and asked her to a movie, she agreed delighted

Try to hold her hand halfway through, she refuses it smugly and says "What? What is this, what did you think this was?" and then there was silence until i dropped her off

Downloaded tinder after this

I used to do the same exact thing. Ice up for months and look for validation in strangers. In the end I noticed the toxic pattern and realized it made me really unhappy. I saw it for what it was. Pure weakness. Id rather work on being strong and secure alone.

In my experience any closure will never be enough. Its the same reason I go back to my ex's. Even if we fight or fuck or talk about our breakup at least it doesnt feel over. i keep looking for closure when really i just dont want it to be over.

Ancient civilizations used to regard romantic love as a kind of madness. (cant make big life decisions, cant vote for so many days ect.) The older i get the more true that feels. It overrides our instincts and inhibitions. As much as I dont want to fall in love and have this happen again, i havent found a cure for madness yet.

fuck off you chad chasing hoe

Closure was her going on trip to see my friend one more time a week after we talk on the phone about us possibly hanging out during christmas lol

Thank you for the insight, truly

>After every break up, I turn into a thot.

>why do guys treat me like a loose slut when I act like a loose slut?!

Wew lads settle in and put some coffee on. Something tells me this one's going to be an all-nighter.

R9k has gotten so bad that roasties feel they can vent about Chad pumping and dumping them twice.

Email? I want to vent back and forth

I'll give you my Snapchat instead. It's fish.launcher

You do realize that he cheated on her with me, right? And she stayed a virgin all throughout their relationship. She's the furthest thing from a "slut" and she still got cheated on.

Be better, my guy. Everyone just has different methods to cope with pain. For me, it's casual flirtation, because at least then I can think of something else other than the person who broke my heart

Dude, he was a 5'4 125 lbs Asian kid who goes to anime cons and works as game designer. If you want to call him a Chad...go ahead, I guess

fuck off """fembot"""