If all women are sluts why wont they fuck me?
If all women are sluts why wont they fuck me?
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because you're not playing their game. do you really want to be dick#13 to some broken mind whore
they prefer to be someone's else slut.
Let the liquor do the thinkin partner
They're only sluts for a certain percentage of men. We've been over this before.
they all fuck the same guy but try to deny it even though i've experienced it before.
her cunt would be loose as a rookie's steer tie partner.
you're not going to feel any better fucking some whore that's been through the cock ringer. wear a condom.
The state of this COPE
why wont you incels just admit you're shit tier males? Go outside the average dumbbfuck 5/10 guy has a gf these days. You guys claim you're intelgent but you're the blindest of all
The average IQ of an incel is about 80.
>why won't you incels just admit you're shit tier males
i am a shit tier male, i never neglected this fact.
not an incel, i don't blame females for my lack of relationship
>go outside
>the average dumbfuck 5/10 guy has a gf these days
good for him.
>you guys claim you're 'intelgent' but you're the blindest of all
nope, i probably have 2 digits iq and i dropped out of high school years ago because i wasn't smart enough to learn anything
at the very least you are self aware
fuck that I'd rather be volcel and never have to deal with some broken harpie, sex is an overrated commodity sold and advertised to weak willed retards as false achievement
t. virgin sour grapes
t. clueless and bitter
80 iqs could hardly use computers let alone absorb an internet sites culture enough to blend in.
I keep hearing about this 80/20 thing but I remember in Highschool and Uni it was over half of dudes who had a GF at one point or another.
Did I just happened to be in class with mostly alphas or do I not understand what the 80/20 rule is about.
There is some incelfag on youtube that explains this phenomenon. I think it is pretty accurate.
I believe the 80/20 rule can vary depending on area.
In reality 95% of people at least experience relationships, but historically around 20% reproduce.
society changed this in the past by nearly guaranteeing you a partner if you contributed.
Now that this is no longer the case, we're at least in america reverting to a similar 80/20 system. 80% get relation ships and occasional sex, 20% get children and are desired for looks or wealth. Now look at the population here, do you think they're the 80%? not including the normalnigger cancer.
Of course this all comes from my own observations and statistics i've seen over time.
They are also whores and you smell of poverty
80/20 doesn't mean only 20% of guys have sex, it means 20% of guys have 80% of the sex. So some guys will only have sex once or twice in their lives, like the "over half" you are describing, while a handful will bang your gf and their gfs over and over in their holes in various positions filling their mouths to the brim with jizz thousands of times.
ITT oreganogutan LOL
because you're an original retard.