Robots which league of legends champion do you like the most?

robots which league of legends champion do you like the most?

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has to be twitch, most fun champ I've played. If anyone on this thread says yasuo I might kill myself.

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Syndra is my favourite champ in lol

>pick someone
>HAVE to go a certain lane
>HAVE to do certain things
>HAVE to do this and that

that's why i never got into DOTA or LoL and can actually enjoy HotS.
join a pick up sport if you care that much about team work.

I have came buckets over the years to Ahri

Thresh/Lucian are my top two

>lore wise
>play wise

>everything else
one two three four
two to three four

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>reddit the champion


fiora / camille / bard


Yorick, both lore and gameplay

I'm haven't played League in years but I enjoyed Kayle when I did play.

udyr / lee / draven / lucian

Braum, Ornn, Urgot

It's Yasuo for me.

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My nigga.

For me it's.

>Lux, Poppy, syndra, velkhoz, nami, leona


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Take Aim can now be activated to increase attack range enough to attack people playing other video games (examples: League of Legends, Player Unknown's Battlegrounds, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) for your next attack. Goes on cooldown after the attack is used. Cooldown: 15/12/9/6. Manacost: 30

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I really like Vlad Jhin and Braum and loving Neeko got a penta with her today too :D

i wish i had someone to play with

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Farm all game like an autist and come out of top lane as a superpower.

Dont play anymore but mine were Gangplank, Gragas and Wukong

For me its this cutie, I'm glad I get to pick her like 90% of the time. League is very friendly to people who like to main a character

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>League is very friendly to people who like to main a support character

Thank you for the correction I literally just play support so I don't know how the others have it. My friends get very mad at eachother no matter what they pick or what lane they choose so I just support and try to keep from getting too angry

Fuck Irelia niggers

I don't care anymore since the journal of justice has become non-canon and the lore went to shit.

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An outrageous choice

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Jhin I'd say

Would you tell me your IGN? I wanna play with you.

I'm far too new I can't, it would be very embarrassing

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I'm not even level 20 yet myself, why not?

I wrote a song about Leona at work, but now I forgot how it goes.

Put a star on your favorite support
my star is on Leona

Lux has stolen Baron thanks to a ward from Leona

dang I wish I remembered the rest



I like to be as scummy to players in league, as people are to me irl.

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manlet who was driven to evil by >tfwnofriends

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lulu before she got forced into support role

>playing league of losers

>literally mordekaiser cocksleeve according to lore

Quinn has been one of my favourite champions since I pioneered the days of Quinn top, before it became meta... but the tank meta later kinda killed that.

Corsair Quinn has one of the cutest models too, I just wish the splash art looked better.

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I stopped early 2016
dont know if it was because the game got worse or I just stopped caring about it. I think its both

Has to be the first champion I played

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new lore doesn't count

renekton, easily the most alpha toplane champ. shame he's fuckin shit now.



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>most alpha toplane champ

Master Yi. Really simple to pick up, but Alpha Strike and Meditate allow for lots of skill expression and outplays. It's also fucking hilarious to watch the enemy team get assmad whenever you play a fight well.
Kayn, Kha'Zix, and Jarvan (full AD or bruiser, not tank) are also really fun to play
Gangplank. I love pirates and he gives me a Venom Snake vibe. Also he seems like a pretty genuine dude. Yeah, he'll fuck you up if you cross him, but he cares for his crew. What a stand up law breaking citizen.
>Overall Theme
Lots of good ones, can't decide between Karthus, Swain, or Jhin. Their voice overs are all fantastic. I think I'd go with Swain, although Karthus is also very close because that filter makes his already good voice even better.
>Meme Value
Fuckin love Kled's VO and his playstyle of going full retard and getting rewarded for it is hilarious. I would 100% main Kled if I wasn't a jungle main. AP Shyvana is also hilarious. One of the most fun things I've play recently.

>autowin lane against melee
>braindead shit
>not a fuckin toplane champ
>ranged champ with broken base stats, braindead autowin every lane

fuck off back to silver

Taric, a true robot

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I liked ashe and alistar.

You are too pure for this earth
pity you're a healslut faggot sodomite

undying, no doubt
i love sucking the strength out of all those carries and growing in size

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best answer, art of her always gets me diamonds

garen, he's so easy to play and has and awesome god-king skin

So annoying to lane against

Is it gay to want to look like ezreal?

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yes it is user
you should want to look like braum

I really liked Aatrox before the remake

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Nothing is more fun than cucking the enemy laner so hard that he just gives up the lane

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All it takes is one pill, anons. Are you sure you want to pass up such an easy chance?

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rammus is also an acceptable answer

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>no Draven
you'll never make it, robots.

comfiest champ of the whole game. easy to get away with and fun w mechanics

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True man of culture,beauty beyond words

Would be the outrageously manly Taric or Swain aka wizard Stalin for me

>comfiest champ of the whole game.
*blocks your path*

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>play wise
probably nami, janna or kindred
i also like tanks like nunu but i primarily play support. also assassins are fun every once in a while. ive been enjoying neeko a lot as well
>lore wise
kindred, hands down. also she has a beautiful design and i love her to bits. soraka too (she was my first support) and nidalee. neeko has some interesting lore as well

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Don't play anymore, but started playing when Ahri came out, thus the fox thot is my pick.

you got a point on there, i love his winter skin especially his w being hot choco. you should get it and try to grind for the golden chroma, which looks gorgeous

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>enemy top lane calls you cancer
>has less than 300 cs
>my sides

imagine not maining Draven

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Big yikes from me. I played Draven one time. Retarded support stole a double kill. Ended up running down mid even though we were winning. Fucking faggot needs to know his place, support players are scum

graves is my favorite champ
the feel when u blow up adc head with two big dick monster killer head shoots

Kindred, I would fuck her if given the chance

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>be me
>play Leona
>go full ap for the keks
>steal every kill
>win the game
>adc on suicide watch

8.11 ruined my existence
fuck rito omegalul

I quit League when they reworked GP. They improved his play style, but turned him into a faggot so I had no choice. I hadn't had any real fun with the game since Season 2 anyway.

Camille, Riven or Fiora for me.

Zilean. Only because his laugh + ulting himslef

Im just gonna leave the best fish roght here

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Old swain was my favourite champ and they fucking deleted him. If that wasn't enough, they salted the wound by leaving the mastery. Nuswain is on my top row of champs as a constant reminder that my main got fucking deleted. He was a demon of fate and knowledge in a flesh suit who hijaacked the strongest military in runeterra for his own inscrutable purposes in the lead up to the void invasion that drives a dozen champs lore. They replaced him with a tall chad with a glowing demon arm. In a btr episode the team behind nuswain literally said they didn't really care about old swain and the entire redesign was focused around the notion that he should have a cool demon arm and "just shoot the shit out of people' as they put it.

He was so much fun to play and his lore was so well meshed with their established universe. His play pattern was hype as fuck popping ghost and ult at the start of a fight and divebombing the enemy ad until he won the fight or had to skillglass and win the fight a few seconds later.

Why is riot so fucking useless?

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This is the best league pasta by far.

i feel you man, riot has reworked nearly every single champ i enjoyed over the years. swain, irelia, fizz, urgot, skarner, all reworked with retarded minigames. only renekton is left unchanged, but there's no doubt he will be reworked eventually.

Leona, Lulu and Syndra
Wukong, Fiddle and Lux

I know your pain, man.
I was a poppy main before her rework, i mean, she's still good, but sometimes i miss my little assassin with pigtails that could fucking kill an entire team and get 0 damage while doing so.
Something similar has happend to a lot of champions that i liked (urgot, aatrox, fiora, irelia, akali, taric, soraka, morde, warwick, galio, sion, nunu, graves)

I like zhao desu.

Twitch, nautilus, and the one that throws bombs is hometown

How's that a girl I don't get it

How about you take a seat?

it's a lamb, user.

>picking any champ but draven

>how can you be a girl if you're covered in fur?
it's a game dude, she's not real
>how can you be a girl if your mask doesn't look like one?

Its a lamb with a human female body why would u not wanna smash

pick one, zoomer

i love kayle

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>tfw not a single decent skin

zed is literally the best thing this company made

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