Thread for contrarian opinions (beliefs the vast majority disagree with you) on was deleted from /lit/ so I'm posting my rambling insanity here.
Thread for contrarian opinions (beliefs the vast majority disagree with you) on was deleted from /lit/ so I'm posting...
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The next enlightenment age will be one that rejects art.
The enlightenment age as we understand it was the rejection of truth founded without evidence and reason. Scientific thought flourished as the objective superceded the subjective which resulted in the repeated, accurate application of theory. This success made people see the value in such science and research and truth. This system of logic deeply rattled religion as well as other traditional values. Today, people can't even fathom the logic used by the common man to find truth prior to enlightenment therefore more and more people see less value in religious truth. The power welded by the church to control has diminished.
Art is purely subjective. There is no objective standard of what good art is therefore there is no such thing as good art. People place much value in art primarily because of irrational subjective tastes. There is no logic that can explain art beyond psychological analysis of how humans interact, how humans will pretend to be more intelligent by "understanding" art, how art is used to forward political agendas and control. None of it makes sense yet everyone pretends it does. They all get together and form positive or negative opinions based on one's view of or tastes in art. Even art used as a medium to express opinions is often misused, where one will make a complex piece to express an idea that could be summarised in a couple sentences. There's also the complete logical divide of people who deal with objective systems vs those who deal with subjective systems. For example, a good engineer wants to explain an idea to people as simply as possible while a "good" artist will try to explain an idea in a manner that's as consulted as possible. It always parallels creationist apologists or fake Kung Fu teachers who masquerade their phony opinions in a word salad. The purpose is to make the recipient feel as if they've learner something, rather than actually teach. I despise artists.
If you mock people who talk about their attachment to "the white race" then talk about your attachment to "the human race", you are a hypocrite and an idiot.
Same goes for talking about "our accomplishment". I'm tired to of listening to the black science Guy talking about "our discoveries". Mules and donkeys have done more for human advancement than blacks. I don't hear anyone saying "we are one race, the animal race" except PETA.
View #3
There is no such that as social "progress". There is only change. Progress implies some kind of objective measurement system where I jective morality does not exist.
There exists possibly 10,000 years of recorded human history encompassing a humungous array of different beliefs and even methods of logic. Then there's billions of years of universe life. Human history is a spec in existence that has seen so many different value/moral systemsrelative to the modern perspective. In 10,000 years, human morals and values will be tremendously different from today's and it won't be because there was "progress", it's because there was change. It may be the case in just 500 years that genocide of the inferior is the new moral behaviour and people will be claiming "progress" then.
>next enlightenment age
fuck this. i want second Renaissance.
View #4
Homosexuality may not be inherently immoral (in conventional moral systems) but I have a very strong inkling that homosexuality is actually a side effect of some innate brain state that drives people to be "society destroyers" / "progressives" / people who want to erode any conventional beliefs in the society they live in. This may explain their oppression throughout most of history across multiple distinct cultures. This may also explain their overrepresentation in "degenerative" activites
View #5
True environmentalists should support mass genocide and extremist positons to cull the inferior and continually produce more efficient beings through genetic engineering or selective breeding. It's the amount of people that is the primary threat to the environment. The solution is obviously to have greater quality of human and less quantity. Any other propositions are just feel good nonsense.
Genocide Africans, terraform Africa into an environmentalist utopia. Save the planet.
Africans lived in Africa for hundreds of thousands of years without ever becoming a threat to the environment. So maybe genocide Europeans and Asians and populate Europe and Asia with Africans?
god exists but he is evil
God exist and he is as smart as a jellyfish.
You don't want anything to do with Africa as a landscape.
I do agree with genociding the Africans though.
>Africans lived in Africa for hundreds of thousands of years without ever becoming a threat to the environment.
t.clueless about African history
The desertification of the Sahel is entirely a result of farming and overgrazing practices since 4000 BC and the Sahara Desert used to be much, much smaller.
t. dumb reddit spacer who doesn't understand how deserts are formed.
1. Africa has the largest mass of viable land that's going to waste.
2. The reason to target Africans is that it is most likely the case they would make inferior humans from an environmentalists perspective
3. It's not history that is important, it's the future. The African population is going to book in the next 100 years and they're going to not have adequate resources to sustain themselves, meaning they'll be forced to use the most harmful industrial techniques. They'll completely dwarf Chinese pollution with what's to come.
>going to waste
You are an industrialist looking to exploit nature. From an environmentalist standpoint, Africans are better than Europeans and Asians.
t.actual reddit user trying desperately to defend his 9 child-having female-circumcision practicing nigerien brown pets
Kafka wanted his writings burned for a reason: they sucked and he knew it
>From an environmentalist standpoint, Africans are better
Muhhhhh environmentally friendly noble savages
i agree with this
considering the world is rife with poverty, suffering, mindless torture & murder, general death & starvation, etc
and god is supposedly an "all powerful being" who can prevent anything & see into the future & watches humans through a surveillance camera in the sky at all times
he would be evil or at the very least completely apathetic and incapable of empathy or goodness to allow the world to be as cruel & horrifically vile as it is
trash isn't great for wildlife, but it's sure as hell not as bad as pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere
Wasn't there before Europeans/Jews and Asians went in to exploit the "natural resources" as they so like to call them.
It's no secret that Africans have lower general intelligence than Europeans and Asians, so they really have no way of resisting this kind of foreign exploitation.
t. magapede zoomer who came to Jow Forums in 2016 from r/thedonald and calls everything that makes him mad "reddit".
K but we actually are a human race, and you've done nothing for it.
jews aren't actually that bad
What about conservative homosexuals? Also progressive doesn't destroy society.
The US is consistently the #1 country in the world to reduce CO2 emissions more than any other in the last 10 years.
Environmentalism requires high IQ, and the exploding population in Africa is not environmentally friendly or sustainable at all. Millions of low IQ apes are only going to increase the global CO2 production rate.
So now reddit is good again? Make up your mind, you cuckold.
You don't have to be enviromentalist you just have to not be a threat to the environment. People like you are mad with impotent desire to genocide races and terraform the land, because of psychological complexes from your childhood. It doesn't matter how high you score on an IQ test, an African is better than you.
I'm actually not racist. If inherent differences between races regarding mental capacity, hormonal balance, etc, exist they are minimal. Environment, culture, health, upbringing and material well being are the primary driving forces of human behavior.
Your baseless assumptions exist purely on a nebulous and crumbling foundation of emotion and feels for your poor brown pets, who have complete disregard for the future and inability to think about the consequences of their actions.
Leave Africans alone and they pose no threat. Leave Europeans and Asians alone and the wreck the enviroment.
evil is a corruption of good
if evil is a corruption of good then evil cannot be the initial state of the universe because corruption means something has changed. This means that if God created the universe, he is necessarily good. Either suffering, torture, murder, death and starvation are good, or he has given us free will and we are the ones who fucked it up.
I have never seen a moral faggot. I originally thought homosexuality was okay, but afterwards every fag I ran into proved me wrong. I met a few who I thought were okay, one of them was a satanist pedophile, the other was a compulsive liar, the next turned into a crossdresser who likes being degraded, and so on. Fags are held to different standards than other humans as well. I heard this one fag tell a story about how he got a new boyfriend, and then cheated on them with his ex the same day, and the girls he was talking to thought it was 'cute'. If a straight guy or girl told such a story, people would think they're an asshole.
>Leave Africans alone
You mean like Ethiopians?
Can you use the slavery excuse for those innocent deforesting apes?
They are the Africans closest to Europeans, and they are still nowhere near as bad. You aren't getting it, you are insecure, immature and everything you say can be paraphrased as "me good, them bad, kill them, put me everwhere oooga booga".
>hurrr durr they got the whiteboi DNA
Grasping at straws yet again, based on, yet again, a totally false premise that your brown pets, who literally burn biomass to sustain themselves and leave diesel generations running 24/7, who pile up entire city districts with trash, are somehow the greenest, most environmentally aware people on the planet.
Humans have been inhabiting Africa far longer than any other continent, and the effect on the environment is thus more pronounced. You cannot argue with this simple fact no matter how much you scream about Asians and Whitebois.
>environmentally aware
I didn't say that. I said they damage the enviroment less than Asians and Europeans. There were no diesel motors in Africa before Europeans went there. They were never going to invent that stuff. Even today, African states are completely reliant on foreign "aid", to maintain their infrastructure.
Europeans(and Asians) on the other hand, are smart enough to be a danger to the environment, but not smart enough to care about things a hundred years from now. So genocide Europe and Asia, fill it up with Africans, and nature will sort itself out.
Most of r9k is of average or low intelligence and has developed a victim complex
Jow Forums and other sites that host 'hate boards' like this will be moved to the dark web in the following years
Casual racism developing into real fuck ups is a huge problem for the US since the radicalization of 'progressive' and 'conservative, pushed on to millennials who have never believed in anything before, anyone who is unironically a racist is an absolute fucking autistic moron
PC culture is the biggest threat to cultural freedom in the West since fascism, and it has already infilitrated politics, the entertainment industry and is widely available for easily indoctrinated teenagers to consume
Trump is a hack who doesn't know what he's doing most of the time but is still infinitely better than the shills before him
Technological advancements will most likely make Gen Z one of the most socially and logically retarded generations ever produced
Islam needs to be stopped from spreading or it may cause WW3, such an agressive religion with that many followers in this day and age cannot be going on for much longer before something major gets fucked up
alpha/beta/cuck terminology and beliefs held by incels are one of the dumbest shit I've ever heard
fuck the fucking robot
A guy who calls homosexuals "fags" isn't moral. Gossiping is also not moral. Sorry pal.