Did anyone here lose his virginity in late 20s? What was it like?
Did anyone here lose his virginity in late 20s? What was it like?
Can't say.
t. 26 khv
Not what I expected. I kept losing my erection which was something I never thought would happen. Still, overall, it went way better than I thought it would.
how did you stop autismo from ruining it?
I didn't talk much, which she seemed to prefer, lol. I did do some things that I look back on and cringe but nothing too bad.
Not me. I became a wizard.
Lost mine at 29. Finally just told myself I was gonna get it over with a went to see a backpage escort. It felt good but overall it was underwhelming after a whole life of everyone hyping up sex like it's the most amazing thing ever. Afterward it was just like "huh. That's what all the hype has been about?". I will say it was liberating in a way. Having had it and being underwhelmed I don't chase after roasties or put them on a pedestal anymore. I imagine most of you arn't gonna believe this, but you permavirgins really arn't missing as much as you think you are.
>escort sex
yeah, sex without emotion is just enhanced masturbation.
ya, awkward hooker experience. got to nut in her mouth though, it was alright.
fellow hooker fucker *tips*
wouldnt bar skank sex be very similar? yet people cant stop doing it
>skank sex
still there's more emotion than in escort sex.
At least with casual sex with a slut she at least is attracted to you and actually receives pleasure from fucking you
Prostitution is just paid rape
yea fair enough. i forgot about the attraction part.
Aw yes I remember it fondly. Me and some drunk flapper went to visit the Chicago World's Fair. We had a rip roarin' good time in an ally somewhere. I thought I got her pregnant so I took her to a nice chap who went by the name Dr. Holmes. He took her in and I haven't heard of them since.
not me, im 28kv and i dont intend on ever losing it. i strongly believe in god and i think theres a very realistic chance of space-jesus returning and even if space-jesus doesnt return i still believe its a sin and i believe in god regardless
lost it at 15
youl cum fast then itl become routine stop being a pussy and fuck a easy 6 or 7 to get back in the game
you're losing it. seek help as in escort
>seek help as in escort
what will it change?
You'll be less scared.
Sex with escorts is essentially rape. How can you fuck someone who doesnt actually want to fuck you?
>sex with escorts is essentially rape
shit bait
Come sit on my lap and I'll show you.
How do i convince a girl to have sex with a 29 year old virgin man
last week to a chinese girl at 22 y/o
now I can die
>How can you fuck someone who doesnt actually want to fuck you?
She wants to if you have money.
>29 year old
Be a 29 year old virigin chad.