Is there anything more pure than the female genitalia?
Women are so fucking perfect...
Is there anything more pure than the female genitalia?
They usually look pretty bad and they smell like godawful shit.
>implying you have 1st hand knowledge
Yeah sure thing virgin
men are more beautiful
Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled desu
stop worshiping pussy you fag. Women are shit and you know it.
No men are shit desu.
Imagine how peaceful, and well taken care of the earth would be if women ruled. Men were a mistake
Have you ever worked in a group of females? They don't cooperate worth anything. I hate working with women.
lol women cant even maintain peace within their "friend" circles. their pea brains are not capable of keeping order.
Tbh user i dont really think about it that much anymore
like when i was a kid i used to think girls had dicks just like guys because i never had any sisters or close female friends growing up and thusly didnt se a vagina till i was into my preteens serfring the internet
This theory was also reinforced when i was young due to this one time at the beach were someone said there was a naked girl running around and it turned out to be a boy and i just through
>"Oh, guess girls have penises to"
I then got into the internet and by the fucked up nature of the rule 34 shit that was my first experiences with porn by googling shit like
>"hermione granger hot"
Actually ended up seeing strapon and shemale porn before i saw straight porn lol
Though i had a few gfs in highschool we never did anything sexual or anything at all beyond making out a few times.
A drunk female friend of my parents in her 30s flashed me her tits at a haloween party when i aws 14 but that was the high point of my "sexual experiences"
anyway im in college now and have been a virgin my whole life
im not anti social or anything, at least not cringy
i talk to girls, flirt sometimes even, dare i say, touch them lol
I also force myself to go to parites at least once or twice a month so people dont start talking about me where i usually get shit faced and make a bunch of shitty semi racist and sexist jokes with a bunch of my "friends"
to me vagina is just an unnatainable unknowable
im not bitter about it
its like knowing you arent going to set foot on a forigne planet, might make you sad if you think to much about it but life goes on outside of it no matter what
in BCT I was on a landnav team with 2 females. They bitched and fought among each other the entire damn time. Only problem was on had the compass and the other had the map. I had to finagle the fuck out of that one.
I came out of one, so it clearly can't be pure.
>Actually ended up seeing strapon and shemale porn before i saw straight porn lol
I remember doing the same stumbling internet searches as a kid (I used Lycos at the time since Google was still new) and I'm pretty sure the very first bits of porn I actually happened to see online were shemale and furry; I already knew the difference though because we had one of those sample volumes of Encyclopedia Britannica when I was little and it had a page showing male and female anatomy side-by-side along with a few Renaissance paintings of women posing nude
>to me vagina is just an unnatainable unknowable
>im not bitter about it
>its like knowing you arent going to set foot on a forigne planet, might make you sad if you think to much about it but life goes on outside of it no matter what
Life has become much more palatable once I figured it out
uhm, post more?
>smell like godawful shit.
Either you're gay, or the only thing you've ever fucked is a 5$ unwashed hooker.
how do u guys find that pretty?
it looks like it came from an alien movie or smth, gross
Why do incels find innie pussies so appealing?
Because they don't look like roast beef.
Hardly any vaginas actually look like that. Not that you'd know of course
nobody likes roast beef. they still fuck them because a hole's a hole. if men had it their way, there would be no beef curtains. only innies. but some good women have roasties so men have to make sacrifices sometimes. even if it means passing on bad aesthetic roastie vag genes.
That's not really an insult considering roast beef could be a regional occurrence.
How many women would I have to sample in order to get an accurate result.
I could just go ask my dad though, he's a pediatrician so I'm sure he's seen a lot.
>most women have had 50 different dicks in them by the age of 18
>most women's pussies look like roast beef
say whaaaaaat?
I meant most dont look like innies, I should've been more clear
i love innies so fucking much but my gf has a disgusting roast beef and small tits she really lost the genetic lottery
only thing going for her is the 7/10 face