Just give up
(tys. stands for a thousand/-s)
Just give up
(tys. stands for a thousand/-s)
>dawanie jebania o czyde
one of the top comments
The only solution to the woman problem is a final solution.
Fuck off incel.
Women should be worshiped, they're so beautiful and pure.
i have a penis thickness in the top 99% percentile but i am a humble shy man
>Women should be worshiped, they're so beautiful and pure.
Have fun prepping your bull
You are clinically retarded if you haven't gone MGTOW yet.
>Receiving a call from a nice boy who wants to go to the movies
Pic related
I'd rather be a cuck, than a pathetic spiteful forever alone virgin.
Limited female contact is better than none at all.
karaczan zamkneli?
Post more sad shit like this
Chuj wie, fajnie by bylo.
>Fuck off incel.
>Women should be worshiped, they're so beautiful and pure.
Yeah that's basically what's going through the mind of normies on this board
You'd rather be a cuck because you're not a person
Wheres that unironic cartoon comic from reddit that explains beta males make the best providers and chads have the best genes for giving kids?
safe and redpilled
Robots only hate what they can't have. If you had any chance of getting a girl to be attracted to you, you'd drop your hateful ideals in a heartbeat.
That doesn't make any sense
what is the 3rd one supposed to be all I can make out is some dyslectic Magic the Gathering Obese Welfare shorthand
liking white roasties is nasty user, especially ones who say shit like in OP. If you disagree you are a literal cuck. Only asian girls should be worshipped.
I went on a second date with a girl I really like today.
I then proceeded to piss myself on said date since I have bladder issues.
She still wants to go on another date with me.
Guys, that's how rigged the game is, even guys that piss themselves get another chance
No thanks, Asians are naturally ugly
this is why almost all european males are gay
that's gonna be a huge yikes from me user.
Idc about your preferences user.
You can stop responding to me now.
>obsessing over women from one race only
love me all them flavours
>Women only choose men with good genetics to ensure only the best genes get passed on
>Has sex with low iq violent thugs
>hates the cute jap girl
>loves that disgusting creature
You're preferences are shit, at least pick a decent looking girl to post.
Only Arab women are worth having sex with
lel jokes on you I gave up chasing pussy long ago, I focused on my career, pussy is devil's work anyway
You fags will never learn. Women don't want attention for no reason. Women want attention when they feel like they earned it.
Looks mean significantly less to women. You still have to be attractive, but a man that only has love for himself is a catch to them.
Most people have no self love at all. Tyrone and Chad will tell a 10/10 to fuck off
Where are the cutebois on that chart? :3
Pretty sure they want both
You're falling for the meme. What they say they want isn't what they think they deserve.
If you need a lenghtly explanation @ me.
>a lengthy explanation @ me
No, thanks