Civ V thread
Civ V thread
What settings do you play on? map etc.
Russia is a dope start for the iroquois on that map
Use the kekistan mod it's resonably balanced imho
use babylon it is op on a mountain desert petra city
Great game, idk why but these games are like crack.
Been playing a lot of pic.
That game killed the series, such a shit game. Even for a while after it came out you could still get in a civ5 at all times but now you can't even get a civ 6 game all the time.
>not using Vox Populi
I fire up Civ5 every now and then for a game, it's always good for a bit of fun.
Last time I ended up playing as Siam but lost because one of my opponents won a culture victory, fuck culture victories honestly, should have remembered to disable that shit.
>spawn next to alexander
every fucking time. wish i had friends that played this game im sick of coasting through on immortal and getting double teamed by turn 100 on deity
well this thread made me want to play a game. off i go boys
Anons is 6 any better than 5 really? Multiplayer mods sound neat but I don't know what else is new in it.
>he plays without mods
>don't mind me im just placing an army here for a bit
CivV is cool and all, but stacking 20 archers the same tile in civ IV? Real shit
i never really played the game at a high difficulty
but my strat was
>egypt for wonder production boost
>build 1 worker and other units
>rush pyramids
>improve every tile
>get more wonders
>sell workers off or gift
at this point you will have enough money to buy an army and most buildings
this was against AI as well
I wish happiness wasn't so punishing. I can have 4-6 cities at most in a passive Freedom playthrough, but if other Civs start getting city states or exert too much ideology pressure, I'm usually fucked. 4 city meta on Deity is pretty shit desu.
Domination is entirely different, I like to eat everything up.
>unit blobs
Still love Civ IV however.
I've never finished a single game, I get bored every time
egypt is pretty useless on higher difficulties since the AI gets tons of tech at the start and you only catch up later. some attainable wonders are oracle and a few others if you beeline. sucks since having wonders feels so good buts its nearly impossible to build the early ones