mfw talking to a girl on discord and she goes on an autistic rant about traps
mfw i wanna one though
Mfw talking to a girl on discord and she goes on an autistic rant about traps
women are literally fucking retarded
i'm gonna call this now, remember this post
it's probably a man larping
If is actually grill, would wife just for that.
fuck* i meant i wanna fuck one
dear god please please please let me fuck a tranny i wanna fuck one so bad please
Trannies and traps are cretinous but the way she types (obsequious typing style), the things she says and the way she formatted her sentences just makes it very clear she's kind of dumb
like not even because of what she said just because of the way she types. She seems dumb as fuck
at least whores on discord I personally meet, just go around complimenting others and that's about it. Makes you feel good without having to endure the pain of listening to their stupid frothing. Discord aint so bad
Fake trad to fit in as ONE OF THE BOYS!!!1!! And to appear more intelligent
>girls don't post their actual buttholes online
she went off on that autistic rage tho
you wouldn't wife shit because you're a weak bitch
well she probably is used to twitter now
what's the point of this post? no one is saying she's smart-obvious she's autistic
dude I'm a girl who feels the same way can you please give me her discord I need a female companion that isn't retarded
Lmao women jelly of cute trap bussy you must be fat and roastie
hers is bunyip#5400
plenty of girls who don't type like that
I also don't know how but I can just kind of feel that she's fat through that post.
Again. Trannies are disgusting and I literally curse the day anyone ever mentioned them on this board. It's gone downhill since that.
>mfw traps are a mirror image of women and make them act more feminine and cease their gross slut behavior
>u think girls go around posting their actual buttholes begging for attention?
Yeah, actually, they do. At the very least they're dm'ing it to the guys they want attention from specifically. Still only slightly better.
>well she probably is used to twitter now
Not that user, but damn, you're probably right. lol Never went on twitter but I can imagine it's created a certain culture of typing...
based opinion but her typing style is retarded
dumb bitches are the best though
>t. assravaged beyond the ends of the earth
OP if you have more pls share, the potential megawatts of butthurt this cutie could inflict must not be kept to yourself
gender crit thread on lolcow's /ot/. Join us sister.
she has borderline personality disorder if u weren't sure OP
based but pretty much anytime a female has a right opinion on anything she is
>being disingenuous to seek approval and attention
>her boyfriend is telling her what to think
Pushing the whole tranny thing on women is good, because they get really catty and upset when they have to give up their special privileges to men.
I hate trans/gay people more than you retards but I'm willing to bet my manliness on the fact women who are anti-trans just hate the fact there are guys doing a better job at being girls than you are. Even my BFF has stated how she's pissed at the fact there are guys that are hotter and more cute than she ever could be.
She's 100% correct. Trannies are by far the most deviant group of people I've ever socialized with. They're like gay men x10
>I'm scared of competition: the rant
desu I'm glad trannies are devaluing pussy, even if just by a little.
Where can I meet cute traps, asking for a friend.
Ya my professor had to send out an email to all the younger students in his class regarding email etiquette. He showed me they were all, especially the girls, writing him like this
Hey prof I cant be in class next week just a heads up
Not signing it, not using a subject, entitled in thinking among hundreds of students he will remember each one, no punctuation, etc
I really do think it is twitter typing culture.
>i'd wife a woman bc she's getting super jealous
>women claiming moral superiority over traps
women are worse than traps
im a gril and i dont care about traps but ive noticed the way they undermine girls. pic related
I don't care about the gay ones that much, they can go play housewife all they want. Nor do I care about your homophobic hate boner. In my country, autogynephilic heterosexual men like pic related are 100% within their legal rights to use womens changing rooms, homeless shelters, bathrooms etc. They are an actual, tangible threat to my physical well being. You will never understand what it's like to hate someone that much.
If women are so easily undermined that a fucking stupid ass meme wrecks you, you deserve to be dethroned by traps because at least they work hard.
I know this girl. Good to know shes doing well
>They are an actual, tangible threat to my physical well being.
Oh okay. Have you ever been attacked or threatened by a trans when you were in those places doing your thing? lol
>You will never understand what it's like to hate someone that much.
I've actually had sexual assault attempts on me by gay men. lol.
>Nor do I care about your homophobic hate boner.
I do find it interesting how a woman reacts when her sexual value is made less though. Tell me how do you feel about the sex bots/artificial wombs that will be an option in the future?
go on /lgbt/ and join the chasergen discord
Bait or actually being serious?
women are def jealous of cute traps
ur "def" not fooling anyone :3
>cute traps
Where? Outside of photographs, their shoulders and square jaws are painfully obvious.
No, I'm being serious. Ever talk to a normie girl that is pro LGBTQ but if you talk with her about bi guys they're repulsed and could never date one? There's a ton of girls like that, I would say most normie girls are. It's not a direct thing, but I think that it's some what related.
my other post.
How many trap-lovers here are non-virgin normalfags? Seems like a lot.
>at least they work hard.
do they though?
roasties hate trannys because they can give all they offer and much more desu
It's probably fake, but
>trannies trigger the femoids
This feels a lot better than it should be.
The worst part is, I want to see more seething femoids.
>u think girls go around posting their actual buttholes begging for attention
Oh, I remember the camwhores on Jow Forums. But women figured out that they can charge money for that; so no more free porn.