
we dont care about new OP images we're freaks edition

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Lee Anthony Hoyland slowly inserting his penis into a woman's vagina



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Read newspapers

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thought he was a big Brighton visiting bender?

>I love my job

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>Goes out to visit the 'gay scene' in Sheffield

He's saku of the north

I don't know how to go out of my comfort zone in that regard.

Nothing more repulsive than big fat queers. It's like Stephen Fry, utterly offensive and vomit inducing

The day Ebin loses his Virginity will be glorious, so many other people here will lose their last shred of hope

He used to call himself bisexual but then retconned it later on, probably out of embarassment or something. He is a mong.
He is only really disgusting because he is fat and arrogant desu.

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>goes to a meet organised by a man with multiple stds
>gets lethal dose of morphine instead

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I don't deserve good things.

how are you today lads? been keeping your social credit score nice and high?

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Who's organising it?

>my former employer has paid me now
>they've underpaid me by 100 quid

fuck sake, this just makes things more complicated

Only a matter of time until it comes here. All of us will be on negative credit instantly.

Why do you always make posts but never reply to the people who respond?

>drove from york to newcastle in just over an hour
I suspect I would get bad boy points for that

Why do you sound like some normie uni student on your youtube vlog?

Because he posts the same thing on 3/4 different boards

Because people usually (rightfully) tell him hes trash

I reply to all posts provided they're not just mocking me

Jealous that I sound white?

You sound like a stupid paki on your blog because you are a stupid paki.

You ignored mine last thread. Bit hurt tbqh
Makes sense
I more so meant the normal posts

im straight though and i highly doubt you're a girl ;_:

a lad who got hiv from fucking asian prostitutes.

I think im more handsome than people perceive me to be, this is not good.

You sound more white than ebin.

I sometimes think like this, but then others I think I look horrific. Very conflicted.

You listened to my vocaroo right? I-im a girl

Brian Wilson is one of the most interesting and clever people out there lads
he describes things which we all feel but can't understand

Thanks, not much of a challenge

What did you say?

Why are bitches so crazy. Especially weeb lasses, I've never spoke to one that isn't an absolute obsessive nut case

1 hour until far cry 5 installs
Please tell me it's not shit, I really enjoyed 2 and 3, 4 was ok.
I've been downloading it for a day now.

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Do you think midgets get laid a lot solely for the reason that people want to experience having sex with a midget?

oh no i dont post that much
sure i'll be your bf, did you go to the london show this year? it was pretty fucking great

Midgets get laid more than I do.

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Yeah you are definitely on to something there. I bet amputees get loads of puss for the same reason.

I went to Manchester in 2016 and field day last year which was the same day as the terrorist attack not too far away


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oh shit, thats pretty fucked
Exmilitary is their best album btw
Where abouts in Birmingham

Calm it right down shippy lad.

Try new things,maybe go to the gym try to make friends stuff like that. Things will change if you make an effort.

love christmas time down local slave pit. get to stuff muh face with easter eggs
might have been my last weekend of the year as well. might not be in next week, that gives me 4 week off. not too bad/10

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BBC weather...whats the point of it? they are always wrong then at the last minute they change their forecast, whats the point of a forecast if you keep changing it?

everyone take this time to be thankful for you pernus

We watching the Boca v River game lads?

I do have friends, but I haven't seen them for a while.

Selly oak for uni but I'm from Redditch

I was complaining that I'm gonna miss the meetup by 5 days, so I'm pretty bummed

You people aren't actually going to Leicester Square to spaz it up together, right?

>wanting to go to a meetup with a paki, a nonce and a jailbait tranny

>literally from reddit town

Most of the people going arent very spazzy

yeah, I remember that post and wasn't sure if you were serious since you didn't explain why you were unable to attend

Thought it was some kind of joke

I'm hardly jailbait

Not sure lad, I only know a few weeb girls online and theyre just varying severities of depression, not proper mental like me haha

all this meet proves is that this whole board is full of normie

>a paki, a nonce and a jailbait tranny
all me

No, I seriously can't attend. I'm flying out of the country in a little over 12 hours

>I'm hardly jailbait
he wasn't referring to you

You can't be sure of that, unless you're all namefags. In which case you are spazzy and just oblivious to it

Why don't you have confidence then? Trust me there are plenty of people with no friends at all

im quite close to redditch
whenever i've been there it has legit seemed like a ghost town though

Lads I have a large fee-free overdraft for several years as a student
Is it wise to use this as free cash

yeah man, should be good, hopefully violent

having friends doesn't give me the confidence to get a gf.

No lad Im still paying mine off

I've seen my flatmates maybe 5 times tops over the last 3 months. It's a bit strange, I used to be really good friends with my flatmates last year but this year I'd rather just stay in my room and play video games. Doesn't help I got diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression like, but still. I hope they don't think I'm some serial killer or something, I just don't really want to hang around a bunch of 19 year old girls tbqh

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its not free though really is it.

I have 20 quid left of 1000 quid overdraft lad, but my final rent payment is only 800 quid so I'll have 2000 bong left over at the end of the year which I'm going to pay it off with and then drop out and change my life for the better init

yeah its free cash for a few years no interest, doesnt affect your credit score or nowt


this nonce hunters voice though

Fuck off, normie

This isn't the place for you

Try facebook

so you don't have to pay it back?
because thats my idea of what free is.

hello, i'm amy, and welcome back to k chat! call now for the pastor richard's salvation statue, 1 800 9 SAVE ME

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You do have to pay it back lol just not until after you stop being a student

so its not free is it.

my bank lets you keep it till 2 years after you graduate

What you gotta do is find some way to be interacting with women on a regular basis, then you will be desensitized and you'll have the confidence and ability with women needed to get a gf. Maybe get a job or something first.

If you like 2 and 3, 4 then you will like 5, it's meh tho

Why are you being a cheeky little cunt to my mate user? he is hardly a normie if he sits in his room all day. speak to me mate like that again and we are going to fall out laddy

That's what I mean by after being a student, either graduation or dropping out. Not all banks are that generous enoughto give two years however.

I never said it was free but it basically is assuming you get a job out of uni

>yeah its free cash
is what you said mate

Reeeeee that wasn't me

It's his gimmick/bait. He calls everyone who goes to concerts, has flatmates, goes to uni a normie, even though he's done all of those things.

I think the idea is that stuff triggers some bad memories

fucking unicunts amirite?

I have a job and have had multiple jobs.

You are right. He is a bloody weirdo.

I had two student bank accounts with 2000 pounds interest free overdrafts. They were certainly useful at the time but you have to pay them back and it can really fuck you over to suddenly have to pay interest on big amount of money if your money is tight.

Dont be too worried about using them but try not to put yourself in a situation you can't come back from. Get the overdraft and make use of it but don't race to max it out.

I could get laid in 2 hours, I'm just too lazy drive 115 miles for 20 minutes with some 3/10 from tinder

>ever going into your overdraft
Stop being poorfag anons. Only brainlets go into their overdrafts.

Going to apply for the max and buy myself a Macbook because i'm an idiot

so im thinking of getting stardew valley for a comfy game on these cold nights, should i get it? is it nice and casual but still good enough to keep me from noticing how shit things currently are?

It's alri, but I prefer more active games. It's personal preference, really

>20 minutes

you wish

just kidding lad, not making your way up to glorious west lancashire in the near future?

Ask out one of your coworkers

did you try starting to talk to girls from Jow Forums before? even if they are weird or something you get used to talking to girls at least

I've got 6k in savings but feel poor

>he doesn't get a 3000 quid student overdraft and wack in a high interest savings account while he studies and saves the interest when he graduates
literally free money

im fine with not having a gf for loads of reasons, i even think i dont even want one
but holy fuck i NEED to have sex or something, since doing nofap i feel tons better about life but i'm going out of my mind