Why is Jow Forums so full of CRINGEY RIGHT WINGERS all of the sudden?

Why is Jow Forums so full of CRINGEY RIGHT WINGERS all of the sudden?

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I'm not right wing at all, I'm Jewish.

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I saved this image recently too

Wish all politicalfags would die regardless of their affiliation.

>tfw apolitical
It's a nice way of saying I don't give a shit about literally anything.

Jews doesn't open gold and silver.
You are fake Jews.

True, but that's just a random banged up and tarnished bar I have had for a while, not worth bothering to get protection for at this point.

All my bullion 1/10/kilo sized bars are in plastic seals.

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Joke's on you dumbshits, apoliticalness is itself a political choice.

Sorry i meant Jews don't own gold.
It's a bad investment, Jews have been keeping the price of gold down by flooding the market with Canada's reserves and futures manipulation.

Incel migration from reddit


Gold doesn't tarnish so it doesn't need a case unless it's a collectable.

>Joke's on you dumbshits, apoliticalness is itself a political choice.
Your dumb lolol

They went through a confusing period in their lives and got tricked by internet propaganda while at it

Sure the price of silver and gold is being artificially forced down (more so silver then gold), but it's a safe counter to the immanent hyper-inflation the dollar will go through.

I was referring to the silver bar in my previous post

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That's only if they don't out law precious metals like FDR did during his presidency.
The global standard during a global meltdown will be chip implant rations. Digital currency, ownership of gold will be reported and confiscated.

I didn't say it's a not-thing. If anything, apoliticalness is an example of bad faith in the existential sense. It's a disingenuous ruse, a denial of ones own inherent freedom to make political choices by posturing as though one is somehow above the struggle or that it doesn't affect them. Stop being a waffling, insincere, inauthentic, fence-humping little bitch and align yourself already.

Attached: badfaithquote.jpg (638x479, 70K)

why is r9k so full of cringey trans cult members trying to convince autistic people that their body dysphoria is them actually wanting to be the opposite sex.

Jow Forums had a leak

>align yourself with a political view
What if I hate them all?

What's stopping you from forging your own political identity by synthesizing together the parts that you relate to?

Not wasting my time with it comes to mind.

Getting kinda meta here, I can't keep up