So Anons, what level are you at? Are you close to leveling up?

So Anons, what level are you at? Are you close to leveling up?

Will you help build the 4th Reich and save the world?

Attached: 1532085775497.jpg (916x1024, 292K)

Poor quality pictire. The sizes are uneven and a mess. The font is shit. And the descriptions are too long to even bother to read. 3/10

I will never stop defending America and white western civilization.

Attached: western civilization.jpg (768x768, 232K)

>Someone UNIRONICALLY made that image
>He probably thinks he's a "preserver of freedom and mankind"
>Even though he's some neckbeard shitposting on an anime website
Jesus Christ

Were not gonna make it bros, sorry

Attached: 124213.jpg (720x604, 82K)

>that pic
Yikes, imagine actually calling yourself a savior of the west. Cringemaxnuim, pol tards need to off themselves.

Attached: 006owOrYly1fwu95ifspaj31hf1hfnox.jpg (1923x1842, 786K)

Someone sure sounds suspiciously worried about some "dumb internet meme"
That should tell you something, lads.

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None of these are even close. I really can't relate to any of these.

>defender of western "white" civilization
>pictures are of statues made by non-white civilization
lol try using stuff like pic related next time.

Attached: english castle.jpg (1360x680, 140K)

I'm an upholder of the west, redpilling the sheeple

Attached: 1541266162164.jpg (748x790, 104K)

Level 0: Mongoloid

Attached: irish teutonic and negro snip.png (743x412, 302K)

>that second level
Sweet jesus why are right cuck such......well you know cucks? Doesn't matter anyway they're all neckbeards anyway. Read lenin and Stalin faggots.

Attached: jose diaz 4.jpg (233x251, 46K)

This guy looks more like he's about to go rob a convenience store rather than attend a party.

im a right libertarian where does this put me

You all get the wall first.

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I went from a 5 to a 7 in one month.

Shut up and go outside loser

Attached: 006owOrYly1fwu95hhzoyj31hf1hf1kx.jpg (1923x1841, 860K)

10 all the way baby.

Attached: pol star wars342.jpg (600x621, 201K)

It will work this time, I know it.

Attached: 1544133010727.png (675x840, 476K)

Hahahahhahahah what the fuck is this picture

>Thinking im some dumb tankie or commie

Chill out friend, I don't know whats next. But, I do know that capitalism doesn't work and should be actively and violently destroyed.

It's Jow Forums being right once again.

>little cuck ball
>the entire fucking staff shit
Sweet jesus you people are lost, y'all need jesus, and I'm not even religious. Is that hoe you lads really see the world? Are fags really so obbssed with WFBM? You guys are cucks and don't even realize it

Attached: CblmCJGVAAAWuBZ.jpg (1200x573, 46K)

I have a university degree in an acceptable field with no debt, I think that the majority of people are beyond retarded but I also vote socialist because I don't believe in the "free market" ever doing anything good for anything beside their own paycheck

When did you realize that "the west" (i.e. America) is the source of all degeneracy?

Attached: communsim35423.png (1168x1568, 166K)

Where does nihilism fit?

This has to be ironic right, user? You don't seriously believe this?

Attached: 1507703183218.png (705x816, 685K)

unpopular opinion:
womens' rights, LGBT rights, and anti-racism are core parts of white Western culture that have to be defended

Last year

Honestly if there was a button to kill all collectivists I would press it without hesitation. You are all that is wrong with this world. Who killed over 40 million europeans? The Nazis did.
Who killed even more? The commies.
Who turned china into the cultureless hellhole it is today? The commies.
Why is the first world slowly degenerating while the third world has no chance of ever getting uplifted? The socialists.
Why are right wing movements universally shunned? The nazis.
Why is chemically castrating your child acceptable? The marxists.

Probably about 6-7.

tier 7, probably won't go further that 8

>Why is the first world slowly degenerating while the third world has no chance of ever getting uplifted? The socialists.
> The socialists.

That's an odd way to spell "neoliberals" (i.e. fiscal conservatives.)

Attached: neoliberal 3059250890348590904.png (1000x1000, 475K)

Jow Forumstards are literally future school shooters

>who made chemically castrating your child acceptable
>the Marxist
Nigga what
>who turned China's culture into shit
Culture is collectivist though.

Attached: 1373029113660.jpg (400x458, 30K)

Why was germany bankrupted to the point where nazis rose to power?

>Why was germany bankrupted to the point where nazis rose to power?
The commies.

Imagine being this much of a retarded amerifat

Attached: 1544380403383.jpg (750x734, 90K)


already happened plenty desu

The real mystery with Hitler and nazis is why they decided to jettison the actual national socialists from their movement once they got into power. Why would "national socialists" murder anti-capitalists within their own party?

Attached: hitler strasser.png (1024x600, 329K)

Well played, shouldn't have given you an open ended questions. The commies didn't own the banks though.

>implying I'm American
America is a filthy state run by collectivists pretending to be capitalists.

>capitalism fails

Attached: smug 45r034543.jpg (367x458, 39K)

They genuinely love their jewish overlords for some reason

You still have a retarded and propagandistic view of politics in general. i.e. muh collectivism vs small gubberment

Somewhere between 8 and 9 I suppose.
Children are out of question however, since GL with finding any girl above level 3

*corporatist kleptocrats pretending to be capitalists

actual free-market neoliberals vote democrat, because republicans are pro-monopoly and pro-oligarchy. they also refuse to correct for fossil fuel/pollution externalities and hate free trade.

>Ugly incel is a Jow Forums tard with delusions of grandeur

Reminder that Jow Forums and /tv/ were posting that unironically for months prior to the release of episode 7.

I'm never having children, so I don't care what the world is like after I'm dead. The things that are happening now are not worth fighting against. This world doesn't deserve to be saved.

Does this make me a degenerate?

>leftist is shaking about someone not toeing the soi-line
What a surprise!

Seething hard

I'm a Strasserist and I don't see myself anywhere on that scale desu.

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FUCK stormfags and FUCK libtards

Attached: 3rspos.jpg (727x469, 48K)

whatever you say mr. projector

Jesus Christ you fucking neckbeards give yourselves too much credit

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Level 7, working towards level 8 but I still have to get Jow Forums and become a Jow Forumsommando, which is not gonna be easy thanks to the europoor union

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